~Love Interest~

Because teachers gave me tone of homework and stuff to do during online school, expect for exams. Now, when we are back in school, they are giving us exams all in the same week(almost all subjects) , which is next week..... So i will try to write little bit of next chapter this weekend while preparing for exams.

As for you guys who are waiting for next chapter, i decided that you can vote for love interest or non now rather then to wait for me to finnish this arc. Remember, i will give everyone chance to vote for 2 options because i think some of you will be unable to decide between selected options (like me who can't vote but will be sadisfied with every outcome)

Before real voting, i will explain why i choosed this options and to explain few characthers to those who don't know much about them.

Option A: Raven

Only known as "Raven" in DCAMU, not as Rachel "Raven" Roth. She is only option which exist in real DCAMU and because of her age from the start to the end of it. She was easiest one to choose as option.
She got paired with Damian in DCAMU because they both understood each other and because  Y/N is kinda simular to Damian, there is a chance Y/N gets with here by your votes.

Option B: Cassandra Cain

Cassandra Cain or know as Orphan or Black Bat or Batgirl 3.0. The Best fighter in Batfamily, comfirmed by Batman himself and only one who manages to make Bruce soft whenever she wants. I choose her because Y/N and her have simular past, pretty simular. She is Daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain, which were Y/N's Masters. But she got worse part of the training then Y/N.

Option C: The  Huntress

Knows as Helena Rosa Bertinelli or Helena Wayne of Earth 2. Since DC decided to mix both of these characthers into one in newer comics which got me make my own version of her for this book. It will be Interesting to see Y/N how he will succesed or fail to explain why killing and veagance isn't always the answer.

Option D: None

No love Interest? That can work of course.

Option E: Suggestion

Options i mentioned are already planned for book and how each of them will play out in the book by result of the voting, but it's always nice to here your suggestion and ideas.

Now Real voting, remember, you can vote for 2 options.

A. Raven
B. Cassandra
C. Huntress
D. None
E. Suggestion
