ArthitxKongpob The End to the Start

It's been two weeks since Arthit had last seen Kongpob. He felt so exhausted. He was so tired of crying every single night, he was not sleeping well, he was not eating. His mother and Byul were greatly concerned about him. 

He'd gone home that weekend and had cried his eyes out to his mother. He still had not told her the truth as to how he met Kongpob he was too ashamed to say that. All he did tell her was that Kongpob had been someone he'd met who had agreed to play pretend with him. In the end, it was only him that had fallen for that trap. 

His mother had offered him comfort, he had been hugged and treated like a small child all weekend. Byul had found out because she'd called everyone worried sick after neither he nor Kongpb showed up to see Baekhyun. In the end, Arthit had explained to Byul what happened and he'd lied to Baekhyun telling him that he was sick but promised to make it up to him. 

Byul had come over to his mother's house to see him. Unfortunately, she had come with Two and Son. He'd thought that Two would scold him, but he didn't say a word to him in regards to that.  Son had told him things would be alright and Two had simply brought him his favorite drink pink milk. They'd all spent the day with him watching movies and trying to make him laugh. 

Arthit appreciated the sentiment but all he wanted to do was cry. They'd slept over at their mother's house crammed on the floor and hugging him like when they were children. When he'd left that Sunday morning his mother had caressed his cheek gently letting him know things would be okay. 

"Things will work out. Sooner or later he'll come to you and explain. But you both need time."

"He never loved me... all it was to him was a fling... maybe just someone that he could.." His mother grabs his face in her hands. 

"I know you're hurt Arthit. But... someone who plays pretend doesn't come to meet your mother. And he doesn't practically move in with you if it's just a fling. He doesn't make promises or tries to adopt a child with you. That would make him cruel. You have to trust him and have more faith in yourself and your love with him..." 

Arthit wanted to believe his mother. He truly wanted to believe these things but it had been two weeks and Kongpob had not contacted him. More and more Arthit started to believe that he had really meant nothing to Kongpob. 

Arthit sighed. He didn't know what to do anymore. Forgetting Kongpob was turning out to be so painful. More so than when he was heartbroken over Namtarn. He had not thought he would ever experience a heartbreak more painful than that one and this one had proved him wrong. 

"Mr. Rojnapat..." Arthit looked up from his desk and looked at the person standing in front of his classroom. It was one of the women that worked at the main office of the school. His children were at an assembly again and he was simply finishing up grading papers. 

"yes." He spoke politely. 

"There's someone that is looking for you. A Mr. Kyro." Arthit froze for a moment, more so when Kyro steps forward. The man had a frown on his face and Arthit bit the inside of his cheek.


"I'll leave you two alone." The woman spoke politely before walking away. 

"Come in.... have a seat," Arthit spoke up pointing to the chair that was beside his. It belonged to his T.A. Kyro offered him a smile and nodded. 

"Is there something going on?..." Arthit questioned, trying his best to even his voice. Kyro sat in front of him and sighed. 

"Well. You sent a letter two weeks ago just before your three-month contract ended."

"Things changed... I just... Didn't want to do this anymore." Arthit spoke softly.

"Arthit... I want you to have this." Kyro took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Arthit.  Confused Arthit took the white envelope in his hand and then opened it only for his eyes to widen when he realized it was a large stack of money. 

"What is this?"

"This is two months of payment. It's what you paid for Kongpob." Arthit shook his head.

"Why are you giving me this?" 

"Kongpob asked that we not tell you anything. He wanted to explain things himself but I can't really watch him moping around and Smile and Liz are both pretty pissed at everything that happened."

"I don't understand..." Arthit spoke softly. Kyro sighed. 

"Kongpob.. that dumb kid isn't good at sharing his feelings. He's never been good at it. I supposed he thought his sincerity towards you would be enough. But sometimes people need words too don't they?" Kyro questioned. 

Once more Arthit remained quiet. He was unsure of what Kyro was trying to tell him. 

"Kongpob quit the agency about two months ago. You were his last client."

"What?... But... we only stopped two weeks ago..."

"That's because Kongpob probably did not want to end things with you Arthit." Kyro sighed once more when Arthit remained with that blank expression on his face. 

"Arthit. Kongpob was serious about you. And I know, as someone with experience when it comes to dealing with emotions and getting hurt, he was afraid, just like you were when you thought that I was setting him up with more dates." Arthit bit the inside of his cheek unsure of what to say or how to honestly feel about the entire thing. 

"Did he ask you to come and tell me all this?" He questioned.

"No. But I wanted to come to talk to you because I know that he's suffering and by how red and swollen your eyes are I can tell that you aren't taking this breakup so well either."  Arthit doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Then... why hasn't he come looking for me?"

"I believe your words to him were something along the lines of I never want to see you again." Arthit's heart clenched.

"Look. It's not my place to say when it comes to what happened between he and Sam. Kongpob can explain all of that to you. But I will say this. Despite how compromising that scene was with him nothing happened. Kongpob loves you too much and you might not believe me but he really did try his best to make sure that things with you went smoothly." Arthit felt like crying one more. Kyro had certainly given him a lot of things that he needed to process. 

"Can I ask you something?" Arthit questioned. When Kyro nodded Arthit continued. 

"Why did you choose Kongpob to be with me?" Kyro chuckled and shook his head.

"I didn't choose him. You chose each other."

"I don't understand."

"The VIP list is special. I'm sure Smile told you that."

"She didn't say much only that someone would be chosen for me that would better fit me." 

"Yes. In this case, we got to read your file and all the information you provided for us and well... this was more or less a cupid agency."

"Cupid... but... they are doing this for money." Kyro laughs. 

"Of course they are. Most of them do this because they need money. Other's do this for fun. Some just want casual sex. Why do you think Kongpob was there?" Kyro questioned.

"Because he wanted to stop feeling. All this was a big distraction to his heartbreak." Kyro is silent for a moment before he smiles. 

"You're right about that. I was friends with him when he broke up with Sam he was a mess. He begged me to work at the agency and I complied because I thought he would just get this out of his system and that would be the end of it. But if I'm honest he just ended up losing himself. He was always a nice kid and well behaved."

"Then why did you let him work for the agency?" Arthit questioned.

"Because he'd gotten offers from other people to do the same line of work already. I chose to have him work for me so that I could keep an eye on him. He was like this for two years and honestly, he got out of control. He was like me in that way?"

"You?" Kyro smiled and nodded.

"I wasn't a very nice guy in the past. Until I met the love of my life, Liz. As you know she also works in the agency." Arthit nodded and for the first time saw a soft look in his eyes that could only be described as a look of someone that was clearly in love. 

"Liz truly changed my life. She made me want more than the stupid way I was living. I hoped that Kongpob would one day find the same thing but the way that he was going with the agency and he wasn't dating anyone in his personal life I knew that it would be close to impossible for him to find anyone. The girls came up with this idea. Special people, like you, not only because of your case, you didn't want someone to sleep with or show around to rich friends. You wanted someone to help you get over something that sounded familiar to someone else."

"You wanted to set us up?... Did Kongpob know that?" Arthit questioned.

"Of course not. He would have never agreed to even meet you if that had been the case. He wasn't very open to the idea of falling in love again. I thought... that if there might be anyone who might change him out of everyone else that was a candidate in the VIP list it would be you. I hoped that one week would be enough. He never sees anyone for more than a week. I knew I made the right choice when he agreed to three months within the first meeting." Kyro spoke with a smile. 

"Why me?" 

"Those are things you need to ask him too. I can't say more than I already have when it comes to Kongpob. As for me. I thought that you were noble when it came to how you handled things with you ex-girlfriend. If you couldn't be lovers, then I hoped Kongpob would gain a new friend. Someone who would let him find his old self. You're a bit like he was back then." Kyro's phone rings and he stands up from where he is sitting as he answers.

"Hello Liz," 

"Me... I'm running an errand." Kyro spoke with a charming smile that reminded Arthit of Kongpob and only caused him to miss the handsome man even more. 

"I'll see you soon... Love you too."  Kyro hung up and then turned to look at Arthit. 

"I have to go but... I hope you think about everything I said to you today." Kyro said to him before he walked away. Arthit remained where he was sitting. His mind was trying his best to wrap around what Kyro had said to him. 

"Did you really care about me Kong?" He questioned softly to himself. He went through his phone and found himself looking at the pictures that he'd taken with Kongpob. There was one, which they had taken together that he liked the best. They had both looked so happy during that time. Arthit remembers it because they had taken it at Byul's birthday party. They had taken several photographs together but he liked this one because they both looked so happy and comfortable with one another. Arthit had wanted to take a silly photograph and he'd thought Kongpob would not want to do the same. However, when he'd puffed out his cheeks Kongpob had done the same. 

They had been so happy for a full week. Why then had all of it soured so quickly? 

"Kong... if I call you to come back will you?" Tears began to sting his eyes. He wanted to believe in Kongpob. He wanted to hope that what Kyro had said to him was true. Maybe he was being selfish or even a bit contradicting but in his heart he knew that what he wanted was for Kongpob to come back to him. 

"Teacher!" The children's voices were heard as they suddenly burst through the door. Arthit didn't have much time to think after that. Instead, he simply wiped away his tears and offered a smile to them. He waited for them to come in before he stood up from his seat and began to teach his lesson...


"Appa!" Baekhyun had rushed into his arms as soon as Arthit had stepped foot inside the orphanage. Beside Baekhyun was one of the monks who offered him a polite smile as Arthit picked up the small child in his arms and carried him. The monk helped him with his bags and Arthit silently thanked him; he had stopped by his house and the grocery store in order to prepare the dish that he wanted to make for Baekhyun.

He had missed his appointment with Baekhyun the previous week and he had been so busy the past weeks due to the winter show he had been preparing with his class he felt as though he had really neglected his child. Without Kongob, Arthit had still gone ahead with what would be the adoption process. There had been a social worker that had started to be in contact with him and had thoroughly interviewed him. She'd talked to Baekhyun's psychologist and of course with the monks and Baekhyun himself. There would be a home visit soon which Arthit would have to start preparing for as well. 

He was currently looking for a new place to live and had found a two-bedroom apartment that he could afford for the two of them on his salary. He had enough money saved for the deposit and was in talks with the landlord already. 

"Appa. I drew a picture for you. Want to see." Baekhyun spoke, as soon as Arthit put him back down Baekhyun took his hand and led him down the hall and towards his room. The monk simply told Arthit that he would go put his things in the kitchen.

Arthit managed to say a thank you before Baekhyun pulled him into his room. 

"Appa close your eyes," Baekhyun spoke. Smiling, Arthit followed Baekhyun's instructions. Arthit could hear the rustling around the room before Baekhyun spoke once again.

"Okay. Appa can open his eyes again." Arthit looked at the drawing and tried his best to smile. There was a picture of a small boy holding hands with two men. There was a scribble with his name on the doll to the right and Kongpob's name above the other doll.

"Auntie Byul wrote it on a piece of paper for me and I tried my best to copy it."

"Auntie Byul?" Arthit questioned. Baekhyun nodded.

"She's Appa's sister." Arthit ruffled Baekhyun's hair before hugging him, he tried his best to hide his pain and the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. 

"Does Appa like it."

"Yes. It's a very nice drawing." I'm sorry that Kongpob won't be part of our family anymore...

"Come on. I want to teach you to make a fun dish. Arancini."

"Arancini?" Baekhyun questioned. 

"Italian rice balls. There's going to be cheese in them." Baekhyun's eyes lit up and Arthit smiled as he led the child out of his room and into the kitchen. The monk had already set up everything, including his Tupperware where he had prepared the risotto in advance so that they could prepare things at a faster speed.

"Come on let's wash our hands so that you can help me make these," Arthit explained to Baekhyun who nodded.  There was a little stool that was set up so that Baekhyun could wash his hands and when he was done Arthit dried his hands for him and finished setting up what they would need.  Arthit showed Baekhyun how they would make the arancini. 

There was a big smile on Baekhyun's face while they made rice balls with cheese inside. Breading the arancini became a mess of breadcrumbs, eggwash,  and flour everywhere. Including Baekhyun's hair. 

"Look at you," Arthit spoke to Baekhyun as he tried to remove the breadcrumbs from his hair. Baekhyun smiled at him. 

"Come on, you need a bath." Baekhyun's eyes lit up and he nodded. Arthit set up a bath for him and was surprised when Baekhyun came out with a few toys including rubber ducks, a small ship and a few action figures. Arthit knew the children had toys, Byul bought the kids many toys and clothes when she could. However, Arthit was sure that these toys were not purchased by Byul. She always let him know when she needed to buy new toys and always asked for his help or at least mentioned it. 

Arthit didn't comment on this to Baekhyun and simply helped him set up his bubble bath. 

"I'm going to fry up the arancini balls so that when you come out they'll be ready to eat." 

"Okay Appa." Baekhyun spoke. Arthit smiled and kissed the top of Baekhyun's hair before leaving. He could see a few children running around the orphanage, many were outside and while Arthit felt bad because it seemed as though Baekhyun was a favorite, that was not the case. From what Byul had explained, small little get-togethers like these were given and offered to people that were not only ready but sure that they wanted the child they were adopting. 

Meetings like these were further down the line when the adoption was in the process of closing. Byul had helped him find another lawyer after what happened with Kongpob. She had promised him that things would continue to go smoothly with Baekhyun's adoption and so far things had continued that way. He hurried to finish cooking and by the time he was done. When Baekhyun was out of his bath he had rushed into the kitchen barefoot, and with water dripping down his hair after changing clothes.  Arthit propped Baekhyun on the empty kitchen counter, glad that he had been able to clean up while Baekhyun was taking his bath. 

Baekhyun grinned at him while Arthit dried his hair. 

"Appa... When are you and Por coming together?" Arthit's heart clenched at the questioned.

"Kongpob... Do you miss him?" Baekhyun nodded.

"Just as much as I miss Appa." His words warmed Arthit's heart but at the same time made Arthit feel incredibly guilty. 

"Can I ask you something?" Arthit questioned. 

"Would it be okay if it was just me?" Baekhyun's eyes that had been shinning with happiness died down. Arthit watched Baekhyun's head lower and his bottom lip began to quiver. Arthit panicked and immediately hugged Baekhyun, not wanting him to cry. 

"I knew it. You and Por are fighting." Dread filled Arthit's heart but he knew that he was going to have to talk about this with Baekhyun sooner or later. It was best that he did it now so that Baekhyun would get used to the idea that it would be just the two of them. 

"That's not the way Daddy said things would happen." Arthit freezes for a moment; confused, as Baekhyun sniffles. 

"Baekhyun... what are you talking about?" Arthit questioned gently as he reaches out to wipe Baekhyun's tears. The child hugs Arthit tightly wanting to be carried and when Arthit picks him up in his arms Baekhyun buries his face in Arthit's neck. Arthit pats his back gently trying to calm him down and when Baekhyun finally does he begins to play with Arthit's tie. 

" said Daddy told you something would happen... do you mean Kongpob?..." Arthit questioned. Baekhyun looked at him with bloodshot eyes and shook his head.

"Daddy... My Por... My Appa... the only person that ever loved Baekhyunnie." Arthit's heart clenched as he heard the four-year-old child say these words.  There were moments when Arthit almost did forget that Baekhyun came from an abusive past. 

"Your Daddy told you that someone would adopt you if something went wrong?" Arthit was both alarmed and confused but more so when Baekhyun nodded then shook his head. 

"Daddy told me after he went to heaven and became an angel. He showed me Appa and Por in a dream. When I saw Auntie Byul had your picture I knew that it wasn't just a dream. What Appa said was true. Daddy promised me I would get new parents that would love me more than anything in the world." Baekhyun smiled at him and Arthit didn't know what to believe, or if this was true or not. All that he felt was an overwhelming feeling in his chest that made him want to hug Baekhyun again. He wasn't sure if what he had said was true all that he knew was that he would take care of Baekhyun as best as he could and always treat him as his son.

"Appa?..." Arthit smiled at Baekhyun. 

"Come on. Don't worry about anything, everything will be okay, Let's have dinner." Baekhyun smiled brightly and when Arthit put him down he began to set up, he had made some salad to go with the arancini hoping that Baekhyun would eat some greens.  He served marinara sauce with the arancini. Arthit was happy when he saw Baekhyun take a bite of his salad, but before the child could taste the arancini he paused.

"I forgot something. Baekhyunie will be back quickly." Baekhyun said before he stood from his chair and ran out of the kitchen. Arthit was confused but waited patiently for Baekhyun to come back. When he did, he had his hands behind his back and there was a rustling sound and shaking and he was grinning happily. 

"Appa. There is a surprise."

"A surprise?" Arthit questioned with a smile. 

"A surprise. Close your eyes Appa and hold out your hands." Baekhyun spoke. Arthit nodded and he couldn't help but chuckle when he heard Baekhyun giggling.

"Okay Appa, you can open your eyes now." Arthit was confused when he saw Baehyun holding a very large white gift bag.

"What is this?"

"Open it Appa." Baekhyun encouraged. Arthit nodded and when he opened the gift bag he was surprised. They were the Lindor limited edition strawberry chocolates that he had wanted but had been unable to get. 

"Baekhyun. Did Byul give these to you?" Baekhyun nodded and then the two sat down so they could have dinner together. Arthit smiled watching Baekhyun eat messily. There was tomato sauce on his lips, crumbs from the bread, some rice, there was even some salad on his cheeks. 

"Eat slowly. Your stomach might hurt if you rush." Arthit spoke wiping Baekhyun's lips. He, on the other hand, looked at the chocolates that were in front of him. He had been anticipating eating them for so long and had been so disappointed that he had not been able to get them. But now that they were in front of him his mouth watered. He immediately forgot about his food and reached to open a bag of chocolates. As soon as he opened the bag he took out a truffle and quickly unwrapped it. He hummed softly at the chocolate strawberry richness. He heard Baekhyun giggling and when he turned to look at him Baekhyun spoke up with a smile.

"Por said that you would love them." Arthit froze and he watched Baekhyun pout.

"Baekhyun... Kongpob got these for you... He was here? When?" Baekhyun was quiet for a moment as he set down the arancini he had in his hands. He looked down at his hands fiddling with them nervously while Arthit looked back at him.


"Baekhyunnie wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"What do you mean?" Arthit questioned. 

"Really Por! I can keep all these!" Baekhyun spoke with a smile as he looked at all the tamarind toys that Kongpob had gotten for him. They were standing outside the orphanage. Byul was holding Baekhyun's hand. Ever since he had apologized to her for his fit he had been a lot more open to her. More so because she was Arthit's sister. Kongpob smiled at the child in front of him. He had gotten off work and had come to see Baekhyun. 

They had dinner together and had spent a couple of hours simply talking. Kongpob had wanted to tuck the child into bed. Unfortunately, he had a lot of things that he needed to take care of when it came to his job and was unable to do so.

"You can keep them. These are all for you." Kongpob spoke with a smile. Baekhyun grinned up at him and hugged him. Kongpob chuckled and ruffled his hair. He then kneeled down so he could be at eye level with the four-year-old. 

"This is another gift,"  Kongpob explained, as he handed Baekhyun a white gift bag.

"What is this? Can I open this?"

"Actually... I want you to do something for me." Kongpob spoke to Baekhyun who nodded eagerly.

"What is it? " Baekhyun questioned. 

"This is a gift for Arthit. " Byul who was with Baekhyun looked at him in surprise.

"What is it?" Byul spoke up as Baekhyun opened the bag,

"Chocolates,"  Byul spoke in surprise. 

"Of course they are." Kongpob offered her a wry smile as he stood up.

"There are some treats in there for you too. Tamarind candies." Kongpob spoke to Baekhyun who immediately dug into the bag and took out large bags of tamarind candy.

"Don't eat all of them at once or you'll get sick," Byul told him. 

"How is he?..." Kongpob questioned quietly. Byul looked at him and sighed, they hadn't talked since he and Arthit broke up. When they'd interacted Byul had not been angry at him she had been polite.

"He's sad... so are you, aren't you?" Byul questioned Kongpob who tried to hold back his tears.

"Appa and Por are fighting?" Baekhyun questioned. Kongpob and Byul both smiled and shook their heads. 

"Then why does Por not give this gift to Appa."

"I've been very busy lately and so has Arthit. That's why we're coming to see you separately. But  I promise that we will come to see you together soon." Kongpob spoke to Baekhyun who nodded and hugged him. Kongpob smiled and hugged him back. 

"Give these to Arthit when you have dinner together. He'll probably have them before he eats anything else." 

"Come on Baekhyun. You need to go to bed soon. Let's give you a bath." Byul spoke to Baekhyun who nodded. 

"I'll see you soon okay," Kongpob spoke to Baekhyun.

"Let's not tell Arthit I came by or that these chocolates are from me okay." Baekhyun nodded once again.

"I really do hope you two come back together."

"You don't hate me?"

"I believe in what I see and the way you look at him when you're together...You just have to convince Arthit of that and that what he saw at your apartment wasn't that."

"I know..." Kongpob tells Byul sighing. 


"He came to see me during the week," Baekhyun tells Arthit. He doesn't tell his Appa any more mainly because he hopes that whatever happened between both adults is fixed soon. 

"Appa... Baekhyunnie hopes that you and Por can come to see me together next time. That is Baekhyunnie's wish." Arthit's heart clenched as he heard those words but he found himself nodding. He felt guilty for lying but after hearing Baekhyun's words he felt hope. Why had Kongpob come to see Baekhyun? Why did he leave him the chocolates? 

He thought back to what he had seen in Kongpob's apartment with Sam. Tears threatened to fall down his eyes. He thought about calling Kongpob but the moment that thought had come, it went as easily when he realized Kongpob was not trying to seek him out either. He was more confused than ever. Was Kongpob trying to get him back? Was he not? What did all that mean?...


"Come on Arthit. Just call him. Put yourself out of your own misery." Byul said to him. They were coming out of the school. They had just ended their winter festival and all the parents had already come to pick up their children. They would have exactly two weeks break for Christmas and new year. They were all going home so that they could change and come back much later for a semi-formal Christmas party. Where their boss would finally introduce himself. He was the old Principal of the school as well as the owner Mr. Prasert Suthiluck. The man had left a long time ago when he had really begun to expand his businesses. Arthit vaguely remembered the man as he had been there when Arthit was still in elementary but, he had later given the position to someone else. But now he was back, wanting to "retire" and would be handing over his businesses to his kids.  

"Arthit..." Byul called out to him. 

"I can't just talk to him..." Arthit spoke up to her. 

"And why not? You love him. He obviously still loves you." Byul's words made him want to cry.

"Arthit... what if he didn't cheat? What if it was real for him?"

"I want to believe that Byul. I truly do want to. But I'm scared. Did my eyes play tricks on me... I can't handle if it was real.... what if."

"Arthit... what is your heart telling you?" Byul questioned. A car pulled up at that moment and it was Jae Ha. Arthit did not miss the smile and the looks that they both exchanged as soon as they laid eyes on one another.

"And you?" Arthit questioned.

"I follow my heart. I don't overthink." Byul told him just as Jae Ha got out of the car. Arthit gave him a polite wai while Jae Ha simply nodded at him and smiled. 

"So.." She questioned once more.

"I love him. I'll call him. But you know I can't tonight. We have the thing tonight and Dante offered to give me a ride." 

"Just do it Arthit. You two need to talk to him. Even if it's for closure."

"But that's the problem. I don't think I can get over him. I know it was short but... do you know what it's like to love someone so much you can't breathe without them?" Byul was quiet for a moment before she sighed. 

"Then you're going to have to learn to do it if it ends badly. But I can guarantee that it won't. Kongpob loves you. Actions speak louder than words and despite what you saw I'd say that there's a lot wrong." 

"How can you tell?" 

"Your ex-girlfriend knows his ex-boyfriend." Jae Ha spoke up. 

"What?" Arthit questioned.

"Well... I'm seeing them right now." Jae Ha motioned to two people talking across the street in a black car.

"And... we might have seen them at the orphanage last week," Byul spoke up. 

"What?" Arthit questioned. Byul looked at him feeling guilty.

"I knew it was him because of the scandal he's done at the agency. My brother Ming works there too and I dropped him off a couple of weeks ago. That Sam was making a huge scene wanting to see Kongpob." Jae Ha's words made his heart clench and there was a feeling of dread at the pit of his stomach. 

"Yeah... last week Namtarn and Sam asked to see the orphanage. The monks didn't know who they were and let them look around. They sneakily asked the children if they knew you and Kongpob. I got to them just as Baekhyun announced you were adopting him. 

Arthit didn't know what to say for a moment. But anger was bubbling inside him as he looked at the two people across the street in their car that had obviously not seen him. His eyes landed on that bastard Sam. Rage filled his heart at the thought of this person seeking out his child. 

Arthit ignored Byul calling after him as he made his way across the street. He knew the moment that he was spotted because both Namtarn and Sam looked like two deers caught in headlights. 

"Get out of that car!" Arthit snapped angrily as he tried to open the driver's door where Sam was; the man had quickly locked his doors and closed his windows. 

"I'm going to kill you bastard! How dare you go and look for my son!" He was yelling angrily. 

"Get out of the car so I can rearrange your face! You son of a bitch!" He shouted as he banged on the car window angrily.

"Arthit! Arthit!" Byul was shouting. Jae Ha grabbed him trying to pull him away from the car as Arthit struggled trying to get away from his grasp. When Namtarn got out of the car Sam immediately drove away.

"I'm going to kill you bastard! How dare you go looking for my son! Who do you think you are!" Arthit was shouting like a mad man. Jae Ha had by now let him go and Arthit knew that it was too late to run after a car. He had half a mind to get into his own car and chase after that bastard. 

"Arthit..." Namatarn's voice broke his train of thoughts and when he looked at her he felt so sick to his stomach. His hands were shaking and he tried to contain his anger. He had never once hit a woman and he would not start now.

"Arthit... I."

"You make me sick." Arthit spoke coldly. Namtarn flinched.

"How dare you go looking for my son. You had no right to do that."

"I know..." Namtarn had tears in her eyes as she spoke. 

"I want to talk... I want to seriously talk.... Just... give me five minutes will you? I promise this is the last time...." Byul scoffed beside him.

"He doesn't want to take your raggedy-ass back."

"I know... that's not what I'm asking... I... I'm leaving okay. Today was my last day. I took a job at another school in Japan... Sam is going with me... Please... just five minutes..." 

"Arthit." Byul began but Jae Ha cut her off.

"We'll be leaving. Unless Arthit wants us to stay... then we'll stay." Jae Ha spoke calmly. Arthit looked at Namtarn... it took him a moment to realize that he was looking at the girl he had loved almost five years ago. Yet she had so much sadness in her eyes, Arthit once again could not recognize her. Sighing he nodded.

"Okay... we can talk." 

"We'll see you tonight." Jae Ha spoke to him while pulling Byul across the street and back towards his car despite her protests. When the car finally pulled away Arthit looked at Namtarn who was now sitting on the sidewalk. 

"Sit?" She asked and he sighed but sat beside her. For the longest of times, no one spoke a single word. There was awkward silence because they both knew too much had happened between the both of them, there was no way things between them would ever be the same again. 

"I'm sorry." Namtarn finally spoke up.

"For what?" Arthit questioned. Not because he did not know why she was apologizing but because there was too much to apologize for. 

"Everything. Cheating on you. Degrading your pride and your love for me... Involving Sam."

"So it was you," Arthit spoke trying to fight back the pain in his heart, the anger and the disappointment in himself and in Namtarn.

"I never thought you of all people would go this far. Why? You broke up with me remember." He reminded her. His tone was calm. 

"I know... I didn't think I was capable of a lot of things. I broke up with you... When I did it I thought I would be happy with Jay. But as much as I told myself that I loved him... part of me wanted you to fight for me... It didn't occur to me how righteous and kind you were. When we broke up you let me go because that's what I wanted." Arthit listened to Namtarn quietly and spoke once she was no longer saying anything.

"I loved you... I just... I think neither of us realized when we both stopped feeling that way. Or maybe we did but we were both afraid to let go. At a certain point in our relationship both of us just gave up."

"When?... You always gave in to me. No matter what I asked no matter how I acted. No matter what I said to you or how badly I treated you. Jay... he did the same to me and I began comparing. I missed you." Arthit laughed.

"You didn't miss me. You missed being with me."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"No. You missed the way you were treated. I thought love was about giving no matter what you received. Do you remember last year? When it was my mother's birthday. You went out with your friends instead of coming to see her. I let it go because I stopped caring. I didn't realize it then that I stopped loving you. But now... I think I know when I knew you didn't love me and when I stopped loving you. Two years ago... we made plans for the summer. Byul invited us to Paris we saved all our money and if I recall you spent all your time with some girls we met at a club that night and spent the entire two months hanging out with them shopping partying. I spent it with Byul, Two and Son. We didn't care enough about one another to spend time together. We didn't even care that we were okay spending all that time apart. " 

"You're right," Namtarn spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I'm comfortable to you. When we broke up it hurt. Because a small part of me still loved you."

"And him... Kongpob?"

"I love him." There was no hesitation in his voice as he said these words and he did not miss the hurt in Namtarn's eyes. 

"I messed up. I didn't realize what I had until I lost it... Being with Jay just made me love you and appreciate you more... but I lost you didn't I?" Tears are falling down Namtarn's eyes as she looks at Arthit and continues.

"Watching you with him... the way you look at him the way you smile. I realized you never looked at me that way. You never loved me as much as you love him."

"How did you meet Sam?" Arthit questioned. 

"We were friends before. I actually knew Kongpob in passing. We never hung out because Sam has crazy hours at the hospital. He comes to see me when he has time and I sometimes dropped by the hospital. Sam never introduced us he was always so possessive of Kongpob as though someone would try to take him away. He always thought Kongpob was cheating on him, he didn't want anyone to talk to him.  Sam and I were childhood friends who kept in touch I'm his closest friend who had a boyfriend and even when Kongpob is gay and would have never been interested... Sam refused to let me meet him. Only a few friends were allowed, mainly his married friend, even then, he would always doubt Kongpob because of his own doings." Namtarn explained.

"I had not realized it was Sam's Kongpob until Sam mentioned he saw you two at a club and he mentioned your name. He talked about what Kongpob did for a living... I wanted to believe what Sam speculated, that you hired him." Arthit tried his best not to give away the fact that at the start that had been true. His relationship with Kongpob no matter how it had started was no one else's business but his own.

"But then... I saw him at your apartment... I said those things because I wanted to hurt you. You two looked so... in love and comfortable. Not in the way we were but in a way where you could see how special your love was it was like... you belonged together." Tears fell from Namtarn's eyes. 

"I wanted to believe that what Sam said was true. He was out of hand I know. He stalked Kongpob and followed him home. He planned everything for you to catch him and to make you think that Kongpob cheated on you and didn't want you." Arthit bit the inside of his cheek. He'd wanted to hear these words but not from Namtarn, but from Kongpob and yet, now that he knew the truth he couldn't help but feel guilty. 

"Kongpob was harsh to Sam... in his rage, he mentioned you two were in the process of adopting... I tried to stop Sam from going to the orphanage. He found out where it was because he hired a detective. I told him it was a bad idea and he was already going too far. But he promised me he was done that this would be the last time... When he saw the child... when we saw him we realized we were both old news to both of you. Sam didn't handle it so well but he finally came to terms with his breakup. You can tell Kongpob that he doesn't have to worry about Sam anymore. He's leaving to Japan with me. He is sorry. He's just... too embarrassed and a bit too prideful to say it to you." Namtarn tells him. All Arthit can do is try to process everything that Namtarn is telling him.

"Can I ask you something?" Namtarn questions him after a few moments of silence. When Arthit nods she continues. 

"If you hadn't met Kongpob... could you and I..."

"No." Arthit tells her firmly before she even finishes. He can see hurt in her eyes but he speaks anyway.

"I've learned a lot lately from you and from Kongpob. I thought I needed to change for someone. But it turns out that's not the case. When you cheated on me I won't lie that taking you back if you asked did cross my mind. But... I realized I'm not the type of person that can forgive something like that. Even if Kongpob was not part of my life I could never go back." Arthit answered honestly. Tears fall from Namtarns eyes and she covers her mouth to escape her sobs. 

"I'm sorry if I'm being too honest." Arthit tells her. Namtarn shakes her head as she tried to compose herself.

"This is my fault. I didn't treasure what a great man you are Arthit. And I'm sorry for everything that I said to you. You were never pathetic or anything else that I've ever said. I was always the one that was never good enough." 


"It's okay Arthit.  I just... hope that you can forgive me." Arthit looked at Namtarn and took her hand in his. 

"For what it's worth... I really did care about you. I still do. I hope that you can be happy Namtarn. You deserve to find happiness too." Namtarn reached out to caress his cheek while smiling at him sadly. 

"Thank you. You're far too nice to people who don't deserve it." Namtarn kisses his cheek and then pulls away.

"Goodbye Arthit. I'm really sorry for all the trouble I caused and like I said. When it comes to Sam he won't bother you again. Both you and Kongpob have made it clear to him."

"I don't un-"

"Sam was slapped with a restraining order yesterday as well as one for you and Baekhyun."

"But I didn-... Kong." Arthit thought out loud. Namtarn smiled at him.

"You've really found someone who loves and values you. I hope you have a happy life." She then stood up from where they were sitting and he quickly followed after her. There was a peaceful atmosphere around them and Namtarn smiled at him just as she hugged him. Arthit was taken back at first but then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. 

"Goodbye Nam..." Arthit whispered. 

"Goodbye Arthit..." When Namatarn pulled away he smiled at her. 

"I wish you luck." He told her.

"You too." When Namtarn walked away Arthit stayed there for a few moments, tears fell from his eyes but not for Namtarn, but because of what she had told him about Kongpob. Now more than ever he realized that Kongpob truly loved him and that in the end, it had all been a setup. 

Guilt flooded his heart and he hated the fact that he had been unable to believe in himself and in Kongpob. He took his phone out and dialed Kongpob's phone number. However, the minute he did so, his heart sank when he heard the operator telling him that the number was no longer in service. 

"I'm not giving up so easily." He thought to himself. He rushed towards the parking lot where he had left his car, as soon as he reached his car he quickly got in and drove. His heart felt unsettled and he couldn't help but blame himself. 

He realized that he should have talked to Kongpob when he started to have doubts. He bit his bottom lip unsure of what he should say but knowing that he needed to get to Kongpob so that he could talk to him. 

It felt like an eternity before he managed to get to Kongpob's apartment. Despite the fact that he knew now that everything had been set up he still had flashes of that day. Tears fell from his eyes as he recalled Kongpob's own tears while he begged him not to leave.

When he made his way up to Kongpob's apartment he was shocked at what he saw. The door was open once again, only this time, the living room was completely empty.

"Kong..." Arthit called out, he was unable to breathe as he walked further into the house. There was nothing, no bed, no furniture. 

"Kong..." Arthit called out once again, sobs escaped his lips as he realized that Kongpob had left. His heart clenched and he had absolutely no idea what to do. His body was shaking as he cried but then he realized there was still one more place to look for Kongpob. His sister's flower shop. 

He rushed out of the apartment feeling like a madman but not willing to give up just yet. He didn't want to lose Kongpob, not like this. Despite everything that happened he'd held on to the smallest of hopes that they could work it out. 

It didn't take him long to arrive and Boonsri's flower shop, but when he did, he felt even more frustrated. It was closed, the lights were out in the shop and there was a sign which read that the flower shop would be closed for at least two more weeks. Arthit bit the inside of his cheek as his lips trembled and tears continued to fall from his eyes. He was out of options and he had no idea what it was that he was going to do. 

People were walking down the street, more than one person stopped and stared as they noticed him crying. Arthit simply headed back inside his car and when his phone rang he tried to collect himself before answering.

"Hello," His voice was shaky.

"Yes, Arthit this is Mr. Manawej. I wanted to let you know that unfortunately the apartment that you'd wanted to rent was taken by someone else. The owner got a better offer and." Arthit's heart sank more.

"Okay... I understand.." He hung up and sighed. It was ridiculous to cry more but he did feeling extremely overwhelmed. But he knew he wasn't just crying about a stupid apartment. He was crying for Kongpob, and because the home that he'd wanted to get for himself and Baekhyun deep down he also knew and had hoped that Kongpob would be part of it. Now, he wasn't so sure Kongpob would ever be part of that dream.

He didn't know how long he stayed in his car, just wallowing in his own self-pity. He couldn't help but blame himself. I should have just been honest with Kongpob, but why couldn't I do that?... Why do I always hide my feelings when I feel afraid?...

His phone rang once again and he wiped his tears and sniffled when he answered.


"What's wrong? What did that pin cushion say to you? I knew she was going to make you cry I am going to rip her hair out when I see her next time, but first I'm going to kill this moron beside me!"

"Ow! Byul!" Arthit could hear Jae Ha say as he and Byul began to argue. He couldn't help but laugh despite the tears that continued to fall. 

"Byul... it has nothing to do with Namtarn..." Arthit quickly explained. 

"I told you!" He heard Jae Ha telling Byul. 

"Then what is it?" Byul spoke clearly concerned. 

"She did say some things... everyone was right," Arthit explained, his voice wavering. 

"What did she say."

"She apologized... we talked about a lot of things... she's leaving... she also said that Sam set everything up for me to think that Kong..." A sob escaped his lips and Byul cursed as she heard him.

"Where are you? Do you need me to come get you?" Byul spoke softly.

"No... I just... hate myself for messing things up and not believing in him. He changed his phone number and moved... He must really hate me and be hurt huh?" Arthit questioned wryly as tears continued to fall from his eyes.


"It's true Byul. I really messed things up. "


"It's true... What if it really is over? I can't I."

"Arthit. Kongpob quit the agency for you didn't he?" Jae Ha cut off.

"He also continues to see Baekhyun at the orphanage. That's a commitment. And he's probably going to see him again." Jae Ha continued.

"He's right." Byul cut in. 

"He's come to see Baekhyun on Monday's Wednesdays, and Thursdays the past two weeks. Mainly because he knows you come Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but I'm sure you can catch him next week...." Byul spoke quietly. 

"You can't give up so easily. Not when Kongpob means so much to you." Jae Ha added. Arthit nodded realizing that they were right. 

"You're right..." He whispered.

"Then please. Gather yourself up Arthit. We have to attend that Christmas party. Is Dante still picking you up tonight?" Byul questioned.


"Chin up okay. Get ready and tonight we can stay at your house and eat some chocolate cake together after that boring shindig" Byul comforted. 

"Thank you," Arthit whispered. After hanging up Arthit looked at himself in the rearview mirror. His eyes were swollen again. It was clear that he had been crying and he could already hear Byul scolding him once more. Checking his phone he realized there were at least two hours left until he had to go out for the Christmas "party". Looking at the empty flower shop he realized there was nothing left for him there and simply drove away praying that he would be able to see Kongpob again soon.


Lights were dimmed drinks were served. Everyone was in their best formal wear from suits to dresses. There was soft music playing but no one was dancing, mainly everyone was making small talk amongst one another. 

"This is boring. Why don't we make this interesting." Byul spoke up. Arthit shook his head and smiled watching as Byul pulled a surprised Jae Ha towards the dance floor. Tootah and Lemon who had come together were already going to the DJ that had been hired to change up the music. 

"Are we really late?" May questioned walking in with her boyfriend Em. Arthit looked at them both and shook his head. Arthit remembered that Kongpob and Em were friends. He was tempted to ask Em about Kongpob but before he could Dante spoke up.

"Do you want to dance?" Dante questioned. Arthit turned to look at him. He didn't want to be rude, after all, Dante and he had come together. Nodding Artiht allowed himself to be led to the dance floor. There was a slow song on and when Dante put his arms around his waist Arthit felt extremely uncomfortable. Even so, he tried his best to relax and wound his arms around Dante's neck as the two swayed together softly. 

"Arthit... can I ask you something," Dante spoke up.


"Do you like me?" Arthit froze at the question, unsure of what to answer. He could see hope in Dante's eyes and immediately coming with the other man to this shindig as Byul called it. 

"I like you... but as my friend." Dante smiled at him sadly. 

"I hoped..." Dante began.

"I'm sorry. " 

"You broke up with Kongpob didn't you?" Arthit didn't respond biting the inside of his cheek. 

"I can see how sad you are Arthit. But I must admit, part of me hoped that you would look my way. And I know we came together as friends. That was never a question... even so... I..."

"Do you mind if I cut in." Arthit froze as soon as he heard that velvety voice behind him. Kongpob was standing behind them in a black suit. His hair was styled neatly and there was a smile on his lips. 

Arthit's felt breathless as he looked at the handsome man in front of him. His mind had gone completely blank as he looked at the person who was able to move his heart with just a single glance at him. 

"Kong..." Kongpob looked at him and sadness flickered in his eyes which caused Arthit to move himself away from Dante's arms. 

"Hello Arthit."

"What are you doing here Kong... I..."

"I realize that you might not want me here. I know..." There was sadness in Kongpob's voice as he spoke. 

"I think... I should let you two talk...or dance." Dante spoke. He turned to Arthit and offered him a sad smile before walking away towards their friends who were now all shamelessly gawking at he and Kongpob. 

"Kong..." Arthit didn't know why he couldn't talk or say more than Kongpob's name, but it was as though his voice had left him and his mind was a jumbled mess trying to catch up with what was going on around him. 

"Do you mind if we dance?..." Kongpob questioned. Arthit found himself shaking his head dumbly and just bearly managed to wrap his arms around Kongpob's neck when the handsome man wrapped his arms around his waist. Kongpob's familiar scent clouded his mind and he found himself moving closer to the warm body that was holding him. He could feel Kongpob doing the same. The song that was playing, and the people around them seemed to fade away as though nothing else mattered but this moment. 

"I missed you...."

"I wanted to see you..."

"I wanted to look for you..."

"I wanted you to find me..." These are things that they both express with their eyes and without words. Tears begin to pool in Arthit's eyes as Kongpob simply reaches out to cup his cheek and wipe away at the stray tear that had fallen down his cheek with his thumb. They press their foreheads against one another and a sob escapes Arthit's lips. 

"I'm sorry..." Arthit whispers.

"I'm sorry too baby..." 

"We should talk okay..." Kongpob whispers and Arthit nods quietly. 

"Come on..."

"I can't leave I... I want to but... today is important we."

"It's okay. My dad said it was okay for me to take you out of here as long as he gets to see you this Sunday for breakfast to officially meet you."

"Your dad?..."

"Prasert Suthiluck." Arthit is shocked as he hears that name. Kongpob is pulling him out of the Christmas party and by the time he's fully processed what Kongpob has told him he is inside the Handsome man's car and driving away from the school. 

"Suthiluck... " Arthit thought to himself. That last name certainly was one that everyone in Thailand knew. It belonged to one if not the most wealthy men in Thailand. Working for the man's school didn't mean a thing to Arthit. Mainly because money meant nothing to him he was around it because of his friends but hated all that it implied as he had seen how sad money had made Byul, Two, and Son. Their parents were greedy and selfish. He didn't know much about Prasert Suthiluck but what he did know is that the man aside from being wealthy often gave to charity and was known for being kind. He was also a widowed man and very private when it came to his personal life. Not much was known about his children other than the fact that he had them.

Looking at Kongpob as he drove Arthit realized that this was most likely why Kongpob had never shared his last name. He had often evaded the question and Arthit had not been too pressed by the matter not when Kongpob was so good at distracting him with his kisses. 

"Where are we going?" Arthit questioned Kongpob when he realized that they were going further into the city, where the richest people lived. 

"To my apartment... I recently moved I-"

"I know... I went to look for you today..." Arthit spoke quietly to Kongpob who looked at him in surprise before he smiled. Kongpob then reached out to grab his hand in his. There was a gentleness in the way Kongpob's's thumb grazed his knuckles softly he then laced their hands together and brought them up to his lips to kiss softly. That single touch was making Arthit's heart race. Despite his nerves, Arthit couldn't help but smile at Kongpob. 

"You changed your number too."

"I'm sorry Arthit. I just... I promise I'll explain everything to you baby. I swear." Kongpob whispered. Arthit nodded and when they finally came to a stop in front of a very tall building. Kongpob parks the car in front of it and turns off the engine. 

Neither of them says a word as they exit the car nor when they head up a private elevator that opens up in Kongpob's living room. The room is quite big, bigger than both his and Kongpob's apartment put together. 

It was incredibly beautiful and something that Arthit had only ever seen in movies.  Immediately what caught Arthit's attention was the beautiful night view of the city. 

There were so many buildings and the lights that lit up the city, made it look not only amazing but beautiful. 

"I'll be right back Arthit. You're free to look around if you want." Kongpob tells him before he walks away into another room. By the sounds that Arthit hears he knows that Kongpob is most likely in the kitchen. Though he's nervous, and he has many questions and things that he wants to say Arthit waits patiently and begins to walk around the living room. There is a very large black couch as well as a coffee table in the center of the room.  There is a large television and a fireplace. 

There are a few art pieces around the room as well, many looked incredibly expensive but as Arthit walked around the living room looking at them he froze when he saw a pictures not only of himself but of he and Kongpob and of course Baekhyun that was placed above the fire place. 

Arthit picked up the picture of himself that Kongpob had gotten from his file when they had met. He remembered seeing it out of Kongpob's apartment building in a box. Something that he knew now that was done by that bastard Sam. Even so, he couldn't help the tears that fell from his eyes, not because he was sad but because he felt relieved. 

"Arthit... I brought you a drink." Kongpob spoke up. Arthit offered a smile quickly wiping his tears away with the back of his hand before he took the glass of wine that Kongpob had offered to him in his hands. 

"Arthit..." Kongpob spoke, Arthit shook his head, silently telling Kongpob it was nothing as he made his way back over to the beautiful view in front of him. 

"This is a nice apartment" He found himself saying before he took a small sip of the wine. Despite the sweetness of the wine, there was more bitterness that Arthit tasted, mainly due to his repressed tears. 

"Thank you... I... I wanted to bring you here under better circumstances... I just... I admit that I wasn't thinking so clearly when I brought you here I was... Were you on a date? With that guy?"

"Of course not." Arthit quickly spoke to Kongpob. 

"He likes you." 

"We were the only ones without dates. It just seemed like the best thing to do was to come together. You know I have no feelings for him." Kongpob was quiet for a really long time as he looked out at the view in front of him. 

"Is that really what you want to talk to me about Kong?" Arthit questioned softly. Kongpob took a sip of his wine and shook his head while looking down at his wine glass and then up at him.

"Not really. I... I'm so sorry Arthit. I just couldn't stop myself from seeking you out and..."

"Kong." Arthit cut him off. 

"I wanted you to come looking for me... I hoped... When you didn't I." Arthit begins but Kongpob cuts him off this time.

"I wanted to give you space. That's what you asked of me Arthit."

"I know." Arthit responded quietly taking another sip of his wine. He can't seem to finish it becaus he simply sets it beside a small table that was to the side with some plants. Kongpob does the same before speaking. 

"I wanted so badly to come to you but I knew how things looked with Sam... You have to know Arthit. That nothing happened that night. Nothing ever would happen with anyone else because they're not you." Kongpob takes his hands tightly in his. 

"I love you so much Arthit. But I know that I went about this... about us. So wrong. I should have told you that I quit the agency after meeting you."

"Why didn't you?" Arthit questioned. The look in Kongpob's eyes is that of pain and only makes Arthit's heart hurt more. Kongpob's hands are shaking as he holds on to Arthit's hands, and he's fighting back tears. 

"I didn't want to lose you. I was afraid that if you knew... you wouldn't want me anymore."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you hired me Arthit. There was a contract binding us only. At first, I was afraid that you wouldn't love me back and when you did... you don't know how happy it made me to hold you and to be able to kiss you and make love to you." Kongpob says while he reaches out to caress Arthit's cheek. His touch is soft and makes Arthit's heart continue to flutter when Konpob's thumb grazes his bottom lip and lingers there for just a moment Arthit closes his eyes unable to stop the feelings and memories that rush forward. 

"You told me you loved me and I knew you did because I could feel your love when you looked at me and when we made love. Every moment that we spent together meant so much."

"It meant so much to me too. Kong. I still love you."

"I know. I love you too." Kongpob tells him. It shouldn't be this easy to tell one another how they feel again, not after everything that's happened the past couple of weeks but it is. Being with one another, loving each other had always felt so easy and natural even now as they looked at one another and tried to clear things up it all felt so peaceful. Maybe because they both knew the storm was finally starting to calm. 

"Arthit... Do you remember that day at my sisters flower shop?" Kongpob questioned.

"I remember..." Arthit tells him realizing Kongpob is referring to that crazy guy from the shop.

"I was afraid because I realized... that you had a past. I liked you so much by then. I thought I was the only one that felt like this. And then that guy... You had a past with many people and I didn't want to become like them. Hoping and pining for you. I didn't want you to hurt me... But I realize I ended up hurting you." Arthit spoke sadly.

"You didn't... not on purpose..." Kongpob comforted.

"I hurt you too." Kongpob added softly.

"I didn't want you to see that part of my life. Finding you, being with you, was my chance at a new life. But I couldn't be happy with you if my past still following me. I was trying to get rid of any loose ends without it affecting us."

"I know... Kyro explained a little bit about the agency..." Arthit spoke to Kongpob who frowned.

"He came to see me. And Namtarn also spoke to me. She told me about Sam and how he set you up. They know each other and-"

"I know. Blondie told me about the incident with Baekhyun. I swear to you he's never going to bother us again or come near our son. I promise." Arthit nods but he can't help but let tears fall at Kongpob's words.

"Baby.. please don't cry," Kongpob tells him as he wipes Arthit's tears away.

"I can't help it. I feel so guilty myself. When I saw you with Kyro and then the phone calls too... I was afraid to ask you because I was afraid of losing you and I let my own insecurities overwhelm me... I should have had more faith in myself and in our relationship. Kong... I am so sorry."

"Arthit. I understand okay. I know the way we started was more than a little unconventional. And it's more than a understandable that you would react the way you did to everything that happened because of my past especially when it comes to Sam. But I swear to you nothing happened."

"I know... I just regret that it took someone else to convince me of this. I should always trust you more than anyone." Kongpob smiled at his words and placed a soft peck to Arthit's nose. 

"If I would have seen something like that between you and Namtarn I would have reacted the same way you had. I shouldn't have lied to you and I should have told you the truth about what was going on from the start."

"I wasn't ready to hear it at the moment." Arthit says honestly. He had been too hurt to believe anything he had needed time, they both needed that. 

"I know..."

"You moved... You changed your number. I thought I wouldn't see you again." Tears continue to fall down Arthit's cheeks as he speaks.

"I'm sorry. It's just that Sam continued to call me from different numbers. I chose to change my number so that he would leave me alone and I moved because of him too. I didn't want what happened that day to happen again. I was planning on moving anyway. My father wants me to take over his businesses while he retires at the School. He really can't stay at home yet." Kongpob explains to Arthit. 

"You didn't come looking for me." Arthit tells him and Kongpob smiles at him.

"Today was the last day of our contract. I realized that if I wanted to start something with you. If I wanted to really show you how seriously I was taking our relationship then this contract between us needed to end. So I waited. But then Blondie mentioned that you had a date and I..." Arthit laughed at the expression on Kongpob's face and he shook his head. 

"It wasn't a date." Kongpob pouted and Arthit grinned. 

"I just knew that I loved you and I want you to stay by my side Arthit." 

"I love you too Kongpob. So much." Arthit spoke before pressing a kiss to Kongpob's lips. It was a simple peck but even so, it was enough to calm both their nerves and the uncertainty of one another that they'd carried on for the past couple of weeks.

"We need to communicate better," Kongpob tells him and Arthit finds himself nodding. 

"Promise me that from now on you'll tell me what's bothering you. No matter how small it is. I want you to tell me and I'll do my best to fix it. I promise you that I won't keep any more secrets from you. Even if I was trying to protect you from Sam and my past at the agency it was wrong of me to keep it to myself."

"Yes it was," Arthit says. 

"I met you because of that past Kongpob. I knew you had that past and I know it made you who you are today. I promise to be more honest too."

"You're wrong you know. You are the one who made me change and be better. I lost myself a long time ago Arthit. I didn't think I'd ever fall in love again. You made me realize how beautiful love could be and that I could be myself and be loved just for that. I love you so much." Kongpob tells him. Arthit wants to tell Kongpob that he loved him back but before he does his words are caught in his throat. Kongpob is on one knee and there's a ring inside a small black box. 

It's a single silver band and Arthit's heart races as he looks at Kongpob.

"Kong..." Kongpob is smiling at him despite the fact that there are tears falling down his eyes. 

"I know that it might be too soon. But I just love you too much to ever let you go. I know that we have a lot of things to work on and a lot more things to know about one another. I'm not just proposing to you because of anything more than the fact that I love you and I can't seem to see my life without you in it. We don't have to get married right away. We can wait a year if you want. But I know that no matter how much time passes one year, five years, an entire lifetime. I will only love you forever. I want a life with you Arthit and with Baekhyun as our son... That's if you're willing to have me beside you. I guess what I'm saying is, Arthit Rojnapat, Will you marry me?" 

Arthit's heart is feeling overwhelmed, never once had anyone ever said such beautiful words to him. 

"I'm not perfect Kongpob. I have doubts in myself and I might be boring or."

"You're not. Every day with you to me is special" Kongpob cuts him off but Arthit shakes his head.

"Let me finish please." Arthit continues.

"I love you Kong. I never felt this way about anyone before. Love with you is different. Being loved by you is different. I'm not perfect, I also have a tempter, I'm messy. I eat too many sweets."

"All of that is cute to me all of those things are things that I can live with," Kongpob says with a smile. 

"You didn't need me at all Arthit. I needed you in my life. You're someone who is grounded when it comes to what you want in life. You taught me so many things in the span of only three months Arthit. I'm not perfect either. I'm possessive, I get jealous easily, and like you, I tend to fear to lose the one I love. But being with you I realized I can give love and receive it if it's you. Because in my heart it can only ever be you and no one else.  So please... will you marry me?" Kongpob asks once again. 

"Yes Kongpob. I will marry you." Arthit replies with a smile. Kongpob grins at him before he stands up and places the ring on Arthit's finger. Arthit can see that Kongpob himself is wearing a similar band with his and can't help but feel happy.

"I love you Arthit."

"I love you Kongpob," Arthit replies softly before Kongpob reaches out to cup his cheek once again to pull him close. When their lips meet once more they both melt into each other. Arthit can taste the familiar bitter taste of coffee on Kongpob's lips and yet it's the sweetest of kisses that he's had so far. 

It's impossible for Arthit not to pull himself closer to the handsome man whom he's missed for what feels like a lifetime. Their kisses leave him breathless and leave his knees shaking. Each kiss is hotter than the next. Arthit is so wrapped up in his emotions and in Kongpob's touches, he pours his love out to Kongpob with each kiss and touch it's hard to break apart, but when they do they are both panting. 

"You don't know how much I missed kissing you." Kongpob whispers. Despite the fact that he can feel his cheek blushing Arthit finds himself smiling. 

"I missed kissing you too," Arthit tells Konpogb who is now trailing kisses down his neck. Arthit shuts his eyes relishing in the feeling of Kongpob's lips against his skin. A moan escapes his lips when Kongpob nips at his collarbone sure to leave a mark. His own hands are already starting to unbutton Kongpob's blazer which soon falls to the ground with a soft thump. His own blazer is left on the floor seconds later. When Kongpob picks him up his legs wrap around Kongpob's waist. He smiles at  Kongpob, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and smiling as he gives the handsome man a soft peck on the lips. 

"I love you."

"I love you too." They laugh together as a feeling of Deja Vu comes to both of them as they head to the bedroom. Nothing else but that moment matters to either of them. Arthit is happier than he has been in a very long time. The future would always be uncertain, nothing could be set in stone but at least they had each other and there was no doubt in their minds that they would make this work because their priority was their love and their happiness...

When Kongpob wakes up the next morning he expects Arthit to still be sleeping in his arms. The past couple of days had been hard to handle for him. That first week after their breakup he'd admittedly been a mess, crying at his sisters house, drinking until she had snapped some sense into him.

"If you love Arthit so much then prove it to him. He loves you, once you explain things to him he'll forgive you." Boonsri had said to him. She had been right. The previous night had felt like such a dream, for just a moment Kongpob had been afraid that was all it had been, a dream. However, as Kongpob looked at Arthit who was sitting on the bed with a frown on his face he smiled. More so when he saw the ring on Arthit's finger and he realized last night had been real. 

"Good morning baby." Arthit's frown deepened and when Kongpob sat up and tried to kiss him Arthit moved his face away and gave a soft huff as a response, the pout on his lips only made Kongpob want to kiss him. 

"Baby. What's wrong?... was I too rough last night I-" He received a smack on his arm for his cheeky words as he pulled Arthit towards him wrapping his arms around the cute man's waist. Arthit pushed himself away halfheartedly and Kongpob smiled keeping Arthit in his arms. 

"What's wrong baby?" Kongpob questioned as he gave Arthit a soft peck on his right cheek. 

"Don't baby me Kongpob Suthiluck!" Arthit snapped angrily. Before Kongpob could say anything more Arthit continued.

"Why have you been lying to me about your age? I didn't think much of it last night when you told me your father was Prasert Suthiluck. Yesterday we were both too distracted. But this morning it finally sunk in. No one really knows who Prasert Suthiluck's children are. But I remember going to school with one of them and rescuing a kid that was being bullied and beat up in the boys bathroom. He was a Nong..." Kongpob grinned at Arthit and rested his head on the cute man's shoulder. 

"That was when I fell in love with you Arthit." Kongpob spoke kissing the cute man's neck, this earned him a smack.

"P'Arthit!" Arthit corrected and Kongpob grinned. 

"P'Arthit..." He spoke using a seductive tone which he knew affected Arthit who immediately blushed. 

"You sometimes called me that when we spoke or when we were... I didn't think much of it then. Why didn't you tell me?" Arthit questioned the pout on his face was gone and Kongpob pulled him closer to him hugging Arthit tightly in his arms.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be with me if you know I was younger."

"Two years isn't a big deal," Arthit muttered and Kongpob grinned.

"Does that mean I can still call you Arthit." Arthit's response was to shrug but then he frowned.

"You need to stop calling Byul Blondie. From now on she's P'Byul."

"I'm not that well mannered," Kongpob spoke earning him another smack from Arthit who glared at him. He only laughed and caught Arthit's hand when he was about to hit him again. 

"I really hate using those terms P'. But I will if you want me too. Only because you ask me. But you are my P'Arthit. My Ai'Oon. My love, my baby." His words were cheesy he knew that, with each endearment, he kissed his way from Arthit's neck, his ear, his cheek and finally his lips. Arthit is blushing and when he wraps his arms around his neck Kongpob takes the opportunity to pull him on to his lap. 

"Come one. We should get ready for today."

"What's today?" Arthit questions with a smile.

"Well. Lots of things. I want to finish giving you a tour of the apartment not just our bedroom." Kongpob says to Arthit who blushes. 

"Kong..." Unable to resist the cuteness of the other man he gives him a soft peck. 

"I bought a few basic things I chose to go with a twin-sized bed and some other basic furniture for Baekhyun's room. But I thought that we could go shopping with him today for anything that he wanted so we can decorate his room for him.

"His room?"

"I know that you were planning on getting a bigger apartment for the two of you and if you don't want to move in with me or you don't like it here that's fine too. I just... I want us to move in together. I-" Kongpob is afraid that he might be going too fast again the expression on Arthit's face is hard for him to read but when the cute man smiles at him Kongpob's nerves leave immediately. 

"I want to move in with you. I agreed to marry you. We won't be living separately after we get married and you were practically living in my apartment before too." Kongpob smiles at him feeling incredibly happy. 

"So does that mean that we can take Baekhyun with us this weekend?" Arthit asks.

"Yes. The social worker stopped by yesterday and approved the apartment. We both passed the background check as well. We can start taking him on weekends. In about a year or so he'll be able to come home with us officially." Arthit smiled at him before giving Kongpob a soft peck on the lips. 

"I love you."

"I love you too Arthit," Kongpob whispered. 

"Now come on. Let's take a shower and get ready for today. Blondie said that she would drop Baekhyun off for us...."


The smell of pancakes filled the air as well as the smell of eggs, and bacon. Arthit was in Kongpob's kitchen making breakfast while Kongpob was still in the shower. Arthit had decided to get out of the shower first, mainly because Baekhyun would arrive soon and Arthit wanted to make sure that breakfast was ready beforehand. 

He was glad that Kongpob had actually had a full fridge of groceries which was why he was able to cook a good breakfast. Feeling arms wrap around him Arthit smiled his handsome man. 

"A Western-style breakfast," Kongpob spoke and Arthit nodded. 

"Baekhyun says he likes this." Arthit tells him. 

"He should be here soon, Jae Ha just texted a few moments ago."

"P'Jae Ha." Arthit corrected gently thumping Kongpob on the forehead. Kongpob pouted and Arthit chuckled kissing his cheek. 

"You have to be polite now Kong. What are you going to do with employees when they're older than you. You have to be respectful. Just because you'll be the boss does not mean that you get to speak however you want to them." 

"I know." Kongpob spoke as he groaned and buried his face in Arthit's neck. Arthit shivered when he felt Kongpob's wet hair on his skin. 

"You didn't dry your hair properly." Arthit scolded. He quickly took off the food that he still had on his stove and set it aside for when Baekhyun would arrive and then turned to his handsome lover. Kongpob still had a towel wrapped around his neck and when he sat down on the chair behind the kitchen island Arthit began to dry his hair. There was a smile on Kongpob's face and as his eyes danced with mischief as he pulled Arthit to sit on his lap. 


"Yes." Kongpob responded with a grin as he kissed Arthit's cheek. Arthit couldn't stop his smile or the happiness in his heart. Kongpob began to pepper kisses on his neck once more which made him sigh happily. 

"Kong... let me dry your hair." Arthit muttered, he felt Kongpob smile as he nipped at his neck softly. 

"Kong... Baekhyun will be here soon." Arthit told him. 

"Just one more kiss," Kongpob spoke before he pressed his lips against Arthit's. Arthit sighed into the kiss feeling breathless and simply wrapped his arms around Kongpob's neck allowing himself to live in the moment. 

"Honeymooners. The stork has arrived with your offspring!" Kongpob groaned and Arthit shook his head laughing as he heard Byul speak from behind the front door. 

"They're here." Arthit spoke with a smile. Kongpob reluctantly let him go but followed after him.

"Appa! Por!" Baekhyun spoke up happily rushing to hug both their legs when they opened the door. Both men smiled at Baekhyun but it was Arthit that picked him up in his arms. Baekhyun tightly clung to him and Arthit simply kissed the top of the child's head. Baekhyun smiled at him and then proceeded to extend his arms out to Kongpob in order for him to carry him. Chuckling, Kongpob complied. 

"I see things are back to normal." Byul spoke up while Jae Ha stood beside her, Arthit smiled at the couple and nodded. 

"I made pancakes. Why don't you guys stay and have breakfast with us?" 

"We'd like to but we have plans today. Maybe another time." Jae Ha said. 

"He's right we have plans. We'll just let you enjoy your family time and I know you might not want to hear this right now considering what I just said but you have to return Baekhyun by tomorrow night." Byul instructed.

"We know... but this is our start. That's what matters." Arthit spoke with a smile. Byul nodded and hugged Arthit.

"Have a happy rest of your life with your family." Arthit smiled at her and bid goodbye to Byul and Jae Ha who was already dragging Byul away after his phone rang. Closing the door Arthit shook his head and smiled, Jae Ha and Byul were an odd couple but they seemed to fit together. Life wasn't perfect and neither was love but there was always a perfect imperfect for everyone. 

"Pancakes!" Baekhyun spoke up with a smile. Kongpob put Baekhyun down who began to bounce on his heels and Arthit smiled at him making his way back to his family.

"Come on. Let's have breakfast we have a busy day ahead of us.

"Yes Appa," Baekhyun spoke with a smile. 


Smile, Liz and Badtz were in their meeting room. This time they were discussing who their next couple would be. In front of them, they had several files at hand once again. 

"When is Kyro getting here?" Smile questioned just as the door opened and Kyro walked inside. In one hand was a pink box, and in the other there was a very large basket.

"What's all this?" Liz questioned.

"A gift from Kongpob and Arthit."

"Really? How are they?" Smile questioned her eyes lighting up at their very first successful couple. They had been together for Six Months now.

"Thriving," Kyro spoke with a grin. He placed the basket down and Liz reached for it shaking her head when she realized it was an assortment of various chocolates, most were filled with liquor.

"These are Arthit's favorite." Smile spoke as she reached for a peach liquor chocolate.

"You'll get drunk," Badtz spoke to Smile who shrugged.

"Just one." Smile spoke with a grin. 

"What are these?" Liz questioned to the pink box. Kyro rolled his eyes.

"Apparently Baekhyun, their son wants to be a chef."

"The adoption went through already?" Badtz questioned in surprise.

"Almost. There is exactly one month until things are finalized.

"So what does that have to do with the pink box?" Liz questioned.

"Several things." Kyro began.

"For one, this box contains some cupcakes," Kyro explained. When Smile reached to open the box she awed. 

"Oh they're hedgehogs." Smile spoke finding the cupcakes cute.

The cupcakes were vanilla flavored with pink, yellow or, brown frosting on top. There was a heart that was decorated and made to be the hedgehog's face and there were also pocky sticks on top to make the rest of the hedgehog. 

"Their son made that. It's impressive." Liz spoke and Kyro rolled his eyes once more.

"Kongpob is convinced his kid is going to be some genius chef in the future. He thinks everything his son does is genius." Liz laughed and shook her head at the expression on Kyro's face.

"He's completely turned into a family man." 

"He has. And he keeps sending everyone pictures of his and I quote. "Cute husband and genius son" Kyro sighed.

"Well, at least he's happy." Badtz spoke up with a smile. 

"So what was the other thing?" Liz questioned Kyro who smiled. 

"Right. The other thing is this." Kyro spoke as he showed them several fancy-looking envelopes. 

He handed them out to each of them and as they opened them they smiled. 

You are cordially invited to the Wedding of:

 Kongpob Suthiluck 


 Arthit Rojnapat. 

"They're getting married." Smile spoke unable to stop the grin on her face nor the tears that fell from her eyes at their success. 

"This is amazing. I can't believe it. Didn't they say they were going to wait a year at least." Liz questioned. 

"They were. But Kongpob says they couldn't wait much longer. Plus. The adoption goes faster like this. They are already living together and are so in love with each other and their kid. What more are they really waiting for?" Kyro questioned as everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Send them our congrats," Badtz spoke with a smile.

"You can tell them that at their wedding," Kyro spoke. 

"So what about our other couple. Byul and Jae Ha?" Smile asked. Liz sighed.

"That is a whole other story..."

The End

Thank you guys so much for reading and for being patient. It was hard for me to wrap this story up. As you guys know I won't be finishing this story anytime soon. It will be on hiatus. But it was important for me to finish this first arc. What I can tell you is that this won't be the last you see of Kongpob and Arthit in these stories. Since Byul and Jae Ha are next you will see plenty of interactions with them and other characters throughout this story later even if it's just mentioned. Through other character arcs, you'll learn more. Byul and Jae Ha's story will take place within the six months of Arthit and KOngpob's stories but from then on everything else will be after and you will get to see them again and see glimpses of their life as a married couple and as parents. That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed this story. Until next time guys. 
