Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [AndySixxLoveStory]

Hey everyone! I am sorry it took me a while to update this! Ive been really busy with practice and stuff. I probably will be getting on less to because Im the captain for my raiders team . . I will be starting track and I also work. My friends, my boyfriend, school, work and sports take up mostly all my time now a days. However I promise to try to update as soon as I have time. I do want to finish these stories up although they might not be able to run as long as I want them to. Anyways thank you all whom commented and voted. That meant a lot to me. Please do keep commenting and voting because it gives me a good feed back so I know to keep writing. Thanks everyone of you whom did.

Recap:"Crystal clear." I breathed, back. "Mr. Sixx."

He laughed at my comment and we all climbed into his truck. It was beautiful he designed the inside him self. I really like the dark blue color he picked for the interior of the truck. I smiled to my self still feeling tingles on my lips where he has kissed me. Okay maybe this wasn't going to be so bad. I could use to this right? We set off towards school who knows maybe this new adventure might be kick ass . . . .

*******[Story Starts]*******

"Zack no!" I cried, I was yelling at him through the phone. I got a call from Megan telling me he was going to do something stupid. My position right now, sitting in the girls bathroom screaming. "I can't . . I wont come back!"

I felt so bad trying to explain to him that I couldn't come back. Not after everything that had happened. I was falling for Andy! Yes you heard me right I am falling for him. I closed my eyes trying to convince him I couldn't come back. I leaned my head against the stalls door. I just wanted this to all end. Maybe it would eventually but for right now I did have to deal with it.

"Zack. . .listen to me." I whispered, into the phone. I heard him stop whatever he was doing and just listen to me. "I cant come back. . My parents have sent me here so even if came back . . And even if you let me lived with you I cant. I am already engaged to someone. Things didn't end the right way for us and for that I am sorry. Truly from the bottom of my heart I am. I loved you Zack at one point in my life all I wanted was you. But I have learned to move forward so should you. I wont stop loving the person you are Zack you will always be my best friend. I will love you just not in the way you want me to. As for your promise to Andii its okay I forgive you because I understand now that its not your fault. Just let it be Zack . . Sometimes the past is better to be left alone then letting it engulf you in misery & pain. So Just Let Go."

I remember Andy whispering that to me when I was hurting over a past relationship. I just those moments and quotes I never gave them up. He seemed to always have a quote for everything some funny, other serious and some that were plain absurd. Although each of those quotes taught someone kind of lesson. I valued them.

"Rain . . I love you so much. . If it weren't for my stupid mistake you would be here right now in my arms. You wouldn't be so far from me engaged to someone you barely know." he voice, was dull and full of agony. "I cant stop loving you I don't know how too."

I bit down on my lip trying to stop the tears from falling down my eyes. I couldn't stop them I just felt the gush out of my eyes. I needed to be stronger than this. I shut off my phone kneeling over on the ground, brushing my hair out of my face. I felt some pieces of hair sticking to my face from the tears. I wiped away the tears opening my eyes.

"Hey. . Is someone on there?" came, a muscular voice. "Hello?"

I felt someone leaning against the bathroom stall. I turned to face it seeing some black vans and whom ever it was they were wearing skinny jeans. I pushed up the door to see a beautiful boy standing there. He has messy black hair that covered his eyes on the left side. He stood maybe 6 feet tall and I just looked at him. His eyes were reflections of the clear ocean blue water. His pale skin coated away the freckles laying across his cheekbones. He gave me one of those crooked smiles. I felt a smile curl onto my lips.

"Ello!" he shouted, grabbing my hands. "I am Ethan!"

I laughed, "I am Rain."

He gave me a weird look before starring into my eyes. Ethan began slowly leaning towards me. Before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine. Out of senses that were screaming no. . my mind just went blank. I let him kiss me. I didn't care where I was or whom I was with. I felt his arms creep them selves around my waist pulling me into his warm embrace.

Who is he? I thought before I completely blanked out. The thing that snapped me back to reality was the slamming of the door. I turned to see an very pissed of Andy Sixx. My eyes grew wide and I immediately pulled away from Ethan. .

"Andy its not what you think it is .." I mumbles, barely. How was I suppose to explain to him that I called Zack. Why my face looked like shit? Why I was lip locked with another guy I didn't even know!

"We need to talk, fiancée of mine." he stated, his voice dripping with anger. He walked over to me grabbing me by the arm and ushering me out of the bathroom. He dragged me through the hallway and into the janitors closet. How original I thought. Andy turned to face me looking at me intently. I felt my cheek warm up from his gaze.

"Rain .. What are you doing to your self?" he asked me, taking steps towards me. "What Rain?"

I took steps backwards trying to avoid his body.

"I don't. . know.." I whispered. .


Please comment and vote!! I know it was short I will try to make the next one longer!
