Chapter 1

I woke up by mother yelling. She swings the door open and speed walked to me and said:
"We are going to spain because your dad wants to take you. We are leaving tomorrow so pack your stuff and clean this house."

I'm so happy that I finally can see something else then a basement and a dark house. As she walks away she says "We have also some new rules" And all the happiness is gone. All the rules we already have are hard to follow, but the 2 worst rules are:

1. Don't talk unless you've got permission
2. Eat only once in 2 weeks

If I break a rule then I get a punishment like beating or starvation

I packed my stuff it is not much its only a backpack full. And I finally finished my watch and I put it on. The watch has 2 needles so it is now attached to my body. I'm going to clean the house and then I'm going to think about a plan.

Time skip

I'm done with cleaning the house and I have an idea. It's really tricky but I think this would work.

When we are in Spain we are staying in a hotel. So what if I'm going to escape in the middle of the night when my mother is asleep.

It's already late so I'm going to sleep now.

I know that this isn't a interesting chapter BUTTTT it becomes interesting. I'm sorry for the worst grammar you've probably ever seen but English is not my first language.
