Chapter 24

Niall POV

"Boy band One Direction have announced plans for another world tour. The group, who shot to fame on the X Factor, have become a global phenomenon since their debut single in 2011 and have sold more than...."

I tuned out the rest of what the radio was saying. Our tour announcement is still on everything from social media, to the news, and brought up everywhere and we announced it over two weeks ago.

We leave for the first leg of our tour in a month and I couldn't deny that I was really excited. I know Samantha doesn't have the same feelings about it but she's going to join us for a some parts of the tour. We start off our tour in Australia at the beginning of April which will only last about a month. Then we tour until the middle of May before we have a three week break. The big break that were taking was mostly intended for Harry so he can fly home to see Sara and Addison. Not to say that I wouldn't be benefiting from the break. It will be good to see Samantha and my family in between the constant travelling.

It's been way to long since I've seen my family and I need to fly out and see them before we start the tour. After getting off the phone with my mum a few hours ago, I scheduled a flight for Samantha and I to fly out to Dublin in about a week. This will only be the second time Samantha's meeting my parents and they're already thrilled to meet her again. I haven't told her about the trip yet but I'm sure once I do, she'll be excited about it.

I quickly did my hair and finished by throwing on some clothes before I found Samantha cleaning and putting stuff away in her room. Not much needs to be done because she spends most nights in my room anyways.

"Hey babe." I greeted her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before jumping and landing in the middle of her bed.

"Niall," she complained. "I just made the bed."

"I know a way we can mess it up again." I say with a smirk on my face. I raised my eyebrows up and down which made her laugh.

"As much as I can't resist that face, this house is a mess and I want to start decluttering it before we finally find a house to move into." She walked over to her closet and grabbed some clothes off the hangers. She proceeded to layer the clothes on top of me

"Oh what a shame, it's your clothes that are on top of me instead of you." I smirked and she retaliated by throwing one of her shirts in my face. "What, I'm just saying!" I laughed. There was silence as I watched her work. She furrowed her eyes when she didn't know what to do with a specific piece of clothing, making me laugh.

"What do you want to do today? Unless you plan on cleaning the whole day." I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"We could go get something to eat I really don't feel like cooking today." She said, putting some of her clothes back into her closet.

"Food sounds good to me. Although food usually sounds good to me."

"Wow, I'm surprised." She said, raising her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. She returned from her closet once again.

"I assumed you would have suggested we go golfing or have something to do with football but then again it looks pretty cloudy outside."

"First of all, everyday is a good day for golfing and football. And second, my knee has been acting up lately. I don't want to further any of the damage that's already been done." She looked at me like she was ready to discipline me.

"Niall I told you to have someone look at that. They'll kill you if something happens while your on tour!" I rolled my eyes. Like I haven't heard that a million times.

"I know, I know. I'll do it eventually. Liam and Louis remind me every time I see them." I reached up to put my hands behind my head, stretching out the length of the bed.

"Maybe that's a sign that you should listen then."

"I'm deciding to ignore you now." I said, closing my eyes.

"Well I'm all done so are you going to just lay there all day?" She asked, mimicking my voice from earlier. She was leaning over me, her hair touching my face.

"You'll be done when I say you are." I said taking my arms and wrapping them around her torso. I turned to the right, taking her with me. I began ticking her stomach which only made her laugh even more.

"Niall! Stop- Niall!" I smiled at the way she was laughing my name. The loudest sounds leaving her mouth. I couldn't remember the last time I could get Samantha to laugh this hard. I loved to hear her laugh because it was so contagious.

All of a sudden she reached over and placed her lips on mine, making me stop everything I was doing. Her perfume engulfed my senses attracting myself even more to her. I took my hand and braced her face.

For a brief moment she pulled away. "How did I know that was going to work?" She smiled into the kiss. I couldn't deny she was right.

"Because your irresistible." I pulled her in once more, moving her until her legs were wrapped around my waist. The minimal scruff that covered the lower half of my face rubbed against her soft delicate skin, causing a spark of friction. My grip on her waist tightened as the tip of her tongue touched my bottom lip.

Suddenly she took her left leg and swung it up and over me. Her lips detached from mine faster then I could comprehend. She ran straight for the bathroom with a huge smirk on her face.

"Not fair!" I laughed. She shut the bathroom door, leaving me breathless and speechless.


Samantha's POV

I turned on the water in the shower and took out whatever I needed to take off my makeup from last night. It was already mid day and I still hadn't done anything to look presentable. I removed the dark makeup that covered my eyes making me look like some kind of animal. I didn't like the way my skin looked when I didn't have makeup on, no matter what Niall says. I put my hair in a tight ponytail not intending on washing it because it was clean for the time being.

I proceeded to take off my clothes and put them in a hamper. I used the tips of my fingers to test the temperature of the water to see if I needed to adjust it. The water was right in between warm and hot, creating some steam. Becoming cold, I lifted my leg and stepped into the running water.

I stood in the water before doing anything else, warming my body. I let my body soak up the steam. Taking showers always seemed to relax me and it made time for when I could think about a lot of things.

I began to reach for the body wash and something to apply it to my body when all of a sudden the shower curtain was being pulled back and another naked body entered the shower.

I gasped, grabbing whatever I could to cover my exposed body. What does he think he's doing? Without saying anything he closed the curtain. By now he was right behind me.

"You forgot to lock the door." He says seductively, placing his lips near my collar bone. He began to kiss along the line of my shoulder and around my neck, raising goosebumps on my skin.

His tongue touched my skin causing sparks to shoot through my entire body. My breathing changed to short and rapid, raising my heart rate.

"Niall-" hitting another soft spot with his tongue, making me gasp. "What are you doing, you shouldn't be in here." He made it sure that I regretted saying those words.

His hands touched body, grasping my hips, pulling me closer to him. At this point I was immovable, trapped in a trance of pleasure.

"It's not like I haven't seen this before, love." He spoke, uttering a soft moan at the end. I tilted my neck to the side and allowed him to explore the untouched spots of my neck. I took his hands and moved them so they roamed my torso and gradually moved them upwards.

"Did I ever tell you how incredibly sexy you are when your naked?" He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip, trying to not let a moan escape my mouth.

With a sharp force, he used his hands to abruptly spin me around so I was now facing him. I had the urge to cover myself but his hands prevented me.

"No, don't. You have nothing to hide," His eyes moved to scan the rest of my body. The corners of his mouth smirked into a smile. "Trust me."

My shoulders began to relax and I let my body move in sync with his. I put my hand behind his head, colliding our lips together. The impact was hard but made the moment so much more intense. I tangled my hand in his wet hair, tugging at the ends of it. My arm slung around his neck trying to get as close as humanly possible to him.

The air in my lungs was slowly diminishing causing a burning sensation but we didn't care. It felt good. It made me want him that much more. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me up against the wall, the cold tile imprinting on my back.

"I need you." He panted. The feeling of our wet bodies together sent a rush of adrenaline through me.

"I'm right here." I found both his hands with mine and locked our fingers together. He brought our hand and raised them so they were high above our heads. As if it hasn't already been happening, he began to kiss me harder.

I knew at some point we needed to stop for air but we were so in the moment that neither of us wanted to. The feeling is indescribable. It's like being on a high, a high that I don't want to come down from.

But unfortunately we didn't have a choice in the matter and we had to break the kiss, leaving us completely breathless. I looked at him and truly looked into his beautiful blue eyes. They were memorizing to look at and I found it hard to remove my own.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are?" I asked, taking my hand and cupping his face. He reached down to plant a quick kiss on my lips.

"Maybe once or twice." He replied, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smile.

"Then it's a good thing your eyes only belong to me." He took the opportunity to scan my body from top to bottom. "A very good thing." He replied, his voice low and seductive. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, embracing him in the running water.

"I always want to kiss you. Even seconds after we pull away from a kiss, I just want to start kissing you all over again." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well I'm still here, might as well make good use of our time." I whispered slowly into his ear.

"God your so sexy." I locked my fingers together around his neck as his hands reached down to grab the back of my thighs. He told me to jump and I did, straddling my legs around his waist. This was something I've never experienced before- being so close with someone who I cared so much for.

Our lips connected again but this time it was different- there was more lust and want. He used one arm to hold me up and used the other to roughly pull out my ponytail, letting my hair fall loosely on my back. I leaned in harder, making him take a small stumbling step backward into the water.

We were now both completely submerged in the water, warming up our already heated bodies. The water filled the spaces of our chest and torsos that weren't already filled with lust.

We broke the kiss and I rested my forehead on his, the water trickling down both our faces. At this point we were both smiling almost starting to laugh. God, I loved this boy so much. My feet were back on the ground and I tried with all my power to try and stop the redness that was filling my face.

"Pass the soap?" He asked, smiling bigger then I've seen all day.


I dried myself off before putting on a fresh pair of clothes. Grabbing a book off my nightstand, I made my way downstairs into the living room to finally finish reading my final few chapters. I sat down with my legs stretched out on the whole couch. Niall joined me soon after with his phone in his hand.

He took a seat next to me, moving my legs so they were positioned on his lap. We sat there quietly, enjoying each other's company. I took a break from my book to take in and enjoy his presence while I still could. Him just being here made me feel at ease and there was no where I would rather be than with him.

"I'm going to miss this." I said, looking up from my book.

"Miss what?" He asked, still focusing on something on his phone.

"This." He looked at me, furrowing his brow until he understood what I was talking about. He took his hand and rubbed it up and down my shins.

"Don't worry, I promise this will go by faster than you think. We've gone through a tour once, we can do it again love." He said smiling but I could tell he had to try and force it.

"Last time was different because I was with you for most of it." I retaliated, trying not to make my voice sound like I was whining.

"Like I said before we can see if you can-" I stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"No I already said that it wasn't a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because every time I'm around you guys I feel like I don't belong there. I'm not apart of the band so why should I travel on the tour bus with you?" I retaliated. Niall was at a loss for words and didn't say anything in reply. To be honest, so was I.

I put my head back in my book and finished reading the rest of the page before turning it. I was half way done the next one when Niall started laughing at something he pulled up on his phone.

"Look at this picture Louis sent me of him at the bar last night." He said during his laughs. Maybe it was because of the lack of sleep he was getting lately but within three seconds, he was laughing to the point where no noise came out of his mouth.

I gave him a funny look, thinking the way he was laughing was definitely funnier than the actual picture. I smiled but apparently it wasn't convincing enough to Niall. He stopped laughing and gave me a pouting look.

"Oh c'mon you can't be sad forever!" Niall taunted. He took two of his fingers and slowly crawled them up my leg and moved them up towards my stomach. I swear if this guy starts to tickle me again...

"Niall stop!" I tried to say during laughs. His hand moved fast against my stomach causing me to laugh harder than I had in a long time. "I'm not kidding, stop or I'll-"

He stopped momentarily, "Or you'll what?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at his interpretation of what I said.

"Just stop, I'm not in the mood." I said, grabbing my book that fell on the floor while he was ticking me.

"Come here." He said, opening his arms. I put my bookmark into where I stopped reading and laid it beside me before moving my body next to his. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head in the crook of his neck, my nose almost touching the skin of his neck.

"I don't want you to go." I said softly, not wanting to disrupt the moment we were sharing.

"I don't want to have to leave you but it's part of the job and it's not like I would have a say in the matter. Don't worry, as soon as this tour is done I promise we will be taking a much deserved, long break."

It was silent after that. I pictured all the things we could do in the span of the boys break. All the days we could just stay at home and do whatever we wanted to with nothing on the schedule. We could take a vacation together, all of us. Niall and I could travel, God did I want to travel.

"How about you keep reading your book and I'll make us some lunch." He offered, making me smile.

"I would like that very much." He stood up, removing my legs off his lap in the process. He made his way to the kitchen and once again I picked up my book, wanting to finish it before lunch was done- I only had four more pages left.

I was down to my last page when Niall's phone went off with a notification. I decided to just finish my book before looking at it. The sound indicated it was a text. "Niall, you got a text from someone, What do you want me to do with it?" I called out to him in the kitchen.

"Just look at it, it's probably just from Louis." I reached down to pick up the phone to look at it. That's odd. It's from one of Niall's agents, Tom. It was a text telling him that his tickets were booked with one of the secured airplanes. Was he going somewhere that I wasn't aware of?

By this time Niall was back in the living room with our food, I held up the phone to show him what I had just read.

"Your going on a trip?" I asked. He shook his head and sat back down next to me.


"But you-"

"I'm not going on a trip, we are." He paused before speaking again. "I wanted to go visit my family at least one more time before I leave for tour and I couldn't go without you." He said taking a big bite from his sandwich.

I was excited that we were finally going somewhere, just the two of us. I absolutely adored the little town Dublin because it was such a big change from the big city we lived near. The last time we went was for Christmas and I was excited to see Niall's family again.

"When do we leave?" I asked taking my plate of food from him.

"We leave next Thursday." That was in just over a week which made everything seem that more exciting.

"I haven't booked the return flights yet so we can stay for as long as we want to." He said with a smile.

Today has already turned out to be amazing and its not even noon yet.

(A/N Thank you for reading my chapter! I hope you like this one because I thought it was finally time to add some more romance to it because it's definitely been lacking with the whole plot of the story! Anyways, please vote and comment and thanks again for reading!)

(Q.O.T.C What are you most excited for when summer finally rolls around? I'm most excited to go camping with my best friend because we always have so much fun when we go! And I'm excited for no school, because c'mon, who actually enjoys waking up for school?)
