6.5. Hidden

Shortest chapter ever, I'm crying. //

6.5. Hidden


"What?!" Renee's voice echoed around our place.

"Well, uh, yeah, and I-" I begin, but Renee cuts me off.

"He gave you a bracelet?! Seriously?! Oh my god, I'm dying for you, you're so lucky," she says, prolonging the last word.

I sigh. "What exactly is going to change? Renee, gosh, it's just a braceltet. I bet he gives other girls bracelets too. I'm nothing special."

"Aza," Renee starts. "Luke Robert Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer just gave you a bracelet. This is not the end of him! You literally just won at life."

I roll my eyes, before climbimg up the steps and going to the bathroom to take a warm shower. Exactly what I need.

I place my limited edition Batman accessory on my nightstand, and when I'm done with my bath and when I have changed clothes, I plop down on my bed and observe the rubber material. If someone saw me like this, they would probably judge me for eternity, but I no longer care.

I admire the bracelet until I see something white on the inside portion.

"What's this?" I ask myself, confused.

I then find out that it's a sticker label taped to the inside.

I turn my souvenir from tonight inside-out. I analyze it. And bam.

After tonight, you would probably think that my level if judging or classifying something as crazy would be imposibble to reach, but once again, the extremely tall blonde-haired 18-year-old has got me speechless again.

I've got a phone number and a smiley face on the sticker label.

Renee is right. This isn't the last time I'll be talking to that 6'4 cuddly angel from Australia.



OMG this was so short but this was important so yeah and this was just basicllyy chapter 6.5 and OMG did you see the new cover that -hades made for this book? I'm screaming, omg!

I'm really sorry for not being able to update a lot because I get home really late sometimes and other times I have heaps of homeworks and other stuff to do like EUGH. But then, hope you enjoyed this. :-)
