Chapter nine: Therapy

After Taylor left Michaela went to bed, all she could dream about was what happened with Lila it kept on replaying in her head, she really though nothing of it but soon the same dream kept repeating and repeating it turned into a nightmare, Michaela was sick of it she used to cry when she had this dream, she kept on thinking about it and couldn't let it go.

Taylor visited Michaela to hang out with him a few weeks after they became friends "Michaela wanna hang out??" asked Taylor, he walked inside Michaela's house and he saw her on the floor crying and she was drenched in sweat, she was screaming Taylor tried to calm her down hugging her "It's alright I'm here it's fine" said Taylor "I'm alright" said Michaela wiping off her tears, "What happened??" asked Taylor.

"I'm only telling this to you cause I think of you as my best friend even if it's been just a few days I've gotten to know you and your vibes are what I love, so you remember the day you saw me for the first time" said Michaela, "I think of you the same way and yes I do what about it?" said Taylor, "The person who left me there I actually liked her for many years and I did horrible things for her, long story short her husband cheated on her and when she confronted him he almost killed her and dumped her near a lake I thought she was dead but turns out she was alive before I knew she was alive I was devastated so much that I even tried to kill her husband who at that time I thought killed her, she showed up at my front door and I told her what happened to her husband and told her that I liked her and she just called me these bad things and told me to never contact her again and I've been having nightmares about that day" said Michaela.

"Oh my gosh, that's awful and you did do a bad thing but that doesn't define you, you still are very likable you are a good friend of mine and that won't change and the hell with the girl she's not worth your time and about the nightmares I recommend seeing a therapist so you can talk about it and I'm pretty sure it's going to alright" said Taylor.

"Thank you for understanding me, you really are the best and yes I would love to go see a therapist I really need some help" said Michaela, "My sister is a therapist, I could set up an appointment with her if you want" said Taylor, "Yes please, I would love that". Taylor contacted his sister Daisy and told her everything about Michaela so she could help her.

"I set it up, you can go tomorrow or even today if you like" said Taylor, "I guess I'll go today can you drop me off please" said Michaela, "Yes of course get in the car" said Taylor. Taylor takes Michaela to his sister and leaves them alone so they could talk.

"Hello you must be Michaela, I've heard a lot about you" said Daisy, "Yup it's me, nice to meet you" said Michaela, "So lets get straight to it what's been happening?" said Daisy, "So well um-um" stuttered Michaela, "It's alright take your time I've got all day" said Daisy, "Okay so um, there is this friend of mine called Lila um sorry was a friend so she um got me through some hard times um" said Michaela, "It's alright Michaela, go on don't be nervous I'm here to listen" said Daisy, "Okay I'll go on" said Michaela.

"Lila was a friend of mine for 15 years, so my parents passed away when I was at a young age, my dad wasn't in my life he left mom even before I saw him he is dead to me, my mom since my dad left she did drugs and one day she overdosed and I was left all alone there was this day at school when everyone's dad's came mine didn't show up cause he didn't exist so the kids bullied me for not having a father they were saying some awful things and Lila was the one who stopped them from calling me names and all that stuff" said Michaela.

"From that day we became friends she was the only person who cared, who asked if I ate something and would give me food if I didn't she was there for me, if it wasn't for her I would probably be in jail or something for doing drugs but she saved me soon I fell in love with her I think it was in high school, In college though she met someone called Andrew she loved him to death they even got married, I never got the chance to tell her how I really feel so after two years of their marriage Andrew cheated on her with an old friend called Hannah, Lila went to confront him and he though he killed her so he dumped her near a lake and I thought she was dead after finding out what Andrew did to her so all I could think was to get revenge so I went to him and strangled him he almost died in my hands and while I was about to open my door and go inside there was Lila standing there I hugged her and then I told her about how I felt about her"

"She said few things that hurt me and then she asked about Andrew and I told her what I did to him and that he was in the hospital, she called me insane and told me to never contact her again and I knew I never should've cared for her or trusted her all she could think about at that moment was Andrew even after he almost killed her, she probably forgave him and took him back she-she just left me there" said Michaela in tears.

"I-I'm sorry but this just is something that makes me want to die after all I did she just leaves me, did I mean nothing" said Michaela crying, "Honey it's not your fault at all, I understand you I know you're hurting but trust me it's all going to be alright" said Daisy and she gave Michaela a warm hug and comforted her, "I feel better after talking about it Thank you for listening I just wanted someone who would listen to me" said Michaela, "Hey you know call me anytime I'll try to answer and tell me if the nightmares go away cause maybe they were the result of you keeping everything inside and now that you told me everything they might go away" said Daisy, "Thank you I really mean it" said Michaela.


Will the nightmares go away? Will Michaela finally forget about Lila? Keep reading to find out.


Thank you for reading!! I really appreciate it!!
