" Last weekend two young girls were kidnapped on their way back home at night. They were last seen near XX road..... if you have any dates of the two young girls alert authorities immediately. " the new reporter spoke through the tv. Lauren's mom sighed ,

" My goodness, Laurent you have to be safe when you go out okay? " her mom looked at her expecting a response from her daughter, but it seemed like she was on!y talking to herself. "with all this kidnappings," she continued "it's becoming so unsafe. I pray for those girls to be returned safe and sound. " her mom walked into the kitchen pantry. she took out a bag with powdery substance and began to put it into a pot filled with water.

Laurent sat at the dinner table with her head leaning on her hand for support. her eyes open but they were void of any sign of consciousness. she sat there dazed.

" laurent! " she snapped back into consciousness, her brain sending a shock throughout her body jolting her awake.

who called me?

"huh?" she replied confused and staring at her mother tending to the food on the stove and her surroundings.

oh right, school. she began to pick up her bag and head towards the front door.

"maman, im leaving." she yells from the front door, as she puts on her shoes.

"okay, be safe! " her mom yelled back from the kitchen. Laurent shut the front door and headed towards her bus stop. as she walked she looked around her neighbourhood and it was always the same; same old guy who walks out of his house to walk his dog, same car that drives back into the neighbourhood at this time and even the cat that roams the street that she always takes the time to pet. everything was the same, except for the person wearing a navy blue windbreaker who is standing at the bus stop.

seeing this made the teenager stop in her tracks. Blue windbreaker was not apart of her morning routine to school. she began biting the inside of her cheek, as she neared the bus stop.

usually it's only Laurent at the bus stop at this time and she would be able to stand near the bus sign where the stranger is to see her bus. but since the stranger is here laurent cannot stand in her spot and had to make an extra effort to see her bus.

what a worse day to be visually impaired. she thought to herself.

as she's waiting she cant help but feel a piercing gaze looking at her. maybe cause of the news and everything, the gaze starts to scare her and she begins to hold her phone even tighter. She quickly takes a look at her smart watch to see what time her bus will be coming. and uses this opportunity to look at the blue windbreaker.

the wind blows a bit allowing the young girl to see the windbreaker's side profile and he was truly something. his jet black hair with his highlights captivated her. his skin, was like a satin dress, so beautiful but it seemed so delicate.

"are you going to get on?" the bus driver said snapping her back into reality. she looked around and saw that the windbreaker was gone. she looked at the side of the bus and saw the numbers ' 5 14 ' displayed on it.

"yup, sorry i was distracted." she apologises as she shows the driver her pass. she walks to the second door of the bus and sits on the chair parallel to the door. she places her bag on her lap, and the bus drives off.

lauren closes her eyes and becomes absorbed in her thoughts,

who called me in the morning? and why does the windbreaker guy look like yunho?

as she began to become absorbed in her thoughts, the environment around her began to fade out. and the only thing that remained were, Laurent, her bag and the the three connect bus seats.

"laurie." the voice calls, and laurent turns around and smiles.

" yunho! " she walks up to him and gives him a hug. he reciprocates the hug. laurent breaks the hug to look at her best friend.

"so, who's this windbreaker guy you keep thinking about? " yunho asks. Laurent looked at him shocked, she didn't tell him anything yet and he already knows.

"i keep forgetting that you're in my head so you can hear my thoughts." she laughs causing the boy to laugh with her.

" how do you forget that?! " he laughs and Laurent shrugs. she beings to tell yunho about her small bus stop encounter and yunho is hyperfocused as she speaks.

"omg, " yunho said while covering his mouth " you gotta be careful what if he was one of those creeps from the news!? " Laurent looked at him confused. " i only know those cause of your sub conscious. " he replied quickly. " anyways you should be careful okay? "

"sure." she replied. the two exchanged goodbyes and. laurent woke up from her nap and was back on the bus. it had arrived at her stop. as she was getting up to leave she sees the same blue windbreaker from earlier.

makes sense he took this bus, there's no way he disappeared out of thin air. she thought as she exited the bus. as she walked towards her school she again felt the same gaze she did earlier in the morning. scared again, Laurent begins to pray and pick up the pace of her walking until she arrived at her school front gates.

"morning! " she greeted the school council president with a smile as he stood at the front gates, greeting students.

"hey, laurent." he smiled " how are you? " laurent stopped to talk to him.

" im good, danny. how's student council? " she asked him.

"well, it's good but it'd be better if you came back as vice president. we miss you there." he said as he intertwined his hands with hers. laurent's face began to reden. on days like this Laurent wishes she had pigment in her skin cause damn, hiding her blushes was so hard.
she internally cursed her albanism.

danny pulled laurent closer, " are you gonna come back to the council? " he asked her in a whisper. laurent began to hum loudly as if she was making a decision.

"i dunno." she said, " I'll tell you at lunch? " she brought their intertwined hands up to her lips and kissed his hand. she waved goodbye and made her way into the school. as she walked she noticed the same blue windbreaker from the morning.

third time today. and he goes to our school? she thought as she began to walk to her classroom. she finally managed to make her way to her first block and sat in her seat. second row to the front of the class.

with having poor eyesight it meant that laurent had to always sit in the front of her class, and had all her notes and textbooks either digitally or in big fonts.

the teacher entered the classroom, shared a few announcements and with that class began.


