Jungkook stands over you again, that same smirk on his face and a knife in his hand. He is about to kill you....When suddenly he drops the knife and leans in....closer.....closer.....closer........

You start awake, panting. That dream again.....you think. Why do I have to dream about-about him? Can't I even dream about something nice anymore? And besides, I never get to find out what happens next........

You sigh. At least it is Saturday today, so I guess I won't have to see him at least.... But what is there to do in this town? Not even a single shopping mall.....And no friends to go out with either.....not even Jungkook....

Wait. Erase that thought, you think. Why would I even want to spend time with- with him? You remember last night and the pain in your heart and your mind comes back. He still hates me......


Y/N's P.O.V

I feel like I am replaying yesterday.... I had the same dream.... What next? I sigh again. I still remember yesterday. I am not actually redoing it....though I wish I could. I would just leave that playboy to be- bullied- just like me-

I get dressed, run halfway down the stairs, and stop, just in case. And sure enough, my mom is in the kitchen, talking on the phone. I prick my ears up.

MOM: .............Yes........Yes, I think today is the day...................... Are you sure?................Ok, we will tell them...............Together........Yes............Love you! See you soon, handsome!

-- I can almost hear her smiling. She giggles quietly to herself.

Yesterday really must be on repeat. That happened yesterday, too! Who is this "handsome?!" My life is already horrible, I don't need some creepy "handsome" guy coming into it too.... Why does mom keep calling this person? What- what is happening?

My head is full of worried thoughts now, but I brace myself for more, plaster a smile on my face, and walk into the kitchen.

Y/N: Hi mom! Off work again?

Mom turns to me smiling, smiling so radiantly that I remember.... Her and dad.... She smiles like that...... She hasn't smiled this way-ever- since dad died..... Since dad died.....Since dad died......

A horrible thought comes to me. No. No. No. It can't be. For a minute I am just standing there, turned to stone. There must be some other reason she said that..... There must be.

MOM: Yep- I'm off for the weekend......Are you alright darling? I have a special piece of news for you.... Darling?

I pull myself together. There must be another reason. ....But is there really?

Y/N: Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking. Umm... What is the news?

MOM: I am going to get a new job! And a much better one too. I will be able to spend more time with j-...with you! I have booked a table at a restaurant so we can celebrate. Isn't that fun?

J? Oh no. Is mom talking about "handsome?" His name? No, she probably was just stuttering. There's nothing strange about that..... Is there? What are you doing, mom? Whatever you are doing, stop it! Just- please! I scream out to her in my mind.

Y/N: Y-Yeah!....That sounds great!....

MOM: And there will be a surprise waiting for you there.... Also, I made breakfast!

Oh no.....A surprise? This day might turn out to be even worse than yesterday...

Luckily, mom isn't paying attention to my face expressions. She just steers me happily to the table and puts a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. I eat quickly, longing to get out and do something even though I know there is nothing. The only person I really know is....sigh....Jungkook.....who hates me. Well....there is Mina......who hates me behind my back. Or other people in my class........who vaguely hate me. The only people in this town that I know.......all hate me in some way or another.

I am not listening to my mom's happy chatter, but then I hear- friends-

MOM:.......Don't worry Y/N, we are going to the restaurant at seven, so you will have plenty of time to play with all your friends. I'm sure you have plans to go out with them? You should introduce them to me sometime!

Oh right. Supposedly, I have "friends." I guess I will just go to the park with a book and make sure mom won't see me there.

Y/N: Yeahh. Ummm....I do have plans with my friends. I'm going out with them, I will be back at maybe....five? Yeah, I am going to meet them now, so I'll see you later? Anyway, umm, where will you be?

MOM: Oh, well, I will probably be at home. It's so great to see you going out!

--She beams at me.

Y/N: Ok....

I race up the stairs and put my phone and my book into a bag. I have to get out of here, hopefully lose myself in a book....hopefully.

Y/N: Bye mom!

MOM: See you later darling!

I get out of the house and quickly turn the corner. But something makes me stop, and I stay out of sight, watching the house. And then something weird happens. My mom, the mom who never lied to me, walks out of the house, all dressed up as if for a party. She looks around and I shrink back. By the time I look back around the corner, she is gone.

My mom, the mom who had never lied to me-before. What is she doing? Where is she going?

My head is even more full of worried thoughts than before. I have to escape, go somewhere to forget- for a while at least....

I run to the park, run into the trees, and after I run far enough, there is a beautiful clearing. It...it reminds me of home. I can feel tears starting to prick my eyes, and I am about to go somewhere else..........but I can't. I just.....can't. So I lean against a tree and start to read. But not for long. I hear a rustle of leaves and jump, and look around. It was probably just the wind. I try to keep reading my book, but faces keep popping up in my mind. My mom, smiling so much like when dad was here, Jungkook, covered in cuts and bruises, Mina's guilty face as she walked past me....... They keep coming. It's not long before I realise I am crying silently, hot tears spilling down my cheeks and onto my jeans.

And then I see Jungkook's shocked face- wait, when was he ever shocked? Huh?

Oh no- he is here. Why does he keep popping up? I dream about him, I keep thinking about him (for some weird reason), and he comes up here?

Well, he is shocked, so I'd better make the most of it and let him think I am crying because of him...

Why doesn't he go away? He just keeps staring at me, with that shocked look on his face.

Oh no. He is speaking. And he looks very white. I'll have to remember this.

JUNGKOOK: H-How....how did you find this place?

Wait- what?

In my thoughts I am so brave, but when I speak aloud.....I just hide away, on the inside, and start stuttering. ......

Y/N: T-the p-park? I- I know how to get....to get there.....

--I say confusedly.

JUNGKOOK: Stop-stop playing dumb. You know what I mean. This- place.

--His voice is suddenly hard and cold, but he looks like he is struggling to contain...something.

I am suddenly feeling very afraid. He sounds like he will suddenly turn into something strange, some part of Jungkook I have never seen before. I stand up and try to slowly back away.....and I bump into the tree.

He comes closer.

Oh no. I am cornered now.

JUNGKOOK: Tell me! Tell. Me. Now.

What is happening to him?

Y/N: I- I just came here to read......

JUNGKOOK: You're just doing this purposely, aren't you? You-you- It makes me want to kill you..

No.... Will it be just like my dream? No, no, please no!

What is he talking about?

What happened here that made him like this?

He is pushing me against the tree, getting closer and closer...

And then it hits me.




Why is she doing this to me? I can't take it anymore......... I want to kill her and kiss her at the same time...

She is tearing me apart...

Ripping me in two..

I grab Y/N's wrists tightly and push her against the tree. She looks like she is about to cry again, but I don't care.

JUNGKOOK: Why do you DO this to me!

--I shout at her.

I grip her wrists tighter.

Y/N: Oww.... You're hurting me... Just-just tell me i-if this place is what I think it....Ow!

She cries out again, but I am not paying attention.

She must know..

JUNGKOOK: You already know, bitch! YOU ALREADY KNOW! Tell me yourself, then!

--I tell her jeeringly, while inside I am burning up with rage and......fear?

Fear of what she will say?

Y/N: It's the place where she.......dumped you?

She did know. She knew all along...

I am shocked. Why is she doing this to me.....

I don't realise that my grip on her wrists has loosened until she wriggles out of my grasp.

I don't stop her. I just slide down the tree until I am in a sitting position, staring into space.


That day...

She is probably gone by now. I won't stop her anymore.

I hope....

She is still standing above me. Then she slides into a sitting position next to me, her expression sad.

Why is she still here? She should be gone by now, running away from me.

Why does she keep.... Staying with me-

Y/N: T-that day.... You were hiding something from me, weren't you?

--She speaks gently but there is a trace of fear still in her voice.

I did.... I left a part out....

But I can't tell her it yet. I'm not ready yet...



I don't say anything else. There is silence for a while. I wish she would just go...

Y/N: And.... you-you aren't g-going to tell me it yet.

--She says it like a statement, not a question.

How does this girl see so deep inside my mind?


I can't say anything else. I want her to go, or else I will hurt her or kiss her or both......

My fists clench. She notices. But still she doesn't go. What is she trying to do to me.......

Y/N: Jungkook.....I know that you hate me, but -

JUNGKOOK: When did I say that I hate you?

Oh no. Now what will she think of me? I should just leave this place.

Y/N: You.....don't?

I don't say anything for a while.

JUNGKOOK: It's- hard- not to- but.....

Why don't I just go? Why am I still here, trying to put my thoughts into words?

JUNGKOOK: Sometimes..... I want you- but- sometimes- I....can't.......

Y/N is still. She just sits there, staring at the sky. Sometimes I wish I could hear her thoughts.......

Finally she speaks.

Y/N: I had the same dream twice. It was about you.... You had a-a knife, and- and you were about to- to k-k-kill me.... But then you dropped the knife, and......

--She stops.

Y/N: I don't know what happened next...

What would I have done? If I had been about to kill her, and then...

What would I have done?

JUNGKOOK: Let me show you what I would have done...

Sometimes... I can't control myself.

I lean in...

And kiss her.

She kisses back. She doesn't shy away, she just kisses me back.

And in that moment...

I want her so much.

When I finally pull away, she asks me, still shaky from the kiss...

Y/N: Why do you do that? Why...why do you play with me like this? You-you make me want you....then you hurt me again....

JUNGKOOK: Because... sometimes I want you too. And sometimes... I just can't.

Then I get up and walk away.

In place of the old memory, I have a new one, a good one....

A kiss...

A start, instead of an end.



You are left there, watching Jungkook walk away. He doesn't look back.

Why does he do that? You think to yourself, curling up against the trunk of the tree. He breaks my already broken heart, heals it, then breaks it more....

You stay there for a while, thinking and sometimes wondering how he feels and thinks when he does things like that.....


When you finally look at the time it has gotten late and you need to get home...... for the mom who lied to you......

Your brow furrows and you get up, and walk away just like Jungkook did- without looking back, and you try to leave behind the memory of you and Jungkook, you try to leave it at the foot of tree....

But the memory doesn't want to go.

You sigh and start walking home. It rained last night, and is sprinkling now. You walk in all the puddles, not caring that your shoes are soaked. When you finally get home the rain is pouring down- fitting for your mood, you think, and plaster a big fake smile on your face as you walk in the door.

Y/N: I'm home! Hi mom!....Mom?

You faintly hear your mom talking on the phone in the kitchen.

MOM: I've got to go now- love you.....See you very soon handsome!

Oh. You had almost managed to forget about "handsome" and what your mom might have been doing when she went out. And very soon? What is happening? You are angry now, and decide to confront your mom. You stomp into the kitchen and open your mouth to speak, when...

Your mom has such a happy smile on her face that....you just can't. She hasn't looked this happy in years....You decide that, if she doesn't tell you at the restaurant, you will face her then.

MOM: Oh hi darling! Did you have a great time with your friends? I knew you would!

She doesn't even wait for you to answer, she just continues chattering.

MOM: It's almost time to go to the restaurant. Can you get ready? It is a fancy one, so please put on a dress. I just changed!

--She winks playfully at you. You don't wink back. She is in the dress she was in this morning, when you saw her go out. You know she is lying again, but you respond like you don't know.

Y/N: Sure mom.

You plod up the stairs and, once you are in your room, sit on the bed and think.


You reluctantly pick out an emerald green dress that matches your eyes and silver heels. A tear slides down your cheek, but you wipe it away quickly. Reminders of a different life....... With a dad...... a birthday present......You let your hair out. You know it will please your mom....

--(Here is the dress that you wear, just imagine it is you in the photo)

With your mind full of thoughts from another place, another time, you walk downstairs.

MOM: Aww darling! You look so beautiful! Come on, let's go!

You and your mom get into the car. The drive to the restaurant is full of your mom- excited, talking, while you are silent, still thinking.....

When you arrive at the restaurant it is only sprinkling lightly, so you come inside the brightly lit building looking like you have dew in your hair. Inside you gasp with amazement and delight.

Y/N: Wow, mom! It has been so long since I have been in a restaurant like this....

Your mom laughs quietly.

MOM: Oh, I forgot to mention- some friends of mine are going to meet us here and celebrate with us! Ok?

I hope they are just friends.... you think to yourself, surprised and dismayed.

Y/N: Ummm.... Ok...

MOM: Come on, let's go to our table.

She leads you to a table of four. You glance around the restaurant to see if you can spot the friends of your mom. Oh no.

A very handsome man with a handsome teenage boy trailing behind him comes into the restaurant. Your mom waves at them.

Oh no. 

You try to pretend you didn't notice them, that you are still looking for them.

Is that man "handsome?"

And to make it all worse, you see Jungkook at the restaurant, Jungkook, elegantly dressed, with a man and a woman you don't know, and he is staring at you, smirking again.

You quickly look away, but your gaze keeps coming back to him...

Why is he here?

He always appears.....


--again, look up there to see the most interesting notice ever..*not* this is getting interesting...*-* --
