surgery day.

Let's just say it's around mid-January.

I am also changing it to Pierson, getting her tonsils removed, not an allergy surgery.

Brent wakes up at 5am. and gets dressed quietly. He then goes over to Pierson and rubs her back, and she starts to wake up.

Good morning, beautiful.
It's time to get ready.

For what?

Wdym? Your surgery is at 7 am.

Oh, sh** that's today?!

Yeah! Trust you to forget!

Pierson actually knew it was her surgery cause she had fasted the evening before, but in the morning, she had just forgotten.

Can we go to mcdonalds first?

Oh no, sorry, babe. You can eat after, though.

Okay. Can you have some food ready for me when I wake up?

Of course I can, baby.
*they hold hands for the rest of the way*.

They arrive, and Pierson is all ready in the hospital gown. They are just about to give her the IV.

So Pierson! How are you with needles?

Oh, it's fine.

She holds Brent's hand as the nurse puts it into her arm. As it went in, she squeezed Brent's hand really hard.

The nurse left the room to get some other nurses to help wheel the bed into the surgery room (theatre).

Brent sat on the bed next to Pierson.

Is it weird how you look cute in that gown?

*laughs* Yeah, a bit

You know, you will be fine, and I will be here for you when you wake up, okay?

With mcdonalds?

With mcdonalds.

The time came, brierson kissed eachother and Pierson was wheeled into surgery.

Brent secretly got a bit emotional, but he went and got Pierson some chocolate, and drove back home, got Pierson's comfy sweats, went to mcdonalds, and went back to the hospital. He waited around 40 more minutes, and then he got called back in.

How is she?

She is quite sleepy, but she is doing very well other than that.

Oh, good! I'm so glad!

He went in and hugged Pierson. Her throat was really hurting, but she managed to eat.

The surgeon came into the room.

Hey Pierson! How are you feeling now?

Uhm.... It's just sore a bit.

Yes, well, I'm not surprised your tonsils were so bad, especially the right one. If you were to get tonsillitis again, it would've restricted your airways pretty bad. So I am glad you came in today.

Oh wow! So am I!

2 hours later, they went back to Brent's house, Pierson was in a lot of pain. Every couple of hours, Brent gave her some pain medicine, and they just snuggled up under a warm blanket.

They slept on the couch snuggled up together that night.

Brent gave Pierson a kiss on the forehead and said.
I hope your not sore for that long because I can't resist your soft lips.

*she smiled*
Me neither.

Thank you for looking after me today.

Of course baby, and I will continue to look after you for the rest of our lives. I am always here for you

They want to sleep.

Sorry for not posting, guys.

Shout out to Brierson1212. They have one of the best stories.

Please tell me what I should make happen on tt Monday.

Also, sorry there wasn't much brierson in this part.
