CQ&A 4 - Ana, Auth feat. Nico

(A/N: I'm sorry but LOOK AT THIS MEME LMFAO.)

Q: Where and how did you all find the resources and conviction to build a world-famous empire after you fell?

JIN: It starts with one man and a dream.

NAMJOON: *sigh*

NICO: That one man must be me.

JIN: I had a rough outline, give me some credit.

YOONGI: Answer the question.

JIN: More than half of it began with my investment. Nicolai had the expertise in the field we wanted to enter. I had the business sense from working several other jobs and owning smaller businesses. We also had a starting team of my brothers to find clients. Our goal wasn't just to create a business, but a bank that would be our stronghold.

JUNGKOOK: We needed a base where we could all meet and gather.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your favorite person (that we know of)?

JIN: Time to sit back and let the love roll in. 

TAEHYUNG: *smiles at Jungkook* I really love Kookie's humility. He's always so calm and cool. And he's powerful without bragging. Can you guys think of a time when Jungkook boasted?

JIN: *rolls his eyes while cracking a smile*

JIMIN: *turns in his seat to Taehyung* I appreciate your ferocity. You're scary when you transform, but it's so cool.

TAE: Thank you. I think it's cool when you punch through walls.

NICO: So we have Jimin and Tae's answer. Who is next?

HOSEOK: *sits up* I'll go! I like how Namjoon makes plans with the chess pieces and maps it out like a game. That was clever of him, and he's clever.

JOON: Thank you, Hoseok. I like how you made your wings shoot arrows. That was a nice move that you mastered. That's not my favorite thing about you, but if I started a list, then I couldn't stop.

YOONGI: I like seeing Jungkook's sword power again during the Blood Moon. It'd been a really long time since he did it and he looked super powerful tearing through Drakar's army.

HOSEOK: Yeaaah, that was really impressive.

JIMIN: Yoongi, aren't I just as impressive?


TAE: How many more people have to go?

NICO: The question is our favorite thing about our favorite people. Not our favorite attacks.

JUNGKOOK: Since we're getting back on track, I really admire Jin's big heart. *claps Jin on the back* Thank you for taking care of us.

JIN: *puts hands over his heart* This respect is all I've ever wanted!

JOON: Are you going to say your favorite thing about someone else or...

JIN: Namjoon. I love your sexy brain.

NICO: Yoongi, I believe you are very strong mentally and emotionally. Taehyung, I believe your loyalty is a defining characteristic. Hoseok, without your positivity, we would not have held fast. Namjoon, your observant and perceptive tendencies have helped create an environment for an unstoppable team. Seokjin, though pride can be a downfall, it is your pride in who you and who we are that motivates you to do your very best. Jungkook, your goodwill is unparalleled. And Jimin, your understanding nature is more polished than you think. 

JOON: I don't know how to top that. But I loved Yoongi's ability to always be ready for battle. He's a great warrior.

YOONGI: Thank you. My favorite thing about Hoseok is being an anchor for all of us emotionally. Jin and Namjoon did a good job of that too. 

TAEHYUNG: And we all love you, Nico. Sorry we didn't include you.

Q: What's one thing you don't like about Grey?

JIN: *pointedly stares at the others for responses*

TAEHYUNG: That she didn't choose me.

YOONGI: I thought she was a fast fighter, but she still freezes. No amount of training can stop that delayed reaction time.

HOSEOK: Oh, this isn't a very nice question.

JUNGKOOK: *shifts awkwardly in his seat*

YOONGI: Everyone has flaws.

NAMJOON: Yoongi is right. She's great, but we can be honest.

JIN: Speak your truths!

JIMIN: It is so romantic that you love everything about her.

JIN: Well, she used to color code everything on my desk and I think she was overcompensating for not really knowing how to do her job.

YOONGI: Color coding. Plenty of things and you pick organization.

TAEHYUNG: Plenty of things?

HOSEOK: *inhales a sharp breath*

NICO: Here we go...

JIN: Plenty? Excuse me?

YOONGI: She and I knew each other's flaws. This isn't surprising. She'd agree with me.

JIMIN: Guys, *stifles a laugh* we're being interviewed.

JOON: I think she was impulsive at times. I wish she thought everything through before acting.

JIMIN: I also think she asked a lot of questions. Too many. 

NICO: Better she ask questions that bulldoze ahead without guidance. But, I would say she had a habit of stating the obvious. Jungkook? Hoseok? You two have been quiet.

HOSEOK: Talking about her when she isn't here feels a bit wrong. She can't defend herself.

JUNGKOOK: I knew it was coming, but it still hurt. It's hard to accept her decision sometimes.

HOSEOK: *rests a hand on Jungkook's shoulder* I think she was just put in very difficult circumstances. That's what I'll say.

Q: You've all seen your attacks. Who had the best superpower?


JIMIN: Yoongi's was cool.

JUNGKOOK: Jimin saved me a few times, so...

NAMJOON: I liked Nico's lightning the most. I'd take his power if I could.

NICO: It comes with a lot of responsibility. I would nominate myself as well. Or Taehyung. A lot of muscle and brawn. Hard to escape.

HOSEOK: I modeled my arrows after Jungkook's sword attack.

JIN: I would like to be as strong as Jimin.

TAEHYUNG: I'd want to try being a different animal like Hoseok.

HOSEOK: I wasn't an animal, the wings were just misplaced.

TAE: Yah, like a bird's.

HOSEOK: *glares*

TAE: *sits back satisfied*

Q: Did anyone not play fair in the game for Grey's heart?

NAMJOON: I actually thought we kept a tight honor code.

JIMIN: I hid Grey's teacup from Taehyung.


JIMIN: Oh, come on. No one did anything else?

TAE: I took the sweater Grey bought Yoongi.

YOONGI: You what?

TAE: It's still in my room. Next question?

JIN: You savages.

JUNGKOOK: I literally saw you memorizing her schedule to know where she'd be.

JIMIN: And you were in her room more than she was in her room.

JUNGKOOK: Didn't you pop up there too?

JIMIN: Once. It's not the same.

NAMJOON: A. Strict. Honor. Code. Next question?

Q: What was your favorite and least favorite thing about the mortal realm?

NAMJOON: My favorite thing was the bookstore. I found so many of them throughout my time here and each one took some tension off. My least favorite thing was the amount of media promoting negative things or sad things.

TAE: I love being able to eat. There were a lot of different things to try. I don't like the feeling of wearing socks and stepping in water.

NAMJOON: *frowns* That's a weird one.

TAE: We did not have that feeling in Heaven. 

JIN: I like the values people have of working hard and contributing to something bigger than themselves. But, the amount of people living in luxury and not giving any of it back or caring that there were people below them was saddening.

JIMIN: As a model I had a little exposure to the beauty standards, and I didn't care for those at all. They were against so many different types and they failed to understand that there's so much diversity. I'd say that the mortal world is still really good for its natural beauty. Trying to photograph it will never do it justice.

HOSEOK: My favorite thing was the amount of smiles I was able to put on people's faces when they interacted with me. It's a very special feeling to give someone joy. My least favorite thing or feeling was not being able to help the ones that would not meet my eye.

JUNGKOOK: There are good people and bad people everywhere. There are some lost in between. But I hate how easy it is to be cold. I admire the people that keep their heads up amidst this.

YOONGI: I found more to dislike than I did to like. But that means we have a lot to improve upon. Our time here was like receiving a lot of constructive criticism. We'll make a change. 

TAE: A quick change. As quick as we can make it.

M.S. : Thanks for answering the questions, guys! Best of luck to you in your upcoming adventure?

NICO: Upcoming adventure?

M.S. : Yeah! In the sequel?

NICO: A sequel? Did we forget something? Why would we ever need to return?

M.S. : *turns to the reader* AND THAT'S A WRAP, FOLKS! It's author's turn!

~ author ~

Q:  Who do you ship Grey with most, excluding Jinnie?

A: Well, I did make a scene of screaming Greykook over the last few pages, and even a few months later I still agree with Greykook being my second favorite ship. Grey and Yoongi make my third favorite. 

Q: How many girls were victims of Aelith's games before Grey came along?

A: Stellar question! Six, including Rin. Now, it's easy to condemn them and say that the number never should have gotten that high. However, you should also know it was difficult for Anaphiel to process all these murders. Some of them occurred when Anaphiel was not united. And playing Devil's Advocate, we can argue that even knowing the consequences of trying a relationship and running into Aelith, they could have believed the pretense that Aelith wouldn't find them. Or they could have thought they had a chance at preventing disaster. Lonely and dark times.

Q: What is Grey's last name?

A: I didn't give her a last name because I want her to be a blank canvas in your mind. Not a certain race, culture, etc. She's a really developed Y/N solely for the fact that I left her eye color, height, weight, and everything else out. I just wanted her to have curly hair. That's it. Grey is your image of Grey.

Q: Was there a Grey in the world of Anaphiel? In other words, since Anaphiel belonged to a parallel world, isn't there a parallel Grey? 

A: I've thoroughly explained this in the comment section of Blood of Dawn in "Chapter 6: The Girl in Chanel" under a comment to aeroentertainment (sorry for the tag, love!). But to summarize, I did not plan a parallel Grey. But hypothetically, if there were actually two Greys, please understand that no two of the same souls can survive in the same realm for long. For example, BTS Jungkook and Anaphiel Jungkook cannot be in the same realm or else one of them passes away. Blame it on the space and time equilibrium of my world-building. Lol. So, following this logic, if Grey traveled from her realm to Anaphiel's and survived, then she technically replaced the Grey that was in the parallel world. But this is only hypothetical. Again, I never planned a parallel Grey, but I made a logical explanation for why there wouldn't be one. :)

Don't stress over this or let your head spin. This is just for the few of you that ask!

Q: What's on the other tab in your online browser?

This image.


We did it! We turned 1!

I hope you enjoyed this little four part special. I enjoyed writing it for you. 

ONE ANNOUNCEMENT: Tear the Sky has been nominated a few times for the 2019 Fiction Awards here on Wattpad. You literal gifts from the sky, thank you with all my heart for even considering my work. I wasn't going to go for it at first, but someone told me that you don't lose anything by trying and uhhh, they're absolutely right. So what if I don't win, I just wanna try.

If you've got time, please nominate Tear the Sky under the BEST FANFICTION category and the BEST UNDISCOVERED category!!! LINK IN THE COMMENTS!

To the new TTS fam members, to the ones that have been there since day one, I FREAKING LOVE AND ADORE YOU AND YOU NEED TO TREAT YOURSELF TODAY AND THE DAY AFTER BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT. YOU ARE A GIFT ON EARTH. This might be my last time publishing in this book, so I wanted to say that now. 

Have a wonderful day/night! 💜 ❤️ 💜 

Thank you for reading!

Blood of Dawn returns either 5/24 or 5/25 (May 24th or May 25th). It's about to pick the hell up and I need to prepare to keep up with it. For those of you reading, I hope ish gets real for you as well. Talk about major revisions. Freaking major.

With love and confetti,
