Chuuya Nakahara (angst/little gore)

Tw: self harm?, blood, idk to describe them

   You were sitting on the front door of Port Mafia waiting for Chuuya to finish talking with the boss.
   The wind was warm and the cherry blossoms were floating in the air.
   The time fly so quickly. You were not sure how much you could take the pain and resist the torture of your body.
(Let me, the observer of this beautiful scenery to explain you. )

  Your brain a sort of damage. A serious one. Your muscles didn't do what you wanted especially the ones from your legs. But you decide to not tell anyone. Why to tell them? For them to only ignore to give you missions or to look at you with pity? No way! You just hoped that you'll not live long enogh that your legs won't could not live to depend on others. But this was going to happened one day...
   Your missions partner, Chuuya, start to notice that you kinda ignore everyone and not talk as much as before. He never asked you why because he knew that everyone had their damn problems.

   "Done Y/n. Let's go, I have the adress" he looked at you

   "Yep. Yep. Oh, you took everything?" You said that in hope that he'll return so you'll have some time to prepare and get up from where you were sitting. It start to become more difficult for you to move from place to place and to get up.

   "Everything is ready. Move your ass! We don't have much time" he start to look annoyed

   "Sure sure! Don't do a heart attack here please!" You rolled your eyes

   You got up but it started to hurt you and almost fall down on the ground but you hold to the wall right on time.

   "How much you already drink?! And I thought I was a wine addict..." he start you laugh to himself

   "Yea...really funny! Fancy hat!" You stick your tongue out at him

   "OI! Keep your mouth" he shout loud

You arrived at the place. Where you deal with the enemy.
*time skip after you attend the little "party" (fight)*

   "Oi,Y/n?!" He called you

   "Yea?!" You looked at him questioning him with your eyes

   "Are you feeling ok?" He was concerned

   " A little tired but of course. Why you asking?" You lean on the wall

   "'Cause you have a bullet in your left leg and the blood is everywhere but you didn't noticed" his brow form a surprised look on his face

   "Eh? *you looked at your leg* I guess I was in shock and didn't realise. Not big deal. Thank, I'll be going now. See you later" you start to panick and try to leave as soon as possible from there. You start to think how something like that could not feel A BULLET! You were so scared

   "Where are you going like THAT?! You hit your head too? We can go together. And after we will report to boss" he move to reach you but you retrait your hand

   "No! *you scared yourself by your sudden yell* I mean, I can deal this myself. Go and report the case and we can see later. Don't worry about me. *you wink at him trying to not cry there* see you" you start to walk/run as fast as someone with legs problem and a bullet in a leg could

In your room:
   "Why why?! They told me that I still have a year or more before my legs go numb! *you cried and scream to your legs* why? *hit them* why?? I don't want it! " you sat on the cold bathroom floor crying yourself out.
   "It can't be not feel at all...*you grab your knife that you keep in your coat* I must feel something...some...thing" you start making cuts on your legs not feeling anything
You screemed your your pain. Not the physycal one...You bandaged your leg and try to get up. You couldn' gave up. Just lay yourself on the cold floor and close your eyes. You fall asleep there

*knock knock* was heared at your room door
You raised your head forgetting were you were but then the reality hit you. You tried again to get up but you let go the thought after. You waited the person at your door to left..

Chuuya's pov: (after you run)
   "Yes boss,the mission was a success" he bowed

   "It's great news. You and Y/n are free until the next mission. Enjoy your free time" Mori smirk at Chuuya

   "Yes sir, thank you" he bowed again and leave

    "Where the hell is Y/n" he checked every possibility

He decide to go to their room
*knock knock* He waited but decide to go outside to check if their light was on from the outside.
He went outside but all the lights was off.

Initial pov:
   You were still in the bathroom being dead inside nothing looked to make sense anymore. You also forgot to take your head pills and the headacke start to be so painfull and then your nose start bleeding. You couldn't care anymore but then someone broke your front door.

You just sat in silence not saying anything

   "Y/N I'M TALKING TO YOU! DON'T HIDE! I WILL FIND YOU ANYWAY AND YOU'RE GONNA PA-" he then saw you in the bathroom when the living room light hit your bloody face from the outside.

   "Wha-what happened?* his voice softing* Are you hurt? *he open the bathroom door and sit near you on the floor*" he looked shocked at you

   "I am fine" you clean your nose bleeding with your hand

He looked at you angry
   "How on earth can you say that you are ok?! I try to call you for 6 hours! No one saw you and you had a bullet in your leg and anyway you ran away" he was full of rage

   "I just told you...I'm fine" you close your eyes

   "Ok, I can see that *his voice was full of sarcasm* I won't judge you and don't yell but I wanna know..." he took your hand in his

   "It's a long boring have places where to be now and wine to enjoy" you breath hardly

   "I have time...always" he strokes your hair softly

It was weird to write this because yeah...I had an idea and it turned....just weird.
Guess I will do a part II idk yet...
