just another day

It was just another day for me and my best friend Jake. We got up to go get some breakfast down at the local mom and pop dinner. On our way out we grabbed the mail and a news paper. "Jake" I said " what do you think about the war going on? It's been going on for a few years now" Jake replied " yea it's been taking way to long if you ask me junior, I'm surprised the Americans have been so easy on them." When we arrived at the dinner we got our food and Jake read the newspaper while I opened the mail. The first letter was from the u.s. military. It said I had been drafted. Before I could speak I opened up the next letter. It also was from the u.s. military. Jake had been drafted. "Jake, I got drafted!" "Haha, sucks for you junior! Dont get yourself killed!" " Jake you have been drafted too" " what!!! Let me see that!"
