4- Confession

Kyeom pov.

"Transfer?? He didn't mention that last night!" I said without thinking.

"Last night?" Cheol asked.

"Oh yeah Joshua stayed the night at Kyeom's house." Hoshi said nonchalantly. Mygod is he not thinking at all!??

"And you did too! Make that clear." I said in panic and all of them looked at me like I was some kind of Ghost.

"Wait. He stayed at your house? Am I missing something?" Asked Wonu.

"Yeah do you wanna clarify that??" Asked Jeonghan. i felt like I was in the hot seat and everyone was waiting for my answer as If I was the president or something.

"Yeah he stayed the night but it was because he's car broke down. It's not like I invited him willingly." I said trying to defend myself. I know I like the guy but it would never be my first choice to invite him into my house.

"Car broke down? it doesn't sound like him." Woozi suddenly interrupted. He probably heard what we were talking about because our voices were not controlled at all.

"I know! That's what I told Hoshi too." I said to him . Woozi is one of the members in the fan club and also a very outspoken guy like a another version of me. He admires Joshua's leadership skills but in my opinion he's a pretty great leader himself.

"Excuse me but this conversation doesn't include you." Hoshi snapped at Woozi because as long as I have known my bestfriend, he really hated Woozi. It's something he did to him when they were in elementary and I already forgotten all about it but Hoshi obviously did not. They're like archenemies if you will.

"I was not talking to you though." Woozi snapped back and I was almost gonna laugh at my friend but then they both glared at each other. Like hello? They can save their daily feud for the next time because my husband is literally leaving me.

"But you're in my personal space right here." Hoshi said as he moved his hands as if he was occupying the whole space Woozi is in.

"Personal space my ass. That's because your big ass mouth occupies the whole area" He said as he rolled his eyes at him. Hoshi got really mad and glared at him.

"Well you're just jealous of my height!" He said and I almost wanna slap him because it's not even that great of a rebuttal. It's like he wants Woozi to make fun of him.

"Why would I be?" He said and Hoshi didn't say anything.

I don't know why they are so mad with each other. Given they actually have really similar personalities.

"You're so irritating!" Hoshi said as Woozi walked away not even glancing back at us. I was about to laugh but Hoshi also glared at me.

"What?" He asked me.

"Don't what me there. Can you stop fighting Woozi for once? It's getting a little boring.

"You're boring!" He snapped back.

"Yeah nice response" I said as I flicked his forehead.

"Guys he's coming here. Heads up" Jeonghan suddenly said as he pushed me a little too much. I stumbled a little in Joshua's direction and he used his pencil to stop me which hurt a little by the way.  It's like being poked really bad.

"I just came to give you this. Thanks for lending me." He said as he handed me a bag. I don't remember handing him anything so I was confused.

"Oh that would be mine! I'm glad it fit you." Hoshi suddenly interrupted.

"Oh right thanks for that." He said and then made his exit without even glancing at me.

"Your husband's a little off today." Hoshi said and I could almost slap him. I mean that was what I was saying the whole time.

The whole day Joshua didn't even talk to me and I was happy that way but  now it's a little weird. Maybe I'm the one that's weird? I mean after all I wanted things to go back the way it was.

I wanted so bad to talk and ask him if he's really transferring but I'm a little ashamed after what happened at my house. I don't wanna be a creep. I mean he probably thinks that I am already a creep for having a literal after for him.

"Earth to Kyeomi!" Cheol said and I looked at him.

"Oh sorry? What's up." I asked.

"Well, about the group project... I'm thinking of adding this....." and he talked and talked about the project but I was not even paying attention.

As I was busy zoning out I saw my husband again. He was playing basketball with the other grades and it's a little shocking. I haven't seen him play basketball since last time, I even heard him saying that sweating for him is very disgusting.

Then all of a sudden he got a call. I was still looking at him in the window. He went and answer it while giving goodbye waves to his friends. What confused me is that he went to the gate to meet someone maybe? As he was going out he looked behind him if people were looking and I covered my face with the curtain to hide. I was still looking at him and he continued to go his way.

I then saw a woman behind the gate. He approached her and then his face changed? I mean I was a little far away from him so I couldn't decipher his facial expression. Maybe it was my imagination. Then all of a sudden the woman slapped Joshua!

"Hah!" I exclaimed in shock. My members looked at me and I made an excuse that I saw a bug or something, Hoshi just looked at me weirdly and then continued to listen to Cheol which I should probably do but I was too invested in the drama.

After the slapping incident, he looked around and bowed at the woman. I don't understand what just happened. Is this some kind of power play? She looked too young to be their mother so I assumed it wasn't.

He then turned his back on her and walked inside the gate like nothing happened. I was confused and shocked. I didn't mean to be eavesdropping but it just sorta happened. I know red flag, red flag. But I was still set on debunking what changed his personality.

"And that's probably how it's gonna go..." Cheol said and I realized that I just zoned out the whole time he was explaining and I have no idea what to do.

"Kyeomi? No objections?" He asked and I just nodded. I mean what do I tell him? I was not listening??? I actually had no idea what ever. My mind is still stuck in the scene I just witnessed.

"Alright then, I thought I would need to convince you. But now that everyone's okey with their partners.. please do the honor of talking to them instead. We all have different schedules so do it on your own time alright?" He said and I was even more confused so I looked again Jeonghan.

"What partner?" I whispered to Hoshi.

"You're not listening?!??" He complained and I covered his mouth so that Cheol wont beat the crap out of my ass.

"I did! I just got distracted!" I said or whispered to Hoshi and he just shook his head looking so disappointed.

"Me and Wonu, cheol and Hanie, you and Joshua." He said and I looked at him.

"What!??!? I didn't agree with this!" I said.

"Oh yes you did." He said and I realized I just did.

"Come on! Switch with me! I still feel awkward towards him!" I complained.

"Hey it's not my fault that you didn't listen. You guys do the work yourselves and then we can compile all after a week." He said and then waved at me goodbye since he was gonna be late to his next class... i think it was music.

The scene just stuck to me the whole day. Is this why he was transferring? Was that someone in their family? Or more like a loan shark thing? But that is impossible, they are pretty wealthy. Just what the hell is this anyway.

Hoshi's pov.

"Yow! Tiger boi!" I heard Kwannie shouted behind me. Of course he was with his boyfriend Vernon again and he was waving at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's go walk together to class." He said.

"How about your boyfriend???" I asked as I waved at him. They are pretty open with their relationship and everyone knows them too. They are pretty famous as a couple too.

"Oh he's leaving! Bye babe." He said as he kissed his Boyfriend on the cheek.

"Oh come on I don't wanna see that." I complained and Vernon just smiled and waved goodbye. He doesn't really talk much. I can't really say the same about Kwannie here. Kind of the perfect balance as a couple.

"Come on don't be bitter. We'll find you someone to cuddle with." He said as he wrapped his arm around me and then I just rolled my eyes at him.

We went inside the room and as expected the person I hate the most was in the room. He was even sitting in the front as if he's the head of the class.

"Hoshi fix your face. You looked like you ate a sour worm." Kwannie added as we both

"Look at that guy. He just looks like he wanna start a fight." I said and Kwannie looked at Woozi.

"Woozi? What is your problem with him? He looks like how he normally look always. What's wrong with that?." Kwannie said and I just rolled my eyes.

"I don't like him." I said and Kwannie just laughed at me. I don't know why but whenever I see him I just feel this urge to tackle him. I don't really understand it myself. I mean when he looks at me it feels like he's judging my whole Entire existence.

"Don't you think you are just intimidated by him?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"Him?? Why would I be? I'm more handsome than he is" I said confidently.

"Wow okey let's stop talking about him. I'm already bored. Alright? Let's just finish this class without another fight." He said to me and I just nodded.

"Alright." I said and then we actually listened in class. I may be care free but I do care about grades.

Kyeomie pov.

Lunchtime rolled around. My friends are already buying their food and we were sitting at our usual place.

I'm screwed now. I need to inform Joshua about the project but all I could think about is the woman that slapped him and how he bowed at her. It keeps replaying in my mind. I thought maybe I should just do a little ice breaker.

Then without thinking, I walked towards Joshua. As if I was not more ashamed as I am already.

"Hey, I just wanna ask.. are you really transferring?" I asked and thank God for the busy room, It was like not as embarrassing as I thought. I mean it was a little embarrassing because my friends are definitely watching us.

"Uhmm... no." He said as if I was crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not transferring school." He clarified and I looked at my friends and they were hiding their laughter as if they planned this all along and I just made a fool out of myself.

"Oh... my bad I thought that you were." I said awkwardly.

"If I do, will you miss me?" He asked all of a sudden catching me off guard and then looking at me seriously. What the hell?

"You wish!" I said as I panicked ah ran away. My friends were laughing their assess off as if it was the most entertaining thing that happened to them. And here I was under the impression that he was back to his old self. This is getting out of hand.

I just don't understand how a person can change personality that quick in one day. Isn't it too bizarre?

Then as I was running down the hall I accidentally bump into my homeroom teacher Mr. Hao.

"Hey hey hey! What's wrong with you?" He asked and I don't know what to do so I just laughed awkwardly and ran away more. He just looked at me weirdly and waved goodbye.

I ran and ran and ran until I was outside the school and decided to just ditch school. As I was heading towards the gate, I saw Joshua running after me. I was so confused and ran faster than I can. He also increased his speed naturally and almost caught me.

"Leave me alone!!!! You imposter!!!" I shouted trying to stop him from following me.

"You're not gonna ditch school are you?!?! And imposter??? How dare you??? I'm real dude." He said and then finally caught my uniform. I was stopped suddenly and fell backwards.

"Why are you doing this!!!" I said as I sat on the hot ground.

"Doing what? I'm just trying to make friends" he said as he sat down beside me on the ground. I just didn't bother to get up because I was too tired of running around.

"No. You never paid any attention to me in the past few years and now you go and be friendly with me as if I was someone so close already." I said and then he giggled a little.

"That's because you're you!" He said and then I looked at him like he was crazy.

"WHATTT??!?!?" I asked and then he stood up himself and grabbed my hand to pull me up. I didn't complain because he was grabbing my hand and dragging me to the abandoned parking lot. As if he was hiding from someone.

"Now I have to tell you." He suddenly said. He's even laughing at me right now and I just knew this was gonna be a prank. I was so stupid for getting my hopes up. But why here?!? It's so creepy just us talking alone.

"Tell me what?" I snapped at him. I was pretending to be strong but right now my imagination is already running wild. From the grabbing of my hands to talking to me alone? I could only dream of this in my sleep. But then my thoughts got interrupted.

"I'm not Joshua." He suddenly said. The fudge? I'm right?!?

"Dude this prank is getting out of hand." I said trying to stop him from talking anymore.

"It's not a prank. I'm really not Joshua. That guy is boring as fuck." He said and then I looked at him in more confusion that any person can have.

"What the hell? If you wanted to make fun of me just save it. I know I'm a really good target to be made fun of but this is not funny anymore. This is an issue I don't wanna be involved in." I said honestly. I mean what the hell? He's being weird and now he says something like this. I know I hypothesized that he's not Joshua but I didn't really expect him to say it himself.

"I promise I'm not. Believe me. And I wanted to tell you this from the start but you were the one acting as if all I do is divine. You're not that good at keeping cool in front of your crush." He said and I looked at him in pure confusion.

"What the hell?!?" I said because he was making no sense anymore.

"Dude! Let me explain." He said as he lightly punched me. Why the hell is he punching now? Are we already close!!!??

"Whatever. Tell me one of your bogus stories to justify all this." I said giving up.

"Don't freak out because I'm gonna tell you everything." He said and he doesn't look like he was joking so I was a little worried.

"Alright." I said with hesitation.

"As cliche' as this sounds. I'm not Joshua. Joshua is my twin. We were raised in different places and we met only once on our 18th Birthday." He said and I looked at him. I become a little irritated and glared at him.

"Are you thinking that I'm stupid? What kind of story is that?!?" I snapped.

"No I'm telling the truth! You need to believe me. This is why I wanted to be close to you. Mingyu told me you were obsessed with my brother. You know everything about him right?" He said and I looked at him with an even confused look.

"You look exactly the same!!" I said without thinking and then he laughed.

"Dude we are twins. I just told you that." He said and then I looked at him in confusion.

"But it's hard to believe. Are you seriously telling me the truth? I need some sort of  proof here. And if this turns out to be a prank, I'm killing you." I threatened him and he pulled out his i.d. And a picture of their birth certificate from his phone. (Which by the way was another model. I just thought he bought a new phone)

I grabbed it from his hands and then looked at it. My eyes went wide. As if I saw a ghost. It really was not Joshua. He lived in America apparently. I did notice an accent on him but I thought he was just fancy like that.

I gave his I.d. and phone back and didn't say anything. I mean what the hell am I suppose to tell him after this?

"Do you believe me now?" He asked and I looked at him one more time.

"Wait! If all of this is true, why are you telling me all this and where is Joshua????" I asked still confused and shocked of the sudden information that I received.

"That's the problem. He's was taken away!" He exclaimed and I looked at him weirdly.

"Gone?!?" I asked.

"You don't need to ask about this stuff. It's better if you don't know. It's dangerous. The important things is that you already know why I'm here. And I need you." He said and I stepped back in fright. What the hell? He needs me?!? What do I do? Wait is this a really big prank???

"Wait I don't wanna get involved. This is a bigger deal than I thought." I asked.

"But you're my only hope. I need to find the person that took my brother and this is the only way I could think of." He pleaded. Why is my life like this?!?? I seriously wanna cry.

"I don't know. I don't even know your name." I said.

"My name is Joshua too. Just with a second name. Joshua Jones." He said and I looked at him one more time. How in the hell is this happening?!??.

"Uhmmm." I thought about it more. But his face is really pitiful and I can't handle confrontation and the worse of all comforting people.

"Please Kyeom." He asked one more time.

"Alright just stop making that face!." I said in panic.

"Really?!??" He lit up and I almost forgot that this is a totally different person.

"Yes. I'm only doing this for the sake of my one and only husband, the love of my life." I said and then I could see him visible cringing. I'm just stuck in the part that this is all happening so suddenly and I already involved myself in it.

"Thank you." He suddenly said breaking the awkward silence between us.

"So what do I do?" I asked in confusion.


Author's note:

Alright some have guessed it. It's been a lot of brainstorming these past few days. I decided to give him a twin 😂😂. Cause what's better than Joshua? 2 Joshuas right?!?!?!

Also a little of Hoshi love life up in here cause why nottt

This chapter is a little messy but I hope you enjoyed. I promise to clean up next updates 🥰🥰🥰
