Chapter 3: Cassidy

Molten's POV
          I introduced everyone else to Lefty so they would be less confused. I make my way down the hallway with Lefty by my side. "Hey where are we going?" "We are going to see the boss" "What's their name?" No one knows her name but she is sometimes referred to as the vengeful spirit. "We actually don't know her name." "Well is she an animatronic?" "Well yes." "What's the animatronic's name?" "Golden Freddy or Fredbear." "Ok then" I opened up a hidden door and we made our way to her room. We finally get to a door that has a sign in the front of it that reads 'Do not enter' I opened the door while Lefty stood behind me. He at first didn't want to go but soon gave in. We walked in and saw Golden Freddy experimenting with another animatronic system that once belonged to Springbonnie. "Well, well, well if it isn't Molten Freddy!" Said a glitchy voice that belonged to Golden Freddy. The voice sounded like a female and would glitch to a male voice due to the spirit being a girl but the animatronic being a boy. "Hello I brought someone who needed help." I said as she turned around to face us. Lefty looked at me with a terrified look in his eyes, most likely from seeing animatronic parts all around us. "Well hello new comer. What is your name?" "L- Lefty" "Huh let me look at your file" She said as she took out files that belonged to every single animatronic in the franchise. She pulled out a file that said 'Lefty the bear' and started to read the information in it. She finished very quickly and looked back at us. "So you and Molten were friends?" "Well yes" "Ok how about this then you guys can hang out for about 3 days and then I can take you back Lefty since I know you missed him. So what do you say?" Lefty looked at her really happily. "Yes!! Thank you Golden Freddy!" "Your welcome!" We went to leave and before we closed the door to leave she stopped us. "Next time you guys see me please, call me Cassidy.

End of Chapter
