1: Black Lives Matter

This is a story of a girl who never hid.


✶Jada Jones✶

February 1, 2022.

I smiled as I jumped off my bed. It's the first day of my favorite month of the year; February.

Not because it was Valentine's month or the month Takeshi, my best friend, was born. It was because it was Black History Month. A month to celebrate and remember important people and events in the history of the African diaspora.

Being black in the United States was a struggle for most people. I would never understand why there was such a gap between people for something as simple as melanin.

Those who lived for this cause should be remembered, those who fought for this race should be remembered, those who died for no reason should be remembered. And that is why this month was so important.

After taking a shower, I opened my closet to bring out my special shirt. I bought it online at the beginning of this year. I bought for the whole family as well. I mean it was half off.

I grabbed my stuff and jogged down the stairs, giddily. I couldn't wait to see my family in their shirts.

Once I got to the kitchen, my smile dropped. None of them were wearing it. I had an idea why. Every single one of them had a Ryan. And by Ryan, I meant a tyrant, a brute, a bully, a racist! Ryan was a jock in my school that never shut up about everything good going on in his life and everything bad going on in anyone else's, especially mine. The only difference between me and the rest of my family is I didn't care about racist pigs.

My dad worked as an accountant for a company. His Ryan was his boss. To explain Mr. Bruce Williams in one word. He was an oppressor. And the funny thing is my dad's Ryan is Ryan's dad. Confusing, I know. Mr. Bruce basically flushed my dad's degree down the toilet and turned him into an errand boy.

My mum's Ryan was a subordinate in her law firm. His name was Cecil, her PA. Her boss was black and ever since my mum got a promotion about a year ago, Cecil would not shut up about how immigrants were taking up the United States bit by bit and that my mum's promotion was just an effect of favoritism because of color and that she didn't deserve it. Which is so wrong because my mum had to go the extra mile to be where she was today simply because she was black and a female. And my mum didn't say a single thing about it. She just let him walk over her every single time, it infuriated me.

And the workplace is not the only place people get oppressed. It happened in schools too. Jared, my little brother, was a freshman and every time he came home with a bruised eye or busted lip, I wanted to hurt the perpetrator. But even with that, it'd just give people something else to talk about. I'd be the mad black woman just for standing up for my brother. I didn't care, but Jared would never let me interfere.

"You guys aren't wearing your shirts." I stated blankly.

They all looked up at me.

"We were supposed to wear that today?" Dad asked.

I nodded. "The shirt says 'Black Lives Matter' and has the  Black Power fist. When else are you supposed to wear it if not the first day of Black History month?"

"I thought it was the kind of gift you locked up in a box so it won't get soiled." Mum added.

I rolled my eyes. "Not funny Mum."

"I'm sorry, but I'm just not wearing it." Jared replied before turning back to his food.

I crossed my arms. "And why not?"

"My boss wouldn't like it."

"It'd just give them something more to talk about."

"I'm simply not wearing it."

I scoffed. "Your boss is a racist pig. The men at your office are misogynists and chauvinists. And Jared, you have no reason."

"My boss is not a pig. I just don't want to get him mad. I can't lose my job."

"Keeping your job should be about your qualities not your equality beliefs. Shouldn't you be bothered about that?"

My dad sighed. "There are some things you just can't help."

"That is false."

They all looked indifferent. "I can't believe you guys don't care about black history month."

"Honey how can you say that? Of course we care about black history month."

"No you don't. If you did, you'd wear the shirt."

"It's just a shirt." Jared pointed out.

I scoffed. I can't believe this. Was I the only one who cared? I just turned away from them and headed for the door. Before I got to my car, my mum caught up to me.

She stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Why do you care so much about a shirt?"

"It's not just a shirt, mum! It's a statement. There are little things that we can do about racism, but we can make a statement. Why are you so afraid of making a statement?!"

She dropped her hand, but looked at a loss for words.

"If everyone thought about the precautions of speaking out, we could still be slaves." I paused. "Ponder on that."

Then I got into my car and drove to school, not caring that I didn't take Jared.


"You got into a fight with your parents over a shirt?"

I sighed and slammed my locker shut. "Takeshi, you of all people should get it. It's not just about the shirt. It's the statement it presents!"

"That black lives matter as well." He completed for me.

"Exactly, almost two years ago, Breanna Taylor, a girl like me was shot for no reason. We need to let people know that their actions have consequences."

I heard a snort from behind me. I turned around and scoffed when I saw the person who wasn't minding their business, to no surprise, was Ryan.

"Is there a problem?"

He flashed me a smile that got me more angry. How can you be racist and chauvinist and still have the nerve to smile? "Yes actually. You said a girl like you. But she was a 26-year old woman." He put an emphasis on 'woman'.

I rolled my eyes. "Ryan, as always, you did your research, but I don't care. I wasn't talking to you so mind your business."

"It is my business. You're spreading rumours about my people."

I scoffed. The nerve of this guy! He's an example of an ignorant citizen. "Your people?!"

"Yes, the police officers who shot her were white." Oh God! He was sounding dumber by the second.

"You mean, the police officers who brutally murdered her."

"That's a stretch."

"A stretch?! They shot her six times! For absolutely no reason."

"She committed a crime."

I was at the brink of losing my mind. "Living?! Her crime was living?"

"Her boyfriend was a drug dealer and then he shot the police."

"He thought they were intruders! They weren't even in uniform! He was probably just scared! And he has a right to be with the way the world is going!" I was sorta raising my voice now. Takeshi put a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down Jada."

"No. I need to teach this ignoramus some manners."

He scoffed as he stared me down. "The negro wants to teach me some manners? Classic!"

I could only see red now. Before I knew it, Takeshi had raised his fists and punched Ryan square in the jaw.

They had gone into a full fight now and a crowd was forming. The bell rung, but no one was paying attention. I didn't want to stop them because Takeshi was winning. Ryan was all bark and no bite. I'd hit him myself but I'd never win in a fight.

I realised it had gotten too far when Ryan started throwing his own punches and Takeshi's glasses was flung off his face. I pulled Takeshi's hand as he was about to throw another punch. "Takeshi stop!"

Before he could even fully register I had spoken, Principal Madison came out of nowhere. "What is going on here?!!" She exclaimed.

Students started to scatter and I rushed to pick Takeshi's glasses, or what was left of it now.

Ryan scoffed as he brushed a hand on his shirt and aggressively wiped his bloody nose. "I was just having a conversation with Jada, and then all of a sudden, China over here-" He gestured to Takeshi, "-hits me for no reason."

Before I knew it, I was the one throwing the punch. Or almost. Takeshi had to pull me back before my fist connected with his cheek. "You dick" I spat, "He's from Japan! And his name is Takeshi."

"Jones!" Principal Madison warned.

How did she expect me to calm down in a situation like this?!

"Jones! Nakamura! And Williams! To my office, now!!" She exclaimed. "And the rest of you, get to class!" She yelled at the students still loitering. And her shoes went click clack all the way to her office.

When we all filed in, she closed the door after us and headed to her chair. When she sat down she clasped her hands together and stared at the three of us.

I stood between Takeshi and Ryan. Takeshi had been silent, but I could feel the heat radiating off him. Ryan had successful been racist to two nations under 5 minutes. He obviously knew the 'n' word is a slur, but chose to use it. And then he added a cherry on top when he called Takeshi China.

"How many times are the two of you going to get into trouble?"

She was referring to Ryan and I. This was a routine for us. But that was always because he wanted to be a racist, or a chauvinist, or a misogynist, or generally just a pain in the ass.

"It's not my fault. The diverse duo is extremely aggressive."

"You can't call us that." He was about to start arguing when Principal Madison cut him off. "I didn't expect an answer." Without saying any more, she fired the next question. "Who threw the first punch?"

I slowly started to raise my hand. She sighed. "You weren't even in the fight. I'm talking to Mister Nakamura and Mister Williams."

"I did." Tee said in a low, gruff voice.

Ryan had a sinister smile on his face. "Mister Williams explain."

"I was minding my own business-" Ryan begun.

I scoffed, interrupting him.

"Miss Jones, you know the drill." She cautioned.

Usually in a fight, the person who was hit first got to explain his side first without any interruptions.

He hummed in mockery before he continued his story. "I was minding my own business when I heard Jada spreading false rumours and insinuations about white police officers, and I just simply wanted to correct her."

I was pulling the strands of my hair to keep my cool. He was obviously lying!

"Are you done?" She asked him and he nodded. "Miss Jones explain."

Finally. "I was minding my own business," I began like him, but mine was actually the truth. "Just talking to Takeshi about the killing of Breanna Taylor."

"When you were supposed to be in class." She interrupted me even though she said no interruptions. I bit back my snide remark.

"The bell hadn't rung yet." She nodded. "And then Ryan comes out of nowhere and starts sticking his nose into other people's business-"

He cut me off. "For the greater good."

I glared at him. "Greater good my ass."

"Language." Principal Madison warned. "And don't interrupt her. Continue." She urged me.

"And then he called me a negro, so Takeshi had to punch him."

She nodded. "Mister Nakamura, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

He shook his head. "She said it all."

"Nothing else?"

He pretended to think and then offered, "Ryan's a racist asshat?"

Ryan scoffed.

She frowned slightly. "Not that."

"Sorry." He apologised.

She sighed as she looked at all three of us. "I hate to do this, but Takeshi Nakamura, you are suspended for two weeks."

His face fell as I exclaimed. "You can't do that! He didn't do anything wrong!"

"He caused a fight!"

"But what about Ryan?"

"He didn't start the fight."

"He started the fight verbally! If he hadn't been a racist pig, Takeshi wouldn't have had to throw the punch."

"He didn't have to punch him. There's no-tolerance for violence in this school."

"There's also zero tolerance for verbal bullying." I pointed out.

"That is why Mister Williams is going to have detention."

I scoffed. "One detention against two week's suspension is so unfair!"

"It's not unfair, it matches the school's code of conduct. I gave the punishment for the offense."

I sighed not knowing what to say. Principal Madison didn't understand the weight of a word like the 'n' word. And no offense, but it's because she wasn't black. She didn't get it.

I sighed. It wasn't fair. Tee shouldn't have to pay for helping me. "Suspend me instead. I made Takeshi throw the first punch."

She sighed as clearly I was frustrating her. "I cannot suspend you. You didn't break any rules."

"What if I punch him now?"

"You'd be suspended, but that wouldn't erase Mister Nakamura's offense."

I sighed as I turned to Tee with guilty eyes. He turned to face me and offered me a smile to reduce my guilt. "It's not your fault. And I don't regret it."

"But-" He cut me off. "It's okay."

"Mister Williams. Miss Jones. You're dismissed."

I turned to Tee before leaving. "I'll call you after school and we'll meet up."

He nodded as he went to the seat Principal Madison gestured for him.

I sighed as I walked out of the office, not even minding Ryan at all, until he opened his big mouth again to piss me off.

"And as always I win." He flashed me a victorious smile.

It's true. Ryan got away with what he did majority of the time, and deep down we all knew it was because of his Dad.

"Next time, instead of having a pathetic dad working under mine, have one that is a huge benefactor to your school."

And before I could even come up with a clapback, he strode away.

I didn't even have the strength to defend my dad. Principal Madison was always partial to Ryan because of how much money his dad brought to the table, and everyone knew it. And now Tee was going to pay for it.

Ryan had successful ruined the first day of my best month of the year.

Even when I fight back, I always lose.
