XXIX- simon

The last few days had been a fever dream for (Y/n), and probably her happiest days in a long time.

After their first kiss and their night together, Julian and her had agreed on taking things slow and at her pace. They hadn't really talked about what their new relationship entailed yet, nor had they labelled it, but it was for sure of the romantic kind.

Overall, things were looking brighter than ever and (Y/n) felt like she was finally getting her head above the water, high on happiness and her blooming romance with Julian.

But unfortunately for (Y/n), this was only the calm before the storm.

This morning had been like any other, her and Aaron getting their morning coffee before heading to Bellemont Academy for their first ballet class of the day. They warmed up and talked some before other students, including Adam, filled in the studio and class started.

It's later that day that things had taken a turn for the worst, when class had ended and (Y/n) had stepped out of the studio into the corridors.

From what (Y/n) had heard it wasn't unusual for Bellemont Ballet Academy to collaborate with music students for some projects, so she wasn't surprised when she saw a group of unfamiliar students crowding the halls.

"They're probably here for the annual collaboration." Adam confirmed (Y/n)'s thoughts with a smile. "My father always looks forward to this."

Sometimes it was hard for (Y/n) to remember that Adam was actually the headmaster's son. Maybe it was because Adam was so outgoing and friendly with everyone, or maybe because he never really talked about his parents or his relationship with them.

Though, as (Y/n) scanned the crow and found Edgar Bellemont, it was clear he and Adam were father and son. (Y/n)'s heart uncomfortably squeezed in her chest as Edgar's eyes met hers and Adam's. No smile graced his features. Even as he looked at his own son.

Adam didn't seem too bothered by this though. Maybe this was normal to him. Either way, (Y/n) certainly wasn't in a place to judge Adam's relationship with his father, considering her own situation.

If there was one thing she'd learned the hard way, it was that family matters were rarely simple.

"Say! Do you play any instrument, (Y/n)?" Adam said, turning to her with twinkling eyes, always happy to learn more about his darling.

He wondered if she played piano? Or the violin? Or guitar? Although to Adam no instrument could ever compare to the sweet sound of her voice. He could listen to it for hours without ever getting tired of it.

(Y/n) was about to answer his question before being rudely interrupted by someone bumping into her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" The boy started before abruptly coming to a stop, his eyes widening as he looked down at (Y/n). "(Y/n)?"

A voice that (Y/n) knew all too well, and that made her heart plummet to her stomach.

(Y/n)'s own gaze widened, and unlike Simon it wasn't filled with surprise nor confusion, but with pure unbridled fear. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Adam and Aaron.

(Y/n)'s mouth opened to say something but no word came out, her voice had just died in her throat, her feet glued in place as she stared up at Simon.

Just like that day, she remained paralysed and powerless under his gaze.

Aaron stepped between the two of them, a scowl etched between his brows. He had no idea who this man was, but all he needed was a look at (Y/n)'s frozen features to know that he despised his gut. And before he could say anything, Adam was already beating him to it.

"Leave." Adam demanded, eyes darker than Aaron had ever seen them. "She doesn't want you here, and I won't repeat myself."

Adam didn't know what was happening or why (Y/n)'s eyes were suddenly filled with silent tears, but he knew that this had everything to do with that guy. He might not have been very perceptive of others' emotions, but he'd become overly sensitive to (Y/n)'s. As long as it didn't concern her apparent romantic disinterest in him, of course.

"Man, I'm just trying to say hi, chill." Simon said. And if (Y/n) hadn't been so out of it and paralysed with fear, she might have slapped him in the face. Say hi? After what he'd done to her? Just how shameless could one person be? Surely even Simon had his limits.

Unfortunately for (Y/n), Simon's words failed to register in her mind. She was shaking by now. And it didn't matter that she was currently at school in the middle of a goddam corridor. Because right now she was back in Simon's car, her vision blurred with tears and whatever had been put in her drink as Simon had his way with her.

Aaron's features softened as he slowly approached (Y/n), hesitantly putting his hands on her shoulders and positioning himself in front of her to shield her from Simon. His heart broke in his chest at the sight of tears pearling down her cheeks and the absolute fear trembling in her eyes.

He couldn't bear to see her like this.

"I said, leave." Adam growled, his hands tightening into fists at his side, only alarmed further by (Y/n)'s worsening state.

Maybe he should just punch Simon in the face, show (Y/n) that she was safe and that her Adam was here to take care of her and any nuisance to her. After all, as her lover, wasn't it his job to protect her?

Surely his father would understand why he did this. If it was in the name of love, every action was excusable.

Adam's decision was made, and before Simon could muster up an answer, Adam's fist was harshly colliding with his face. Adam didn't stop here though, no. He couldn't. This useless piece of trash had upset his (Y/n) and Adam wasn't about to let this pass.

And he found a sick enjoyment in tackling Simon to the ground, repeating his previous assault on his face until the sickening crunch of Simon's broken nose filled his ears. Even then, it still wasn't enough to amend for (Y/n)'s tears.

Aaron winced at the sight of Adam's blood coated knuckles, knowing better than to let (Y/n) witness such a sight. Not for the sake of Adam's dignity, but rather for her own peace of mind.

She was already shaken up enough as is and Aaron didn't want for her to see such a gruesome sight. Even more so with Adam giving no sign of stopping either. So as students gathered around Adam and his father made his way through the crowd, Aaron quietly led (Y/n) away.

"What the hell is happening here? Adam, stop this!" Edgar's voice boomed through the hall but Aaron and (Y/n) were no longer here to hear him.

Aaron gently helped (Y/n) sit down on a bench outside, the cold air had always worked wonders in calming him down. He hoped it would grant (Y/n) the same relief. She didn't seem to notice the change of scenery though.

Neither of them spoke, minutes filled with (Y/n) silently crying and heaving.

"I'm gonna be sick..." She finally said, holding her hand up to her mouth and running to the nearest bin. Aaron winced as she emptied the content of her stomach and retched. Still, he held her hair out of her face as she threw up.

And in any other case, (Y/n) would have felt pathetic for once again throwing up in front of one of her friends. But right now she didn't care.

Aaron waited for her to calm down, silently standing by her side, because he knew that was all he could do right now. Until she finally heaved a sigh and turned to him, eyes red and puffy from crying too much.

"Aren't-aren't you going to ask?" (Y/n) said as she wiped at her mouth with a tissue.

Aaron's hand found hers on her lap, his thumb rubbing smooth circles over her skin.

"Not if you don't want to talk about it." He said reassuringly, holding her gaze with his.

Of course he wanted to ask. Of course he wanted to know what had happened between her and Simon for her to have such a visceral reaction to him. He wanted for (Y/n) to confide in him, wanted to know all that there was to know about her. But he also knew this probably wasn't the right time to ask, not when she was so raw and panicked.

(Y/n) sniffled, wiping the tears from her face with the sleeve of her sweater. She was thankful to Aaron for not pushing it, for being there for her even when he knew nothing of the situation.

Gosh, he must think she's being dramatic over nothing. And it would be so much easier if that had been the case. Unfortunately her reaction to Simon wasn't something (Y/n) could control.

This wasn't the first time she saw him again after what he'd done to her. But back then she had been prepared to see him, this time had come as a total surprise.

"I want to go home." She said quietly, meeting Aaron's patient gaze. She couldn't bear to stick around anywhere near Simon. She wanted her bed, the comfort of her covers and to shield herself from the world. "Can you please- walk with me?"

She didn't know if she could make it to the flat on her own, not when the floor felt like cotton under her feet and the world blurred around her every time she moved her head.

Exhaustion weighed heavy on her limbs and her mind felt miles away. She didn't trust herself to be alone at the moment.

Aaron gave her hand a squeeze and he mustered a reassuring smile.

"Of course. Anything for you."

"Adam, what the hell was that?" Edgar Bellemont said, a deep scold etched between his brows as he regarded his son. "I can excuse coming to class late, but I can't have you wrestling in the halls and even less so with a student that is not even from here."

Adam sat in front of his father's desk, eyes looking down at his fidgeting fingers. He knew this hadn't been his smartest move, but surely his father would understand, right? He had done this for love! For (Y/n)! Had his father never fought for his mother?

"I'm sorry, dad. This won't happen again."

That was, as long as (Y/n) was happy and smiling, of course.

Edgar Bellemont heaved a tired sigh, leaning over his desk and holding his head in his hands.

"I don't understand, Adam. You've been doing great these last few weeks. Getting to classes on time, giving your all during the showcase... And yet here you are, beating up a random guy in the halls. You've never been violent, son. So what's next?"

Adam kept his head bowed low, knowing better than to meet his father's gaze. He knew all too well that he'd see nothing other than disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, dad." Adam started, "That guy just got on my nerves. He hurt my girlfriend, and I had to defend her."

Edgar paused, something akin to sympathy softening his gaze as he looked at his son. That made more sense. Adam had never punched anyone, and this had been the first time Edgar had seen his son getting this angry over anything.

He recognised part of himself in Adam, in how he had jumped without a second thought to defend the girl he loved. Edgar himself had done that in the past with a man who had slapped his wife's butt. He had seen red and it had taken two policemen to get him off the asshole.

Even after Edgar had spent his better portion of the evening at the police station, he hadn't regretted his actions one bit.

For the first time in a long time, Edgar's lips curved in a smile as he stared at his son.

If only Edgar knew that this was just the beginning. And that Adam was willing to go much further than a fist fight in the name of (Y/n). Farther than Edgar himself had ever gone. 
