06. Rules

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Third Person

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"Turn you're flash off you'll wake them up,"

Iris stirred in her sleep, pulling Nario closer in a protective manner.

"Awwww that's so cute,"

"Why do you two have to be so loud," Lorenzo grumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

He got out of the bed and ushered his brothers out of the room with him close behind them.

"You've already woke me up you're not waking them up too,"

* * *

"Morning Arthur," Iris greeted.

"Morning," He sang out sliding her a plate of waffles.

"I don't think I'll finish this,"

"Just finish what you can," She nodded.

"Iris," he started, "ignore what Valerius said yesterday, I love having you here,"

She smiled a genuine smile before she could speak up Donatello entered.

"Good morning Iris once you've eaten please come meet me in my office." He took his coffee and left the kitchen.


He hummed.

"Where's his office?"

"Didn't you get a tour yesterday?" He laughed.

"I only remembered the important rooms,"

"Which rooms?"

"The kitchen, my room, the music room, the library, the cinema room," she listed.

"Is the games room not important enough for you," he teased.

"It looks like the boys lair so no, not really,"

Valentino strolled through looking for something to eat in the fridge.

"Arthurrr," he drew out.

"You've just had breakfast and I've not started making lunch if your hungry take a fruit," he responded " and take Iris to Donatello's office,"

"Come on Iris," he called out as he started walking out the kitchen.

Iris jumped off the stool and ran to catch up with Valentino.

"You walk to fast,"

"No, you just have small legs,"

"I do not,"

He started laughing.

"What is it with everyone in this family calling me small," she huffed.

"Well, you are small,"

"I'm not you're all just giants," Valentino shook his head in disagreement.

"You guys call Leo small and he's 6ft3,"

"Fair enough," he knocked on Donatello's office door, "you're still small though,"

"Come in," Donatello called out.

When Valentino noticed Iris wasn't going to go in the office entered first and she followed in.

"Donnie, how is my favourite brother,"

"What do you want,"

"What a brother can come and spend time with you without wanting something," he joked as he threw his arm around Donatello.

Donatello glanced at Valentino's arm, once he removed it he began talking.

"Brothers can, but seeing as though the only brother who does so is Nario I know you want something,"

"Actually I came to show our dear sister where your office was so you're wrong,"

"Well, you've shown her where it is so get out,"

"Damn who pissed I'm your coffee this morning," he mumbled.


"Yeah, yeah," he muttered as he closed the door behind him.

"So Iris I have some rules let me know what you think as I go along, however, some are to keep you safe,"

"So first I would like you to try and maintain a grade A average," he started.

'I think I'll just let my physics grades speak for themselves,' she said in her head.

"No drinking, smoking or drugs," he spoke hoping these would be the rules that started no arguments.

"I've never really had an interest in certain activities anyways," She smiled.

"No swearing," Donatello spoke.

"No relationships,"

"Not that I want a relationship, but why?" she questioned.

"Well one, I'd rather you focus on school, I don't want anyone to make you upset distracting you from blessing you may have and I'm sure you don't want any of your brothers getting into fights now do you," he concluded.

Iris scrunched her eyebrows slightly and nodded. Throughout her life, the only people that had truly cared for her was Amalea and Mrs Wood so that definitely wasn't the answer she was expecting. So having other people care about her was definitely going to take some getting used to.

"If you're going somewhere you must tell at least one of us where you're going to be,"

"Fair enough,"

"And we'll respect you so I expect the same from you,"

If Iris was being honest she'd expected the rules to be slightly harsher, compared to her last foster homes theses rules were fairly reasonable.

Would she follow them all?

Probably not, but she respected them none the less.

"Can I ask you a question aside from this one,"


"Why do you have an office in your house, other people have a study but you have a whole office doesn't it feel a bit extra to you?"

Donatello's lips twitched upwards, a small chuckle falling from his lips.

"Never thought of it like that," he replied honestly.

"Well if that's all I'm gonna go," she started walking towards the door.


She turned around and waited for him to continue.

"I know Valerius and Dante have given you a hard time if they do anything else let me know,"

Iris nodded, her face fell as she remembered the what Valerius said yesterday. Donatello noticed this and he felt bad he knew his brothers were temperamental and angry but this could easily get out of hand.

"And just to let you know we are happy to have you here,"

"Thanks, anything else," she wondered.

"No, and you start school on Tuesday,"

'Great,' she thought to herself, 'just great,'

* * *

"Arthur I'm bored,"

"Only boring people get bored Iris,"

"I guess I'm boring then," she started rolling up the sleeves on her hoodie, "so what should I do, make the salad, prep whatever needs prepping,"


She spun round to face him "Yes chef,"

"When I said I'd teach you how to cook one day, I didn't mean today,"

"But I'm bored, Zo's gone to the skatepark, Nario is having a nap and Emiliano's working with Nazaire and Donatello,"

"And Valentino,"

"He's with Valerius,"

Placing the onions on the chopping board he called Iris over and showed her how to dice the vegetables before adding them into the pan.

As they were halfway through Nazaire walked onto the kitchen, "Iris the hardback copy of Pride and Prejudice is in the library if you want it,"

Her eyes widened as she started to do a little happy dance before running out to get the book.

A few hours later Iris stood up stretching, she had always loved reading, she loved how she was able to visit different realities when she got tired of her own.

But she had a slight headache, whilst she was reading she had felt a huge strain on her eyes like all the words were jumbled together. Her head was starting to grow more painful so she decided to get her self some painkillers before it got worse.

Walking down the hall to the kitchen she saw a corridor that she wasn't shown on her tour, she looked around when she noticed the third door down was slightly cracked open. She knew she shouldn't go in but that didn't stop her.

She looked around the room with confusion painted all over her face, one thought running through her head was 'Emiliano never showed me this room on the tour,'

Guns and daggers in a glass case.

"Okay that's just a safety hazard," she muttered.

Approaching desk she picked up a file, and once she saw the file she wished she hadn't.

Robert Nickerson

Age: 35
Height: 5ft10
Family: Dead
Wanted by the Russian Mafia for selling their secrets and stealing profit from ...

Iris slammed the file closed and turned around to get out but heard voices approaching the door.

'Hide, Iris hide," she screamed in her head.

Crouching under the desk she made sure not to make a noise, the front of the desk was closed off so the only way someone would see her as if they came around the back.

"Dobbiamo trovarlo prima che facciano quel modo di scambiarlo per Ronzolio," a voice she recognised as Donatello's said.

Iris's eyes widened 'did he say trade, as in a person,' she thought.

While Amalea was working at the foster home where Iris stayed she taught her how to speak Italian, none of the boys were aware of this and Iris planned to keep it that way.

"Ci sono tutti gli uomini che se ne stanno occupando dovrebbero sapere dove si trova nelle prossime due ore," Nazaire responded.

Her heart was beating faster as she heard footsteps approaching the desk, she knew this was the moment she was going to get caught she had just hoped they send her back to the foster home in California instead of killing her.

But then they stopped.

"Bene, allora andiamo a vedere come stanno,"

Iris let out a deep breath as the door closed behind them, getting up from from under the desk she quickly left the room. She glanced at the largest door at the end if the corridor before leaving so she wouldn't get caught.

She lay on her bed with one question running through her head, 'Who the hell was she staying with,'.

- x -

Author's Note: How do some people write more that 20 pages in their chapters I just couldn't, not yet anyways.

Random Question: What's some of the best advice you've heard/seen?

Don't forget to vote and comment. ♥️
