Jungkook X Jihyo (JungHyo/HyoKook) - Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

A/n: this is sort of angst-y, cheating is mentioned, and I'm apologizing in advance for making the Dreamcatcher member such a bitch
Start: June 2018

Part 1

3rd person POV

Jihyo loved Jungkook with all her heart. Even when in their time of being married (they got married in January 2017), he had become cold and distant.

Every morning she showed him a smile before he left for work. He always stopped her from kissing his cheek, so she eventually stopped.

Every evening they ate dinner together, in silence. Jihyo asked him a few questions each night but he simply ignored her.

After both finished their dinner, Jungkook would go to their room and change. He left not long after and told her to not bother waiting up for him.

Jihyo always told him "Have fun" even though she knew what he did every night. Every night she waited up for him, despite him telling her not to. Every night he came home extremely late, reeking of sweat and alcohol.

Every night Jihyo knew that he was sleeping with a random girl he met at a bar or club. Despite that, she did her best to show her husband love and kindness.

After waiting for him to pass out in their room, Jihyo changed his clothes and made sure he was comfortable in the bed. She kissed his forehead, put a bottle of aspirin on the nightstand with a bottle of water next to it then went to the guest room and cried herself to sleep, her heart broken yet again.

Then morning came and they did it all over again.

Until Jihyo had enough

Jihyo was at Mina's house. Her and Mina had been close since they met through their, at the time, boyfriends. Mina had convinced Jihyo to come over and talk with her.

Jihyo was crying her eyes out as Mina hugged her and tried to calm her down. "I-I don't know why he does it, pingu", the older girl choked out between sobs.

"Unnie, he doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him", Mina gently held Jihyo's cheeks and looked her in the eyes as she continued, "I think you should divorce him and start a new life. One where you can be happy"

Jihyo was quiet for a minute before she told Mina that she'd think about it. She loved Jungkook but, was it really worth it? Since after their honeymoon, he had been giving her the cold shoulder and kept breaking her heart.

That night, Jungkook came home late as usual but Jihyo wasn't waiting for him. She was already asleep in their bed. In his drunk state, he pushed her off the bed and laid down on it.

She woke up immediately and got up from the floor. "What is wrong with you?!", Jihyo yelled, catching her husband off guard. He just told her to fuck off then passed out.

That was it. She'd had enough.

The morning after was the same as every morning but, Jihyo was different. Jungkook noticed that she wasn't smiling and the glint in her eyes wasn't there.

After eating breakfast, Jihyo quietly got up and began to wash the dishes. When Jungkook told her he was leaving for work, she muttered a quiet "Bye" then resumed her task. He didn't think anything of it and left for work.

When he got home, there was no smiling wife to greet him. It was silent and he thought something was wrong. "Jihyo?", he called out as he walked throughout the house looking for her.

As he walked through the house, he noticed a few things missing. Jihyo's favorite painting, Jihyo's small trinkets she kept, each representing a happy memory of hers, and more of her stuff.

Jungkook got extremely worried and dashed to their bedroom, only to find it mostly cleared out. His stuff was there and something on their bed caught his eye.

He picked it up and looked at it. It was a note. He opened it and started to read it.

Dear Jungkook,

I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. All I do is treat you nice, like a good wife should, and you always give me the cold shoulder.

You leave every night and come back a mess. I know you sleep around, but I don't know why. If you weren't satisfied with me then why did you ask me to marry you?

I thought we loved each other, clearly I was wrong. I love you, but you don't love me anymore. That's clear to me now and it hurts so bad.

Divorce papers are on the coffee table in the living room. I've already signed them. I'm glad you're so high up in society, that's how I got the papers so quickly.

Fuck you, you cheating bastard

Park Jihyo

After Jungkook finished reading the note, he rushed to the living room. On the coffee table, there were indeed divorce papers. And a small box on top of them.

He grabbed the box and opened it. In the box were Jihyo's wedding and engagement ring. He sat down on the couch and started to sob, feeling how his heart shattered into a million pieces.

He had really fucked up and he needed to confront the person responsible.

A few days afterwards, Jungkook went back into work. He needed to calm down before confronting the responsible person.

As soon as he got to his office, he ordered his secretary to bring the girl responsible to his office. The young girl simply nodded and went to get the girl he named, she had never seen him so angry.

After getting comfortable in his chair, the girl he requested to come walked into his office. She was, as usual, wearing a very short skirt and her button up shirt showed her cleavage.

"You wanted to see me?", she asked with a flirtatious smile. Jungkook ignored her flirting, got up and pinned her to the wall, gripping her arms so tight that he'd definitely left bruises.

"You fucking bitch! You fucking ruined my life", he growled at her. She looked at him innocently but before she could say anything, he slammed her against the door, hurting her back.

"Why? Why would you do that?", he asked her. "Because I love you and that slut Jihyo was the only person keeping you from being mine. I wanted her to suffer", the girl replied.

Jungkook let go of her. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call my wife a slut", he stated in a monotone voice before sitting at his desk again.

"You're fired, Yoohyeon"

Yoohyeon scoffed. "You can't do this to me. She wasn't right for you but I am. We can be together now, baby", she said, smiling. He glared at her and practically growled: "You have no right to call me baby. I don't love you, I never will. You're fired and I expect you to be gone by lunch break"

"Ugh, at least she suffered. You were so easy to manipulate with a photo shopped picture and your insecurities", she buttoned her shirt and left his office.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was looking at his wedding ring and he sighed. He remembered the day Yoohyeon had shown him a photo of Jihyo kissing another man, which he now knew was fake.

His insecurities got the better of him. Jihyo was a natural beauty and he was always afraid of losing her to someone else. After seeing the photo, he was devastated. He decided to get Jihyo back by sleeping around but she never complained and suffered in silence.

He really didn't deserve her. She was so kind hearted, so generous, so lovely and he had broken her. Because he assumed instead of confronting her.

Because of his assumption, he fucked up big time.

After he finished at work, he went to Mina and Taehyungs house. Mina answered the door and almost immediatly got the door slammed in his face.

"Noona, please let me explain", he begged. Taehyung opened the door and let him in. The two went to the living room and Taehyung convinced Mina to hear Jungkook out before bitch slapping him into 2050.

After explaining everything, Mina decided to call Jihyo and explain to her. Jungkook was nervous about what would happen after. He really wanted, no, needed a second chance.

Mina walked back into the living room. "She wouldn't listen to me. She wants to stay where she is and she never wants to see you again", the girl explained, a sad look on her face.

To be continued
