chapter 7: Chaos

I was cleaning the dishes that we used for breakfast, I just finished cleaning and drying the last bit of cutlery. It's been nearly three weeks since I started this job and there have been some tough times and not so tough times, but like right now, it would have to be in between. When I turned around, Brahms was nowhere to be seen from where I put him down. "Brahms! Where are you?" I heard some giggles and I kind of figured what he was intent on doing, I hold the bridge of my nose but still show a smile, "You're being very playful today, I guess we'll have to read later, and play hide and seek now."

I started walking towards where the giggles came from in the house, which was the living room, and started looking around. I saw a flicker of something in the corner of my eye, so I looked over to see the doll sitting behind the side of the couch, "There you are, I found you! Do you want to go hide again?" I heard a slightly excited voice saying yes, "Okay, I'll close my eyes so I'm not looking were you going."

Once I covered my eyes, I heard some shuffling and giggles going off in the distance suggesting that he went to go hide again. 'I know it's probably the person moving the doll from place to place but it's just fun to play.'

After a bit more waiting, I signalled that I was uncovering my eyes now so I could start looking. I heard some rushed shuffles before they came to a stop, so I uncovered them and started looking into every room; from Brahms' room, my room, the bathroom, before finally coming to the study where I could see the top of Brahms' head peeking out from the side of the bookcase. I smile and decide to sneak up to the doll as if it were an actual child.

"Found you! It took me longer this time, you're getting better at this Brahms." I heard another giggle, taking a few steps back and covering my eyes so the fun could start again.

*Time skips to Lunch*

"You sure are great at hide and seek Brahms, that was incredibly fun to play," we had just finished playing and were walking to the kitchen to make lunch, "Now, what do you want for lunch, just a simple sandwich or some leftovers from last night?"

The person seemed to be debating what to have before finally answering in the usual voice, "Could I have a bit of both, please?" I smiled and nodded as we got to the kitchen. I put Brahms down in his chair and went over to start lunch. When it was done, I placed his plate in front of him and walked off with my plate into the other room.

When I knew he was done, I walked back into the kitchen and picked up his plate. I heard a little thank you from the person as I started the tap, "No worries, Brahms, I'm simply happy you're enjoying what I make." I went on to clean the dishes, after which I picked up Brahms and walked toward the study to have our music session.

*Time skips to near dinner*

I was on my way to the kitchen once more to make dinner, I had just finished another drawing with Brahms, and it turned out excellent. Out of nowhere, I heard a noise from the pool room which was odd since the only time anything came from the pool room was when Malcolm was here to hang out. 'Who could that be? I doubt it would be Malcolm since he would not come in without being invited.'

I looked at Brahms before walking over to the pool room with caution, I opened the door to find Cooper playing pool. "Cooper, why are you here?" I moved the doll's face into my neck to prevent him from seeing him. "A very Generous friend of mine gave me your whereabouts. I was going to write you a letter, but you know me. Never been one for writing," he glanced at Brahms in my hand, "This the little fellow? What's his name?"

I took a shaky breath before answering, "Brahms." I tightened my grip on him so Cooper couldn't have the chance to have a look at him, but to my luck he saw that Brahms was a doll.

"This is a joke right; a real boy will show up around the corner anytime now." he scoffed at how ridiculous it seemed, not realizing the deeper meaning behind it. "They paid me to look after a doll... as a coping mechanism for their actual son I should say before you insult them."

Cooper just huffed, not wanting to deal with my sympathetic comments, "Well at least that makes things a hell of a lot simpler." I was going to ask what he meant but I didn't get that chance when I noticed the time. It was getting late, and I had not made dinner yet, so I started walking towards the kitchen to start it. "Where are you going?" I stop in my tracks instinctively waiting for something to happen, when it didn't happen, I slightly turned my head to look at him trying to keep strong, "I'm going to make dinner since it's gotten late."

"Of course, you would, you can't stop eating can you. You might as well make me something too since I'll be staying the night." I nod my head, continuing to walk to the kitchen to start dinner.

*An hour later*

We were all sitting at the dining table which didn't allow Brahms to eat alone, so I kept his plate on the warm stove and half whispered to the person while facing Brahms that "I'm sorry you couldn't eat it straight away because of him but you can eat it after I deal with Cooper, Okay."

I was fiddling with my food, not wanting to eat because of his continuous rude comments about my body and diet. "You know, the whole way here I was trying to figure out how I was going to convince you to come home and how we could deal with the boy, but now this shit." Cooper gestures to Brahms that was sitting next to me as a comfort support, "while you were here, I've been working out at Fairview with Ed Bruner's crew. They got a contact on a new hotel as well, so there's more than enough work for all of us."

I took a glance at him and sigh quietly, "That's great, Cooper. It's what you wanted..." he looks at me and tries to sound as sympathetic as someone like him can, "Look, I understand why you left. I do," he sighs after a moments silence, he pulls something out from his pocket and slides it across to me, "Our flight leaves tomorrow afternoon so I can take you back home."

I look at the object and realize it's plane tickets going straight back to (home country), I look back up at Cooper with a distressed and scared expression, not wanting to go with him. When I was about to say I didn't want to, there was a loud knock on the front door, so I hurried to get up and answer the door. When I did, Malcolm was there waiting for me to answer. He was about to say something but was caught off guard by something or someone behind me.

I looked back to see that Cooper was looking at his suspiciously, "Cooper, could you give us some privacy. Malcolm is probably here to discuss the next delivery." he relentlessly stepped away and back towards the dining room. "What the hell is he doing here?" Malcolm whisper yelled; I had told him about my past relationship when we got to know each other better.

"He just showed up." I sounded distressed from the whole situation, Malcolm saw this and rubbed my back as comfort but made sure it was out of view from Cooper just in case he would do anything to me. "...Well, he has to leave. He can't just ask you to let him stay here."

"No, I didn't. I didn't let him do anything," I take a shaky breath in, "He wants me to go home with him, but that isn't going to happen."

"But, what if he attacks you?" you could feel the worry in his voice in every word he said. "He won't, trust me. I have a plan," I noticed that Cooper was slowly coming closer again to investigate what was taking so long, "Sounds good enough." Malcolm gets the gist, nods his head, and goes over to shake Cooper's hand.

"Pleasure meeting you."

"You too," they let go of their hands, "So, I gather you know about the doll stuff. What do you think about it?"

"You know, I try not to get involved into other people's business." Malcolm gives a neutral expression towards him. "Smart man." Cooper gives a smirk.

"Well, hope you have a goodnight." he walks back out of the door, and I wave him off. "Should I be worried?" I really wanted to tell Cooper right then and there that he should shut his trap since we are not together anymore, but I stopped myself, "About Malcolm, no, we're just friends." We walk back into the house and finish dinner.

*30 minutes later*

I came back into the living room with a few blankets and pillows in hand, I walked over to the couch and sat them on them. "Here you go." I got back up and started walking towards where Brahms was so I could clean up his plate since we gave him the chance to eat without interruptions. "So, I'm guessing I'm not sleeping in your bed tonight." Cooper states with a smirk, thinking he is so clever.

"No, I can bring you more blankets if you want." I turned back for a moment before cleaning Brahms plate. "No, this is good enough," He started going back to the couch when he saw me pick up Brahms and start walking to his room, "What are you doing with that thing?"

I look back at him and hold Brahms tighter, "well, I figured you wouldn't want him to be sitting in here with you, since you don't seem too fond of him." He once again huffs at my antics.

"Yeah, he's a creepy little guy." He stares at the doll on my hip, and I felt annoyed that he would say such a thing about the doll, I was going to yell at him, but I didn't want him to get mad, "He is not creepy, I think he is cute." I could feel his eyes roll when I said that to him.

There was a moment of silence before he decided to continue the conversation, "Look. Y/n. I'm sorry for what I was like when we were together, I just need to know, that you forgive me... I would like to hear you say that." my blood went cold at the memory of those times and pained that he thought he could just simply say sorry, and everything will be forgiven, "I can't." I look at the ground, scared to look at his face.

I could see his hands ball up before they released again, "Y/n... Fine, but I want you to realize something right now that you are not leaving me, Y/n. And I will not let you go, no matter where you run off to. You understand?" I was still looking at the floor, but I could feel his iron gaze that he does when he tries to get his way, "now... Make sure you're packed and ready by morning." I slowly nod my head even if I didn't want to.

I quickly walked towards Brahms' room and got him into his nightwear. I placed him on the bed, tucking his legs into the blanket, "How 'bout we read a book to lighten up the mood shall we..." I took the book off the bedside table and try to read the chapter, but the thought of leaving this beautiful place that I feel safe in to go with someone that I'm afraid of, it just wouldn't leave my mind.

My sight became blurred from the tears forming just from the thought, I quickly wiped them with my hand, "Sorry Brahms, my emotions are getting the best of me. Is if okay it I hug you?" I heard some shuffling in the walls and I think a small hum, so I picked the doll up and hold it tight as I breathed a shaky breath, "...I wish he didn't have to show up and force me to leave. I don't want to leave you or this place because it makes me feel so safe, I just wished I could find a way to stay here.... I just, need your help Brahms."

I decide to lay down on the bed while still holding the doll, eventually falling asleep from the stress. 
