Kim Namjoon-Smart

Namjoon tapped his desk nervously as he waited for his test to be graded. You watched him click his pen, tap his foot, bite his lip, talk to himself. You couldn't believe how stressed he was. He was the smartest person you knew. He was going to do fine. Today, was the last day of AP testing. His dream school only takes 4/5 or 5/5. He had gotten 5/5 on every test, and you two were going to the same school. You both had perfect scores on every test, but the science test had been the hardest.

You were nervous too, but you could hide it better than Namjoon."Namjoon, babe, chill. You are going to do fine. You have an IQ of 148, you are the smartest person I know Joon, just relax."

He stopped tapping, "Don't pretend you're not nervous either kid you have an IQ of 150, you are the smartest person I know. You're messing with you're shirt, you are nervous too."

You sigh and face your body towards your boyfriend's. You lean forwards and pull him by his collar into a kiss. He sighs of relaxation and pulls you onto his lap. Your lips mold perfection together and it feels so right. You pull away as the bell rings signaling the end of the day. The teacher comes in and hands you both your tests. You count to three and show each other the test.

"5,"Namjoon says reading your score.

You look at his and bite your lip. You give Namjoon a sad look,"Namjoon, Baby I'm sorry."

Namjoon looks at you in shock. He had tears building in his eyes and he dropped his shoulders. You take his test and show it to him. He looks at his scores and his eyes go wide."You asshole!!! I got a 5 you little punk."

You laugh as he gets upset. He shoves his test in his bag and throws it over his shoulder. You do the same."Namjoon, are you seriously mad?"

He ignores you and walks out the room. You follow behind still laughing. "Joon, come one Babe, don't be made."

You get to his car and he is still ignoring you. You get in and buckle up. It is silent and you feel uneasy. Finally, Namjoon speaks, "Prepare yourself, when we get home, I'm gonna fuck the life out of you."

You shiver at his words and smile to yourself. You loved when Namjoon was rough with you.

