
There isn't much I remember from before the accident. After, though.. it was cold- somehow, I still felt the searing burn of heated metal against skin. It was terrifying. It's almost like I can still feel it. I recall nothing from before that, though- not my name, not my family, not even what I looked like. Not until I saw a mirror, that is, and it was a while before I ever did. I still remember my hands, dainty and crusted with crimson blood, tearing through knotted black hair that I refused to claim ownership of. Fingers dragging over a face that I thought didn't belong to me, that I thought wasn't real.

But it was.

My vision had then flickered away into darkness. When my eyes first opened afterwards, gray clouded my vision. I soon became aware that it was just the leather seat that I was leaned against, but I was forced to shift my gaze when a harsh bump sent me falling to the side. Somebody reached back to push me upright- I caught a glimpse of copper-toned skin as I crashed against the door on the other side of my tiny frame. Almost instantly, I sat back upright, beginning to panic. My hands were cuffed behind my back, pushed up against the plush new leather at my back.

I started to basically freak out, struggling in my restraints, fingers grasping at leather that my hands just slipped off of. Soon enough, I was gasping for breath, a strange tickle picking at the back of my mind. Just like that, the fancy new leather seats I rested against began to rapidly decay and rot. The person in the driver's seat snapped something at me, slamming on the brakes. It sent me nearly flying forward, my head slamming against the seat in front of me, my body crumpling to the side. Once again, my world faded to black.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

If I'm being entirely honest, there isn't much that I remember after that. I vaguely recall being jostled around, a warm liquid being harshly wiped off of my forehead, tattered steel gauntlets being forced onto my bloodied hands and chained at my wrists. I didn't protest- I couldn't. Then, the next sensation that rattled my body was the cold, harsh ache of stone against my back. I had practically bolted upright, my hazy eyes settling on the solid metal bars that would keep me confined for presumably the rest of my days. A single, roughly-woven blanket sat in the corner of the cell (it seemed like one, don't ask) against the wall. There was a toilet covered in black grime against the wall, and the tiniest of mirrors set against the wall. A small faucet was attached to the far left wall, close to the ground and right above a rusted drain.

No windows. No way out.

I wasn't thinking- not one bit. Scrambling on my hands and knees to the bars, I threw the entirety of my weight against them. My fingers, now encased in cold steel, danced against the metal in a panic. I began to try pulling on them, a lock of dull ebony hair falling into my scarred, aching face.

Something in me- it just.. it snapped.

I started throwing punches at the bars that clearly refused to move, screaming and crying out, thoroughly scraping my knuckles, even though they were guarded by my gauntlets. I listened as a door opened, then slammed shut, heavy boots pounding against the concrete floors. A man with deep red, crazy hair spun around the corner, snarling at me,

"Shut up! Shut up, freak! Be quiet!"

Out of instinct, I continued to wail, letting out another inhuman scream, pounding against the bars. I threw my entire body against them, trying my hardest to get out.

I had to get out, get out, leave, get safe, didn't belong, had to get out.. needed to go, leave, out, safe-

The soldier continued to bark orders at me before raising the butt of the rifle he held in his hands and bringing it down, its harsh edges scraping against the bars, but somehow making past them and crashing down towards me. It clocked me in the temple.

My mind seemed to sigh, my entire body crumpling to the floor in response, every muscle that was previously tensed in wait going limp. Darkness greeted my eyes once more.
