Chapter 19

Auggie POV

"I just want to go to school." I told Sarah as my dad walked closer to us. "Please take me to school." I begged her as he got closer. "Get on the other side of me." Sarah moved me.

He got closer and I felt her grip on me tighten. "Girls." he pleaded. "No." Sarah said shortly. Surprisingly we made it past him without another word. When we got in the car I quietly buckled myself in while Sarah started the car.

"You should have told Bria that you were leaving." she sighed breaking the silence. "I just wanted to leave." I looked down at my lap. "I get that, Auggie. But you can't just leave. It is never okay to just leave. What if you left home one day and didn't tell me where you were going?" she asked. "I would be in trouble." I hadn't looked my sister in the eye. "And I would be worried sick." there then was silence

"You promised you wouldn't let him take me." I worked up the courage to face her. "I won't let him." she stopped the car at school. "Erin is staying with you tonight." she informed me. "What time do you get off?" I realized I did not yet have this information. "I'll be home at 9." we began to walk up to the school. "Can I sleep in your room tonight. I don't want to be alone." I asked. Sarah nodded her head and opened the door of the building to go to the office.

"Hi Mrs. Mosely." I said softly at our secretary. "Ms. Reese would this be your sister?" she asked me winking at me. "Yes ma'am" I answered. "I noticed that your sister didn't sign up for a parent teachers conference meeting, Ms. Reese" I was about to be in big trouble. "Ummm." I had no explanation. "August?" Sarah asked with her mom face. "I forgot" I turned my head down. "Get to class Ms. Reese. I'll catch your sister up." Mrs. Mosely said shooing me away.

As I headed for the hall I remembered that I left all my stuff in my locker before I left. Everyone was in class so this should have been an uneventful walk. "Psst.. Aug." I heard a familiar voice whisper. A smile plastered across my face. "Aren't you supposed to be in class." I turned to face the voice of the whispers. "So are you." the brown eyed blown haired boy contradicted. "I just got back from an appointment." I lied. "Oh for your kidneys?" he asked knowing some of my past. "Yeah something like that." he followed me to my locker. 

"I'm excited for Friday." he smiled at me. His smile was perfect. "I better get to class before I get in more trouble." he furrowed his brow questioning me. "Mrs. Mosely told my sister about parent teacher conference." he still looked confused. "She's not my parent so I didn't give it to her."  before I knew it the bell rang. "August Gabrielle Reese." shit. 

"I'm sorry." I said with pleading eyes at my friend. "Can you excuse us, Koby." Bria ordered. "You had me worried sick you bitch." Bria playfully shoved me but her look was full of worry. "My dad called and I got upset and I just left and I didn't know where to go and so I went to the hospital and I found Sarah and I saw Charles but then when we were leaving my dad came to the hospital and I'm just sorry." I ran out of breath trying to catch her up. "If I were Sarah I would beat your ass." we began to walk down the hall with books in hand. "She just might." I sighed. "Oh and Erin is babysitting us tonight." I notified her. She rolled her eyes at me. 

Sarah POV

"Were having parent teacher conferences on the February 5th." she handed me a paper for me to sign up for a spot. "She's a good girl. After everything she has had to deal with.. she's a good kid." I appreciated her kind remarks. "Thank you. I'm trying." I weakly admitted. "Keep it up." 

I headed back to the hospital to finish my shift. I saw several patients until I finally got a break. I was sitting down getting ready to eat. Connor sat down at my table and looked at me. "I think you should stay at your apartment tonight." I sighed. "Is she in trouble?" he asked. "I don't know.. she was scared.. she was upset." I sighed starting to eat my food. "She didn't give me a paper for parent teacher conferences." I continued to eat. "Can I go to them?" he asked. "You are involved in her life. I could use the support." I kind of liked the idea of him joining. "What about Sylvie?" I thought. "She's just as much involved in Auggies life. Though I doubt she'll want to go." Connor would be attending with me.

A/N: Hey guys I apologize it being so long I have been having some health issues and have had been having many doctors appointments as well as visits to the hospital for different tests. I appreciate your support.


1. what do you think of Auggies little boo thing?

2. What should Auggie and bria do with Erin

3. Should Auggie be in trouble. 
