Chapter 9: Crush

Third person Pov:

Ayano could tell he was avoiding her. You could tell he was off today as he would be more talkative and energetic, but he wasn't like that today, and Ayano knew it was her fault for that.

After club activities were over, Ayano was going to try and talk to Budo, but every time she tried to talk to him, her courage would always disappear whenever he looked at her, but this time she will over come it.

Ayano was going to talk to Budo after the rest of the club members left, but to her surprise Taro was waiting for her right outside of the club room.

Ayano had no choice as she couldn't think of an excuse for her to say longer, so she ended up heading home with her "boyfriend" who she didn’t love anymore.

After everyone left Budo walked over to the Occult club and as he was about to open it Oka opened it first. She walked out and locked the club room before asking Budo if he was ready. Budo nodded and they both left the school together. 

After Ayano walked Taro home she was feeling a little snackish so on her way home she stop by the convenient store and as she was in there she heard a voice that sounded super familiar. She looked out side of the store and she saw Budo walking with Oka.

Ayano mind went blank when she saw the two together. She walked out of the store and started to fallow them.

She watched how they made each other laugh and then she remembered Budo use to do the same thing with her. He would try everything to make Ayano smile when she told him she couldn't feel anything and everytime she pushed him away he would just come back closer. Ayano held those moments with Budo close to her.

“uh…Budo-kun?” Oka said getting Ayano back to reality as she continued to stalk them. Budo turn his head twords her “what is it Oka-chan?” Budo said as they both stop walking “d-do you have a crush on a-anyone?” Oka said with a really red face.

Budo was caught off guard he didn’t know Oka of all people would ever ask him this.

Budo sighed as he knew he had to give an answer “I used to have a really huge crush on someone, no matter how much she pushed me away I would always stay by her side" their was a moment of silence “what happened?” Oka said. Budo sighed once more before giving a sad smile while looking at the ground “she was just using me to get to some guy. It really did break my heart and I was really depressed” Budo smiled again and looked at Oka “thanks Oka-chan" Budo said “for what?” Oka said not knowing what she did “when you gave me that hug today, it really helped me recover, so thank you" he said Oka nodded while she had a warm feeling inside her. They continued to walk.

Ayano was still following them while a lot of things were going through her head. They stop once more “Budo was the one you liked Ayano Aishi?” Oka couldn’t help it. She use to see them together all the time but not anymore. Oka wanted to see if she was right. Ayano felt like her heart was stopping and time was pausing when she heard Oka say that.

It was really quite.

Budo opened his mouth and started to speak “yes, I had a huge crush on Ayano Aishi, but she just used me to get to Taro the real person she loved and, so yeah" Budo said.

Oka nodded and she stopped asking questions while changing the subject to something that would be more uplifting.

Ayano stopped follow them. She was in so much shock that Budo really liked her even if she was the person killing people. She never told him why she was killing them, she somehow made it out without telling him.

Ayano went to to her house and stayed in her room. She was feeling a sharp pain in her heart as it also felt like it was going to burst from her chest.
