Chapter 11

Nick's POV

Oh my god!

''Nichole'' Xavier spoke while kneeling. He had all his attention on me. He had the look of complete sincerity, honesty and love that made my heart melt.

''Y-yes?'' I replied walking one step closer to his kneeling self. He held onto my right hand with both his rough yet warm hands running his thumbs in circles on the palm of my hand.

''Nicole, I know you like me a lot since a while now because of the way you look at me with your beautifully eyes says it all. Even I like you a lot. Well not only like, I had been in love with you since years now but never had the courage to confess. I had been in love with you since the day your stupid brother Connor had been my best friend.'' He chuckled. I smiled with teary eyes. Then he continued focusing on me again.

''At first I was not happy with our engagement but then I realized how much I love you and can't even imagine you being someone else that is not me. Thank god that realization came fast and it really hit me hard. I love you baby. I love you so much that I can die for you. I want to spend my life with you. I want you to be the mother of my children.'' At this I was crying full on.

''I love you too'' I smiled with tears of joy flowing from my eyes.

With a heard warming smile he continued, ''will you marry me?''

''yes. Of course!'' I whispered with an equally heart warming smile.

''Right now?'' He asked. I was shocked. So this was why everything was planned this way. This was why everyone acted weird earlier. Now I get it. So stupid of me. And of course I would marry him right here. Its already my dream wedding. So I nodded furiously, since I had no voice left. He stood up with a hugh grin on his face and announced loudly '' she said yes!''. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me like his life defended on it.

Everyone including his parents, my parents, Connor, Staph, my assistant Stacy and some of our close family members came towards us clapping and smiling. Our moms and Staph had teary eyes. Xavier's dad had a proud look on his face and my dad seemed happy to see me happy. And Connor being Connor started giving warnings to Xavier showing his possessive acts even if Xavier is his best friend.

It was the best wedding I could have. The happiest day of my life.

Out of nowhere a minister came out and started the ceremony that went really fast. Within 30 minutes of saying vows and prays the wedding was done. We were pronounced husband and wife and Xavier was asked to kiss his bride. He pulled me close to him with a mischievous grin and kissed me with such passion and love that my insides melted. There were fireworks as soon as we kissed, not only inside us but also in the sky.

I just could not believe I just got married to the man I love so fast and suddenly that it feels like a dream.

Connor clicked lots of photos and we all enjoyed our wedding cake. Suddenly Xavier picked me up bridal style and ran inside the rest house. There were fireworks still going on in the sky.

After we reached Xavier's room, he settled me down near the bed where there was a setting for dinner in a small round dining table with two  chairs. The room was lit by red and white aromatic candles and rose petals creating a romantic environment.

He led me towards the table. Pulled a chair out and let me sit comfortably. He sat on the other chair and gave me a cute and sexy smile. I blushed.

''Start eating baby.''he smiled and gestured for me to start. We ate, talked, laughed all the while looking at each other . It was an awesome time together.

By 10 it was time to sleep since by morning we had to leave for our home together as a married couple.

I went to take a bath to freshen up. As I was soaping myself, I felt a presence behind me. It was him, my husband. He pulled my naked self to his naked chest as he softly ran his hands all over my body so gently it was like feather. It made my eyes close and leave sounds and words from my mouth that I never thought was possible. Soon after bathing each other, we continued our intimate acts on the bed, under the sheets.

He was so gentle and loving. He made me fill complete. I was his completely from today and he was mine.

Sorry for the super super late update.


