chapter 6

Zoey was with Junior and Ruby having fun together until bombs were heard and Zoey knew it was Iggy, she held her head while sitting down on the couch.
BJ: Mama i will go deal with Iggy.
Zoey: that's not necessary Junior let's just head back inside Grandpa is going to come visit. and you know he's never been to the Dak Lands but he'll get used to it, also we have guests coming so don't be surprised by them i told you stories about them.
BJ: oh yeah you told me about Link and Zelda. Zoey nodded and went to get ready for their arrival then got Ruby ready and went to the throne room and sat down in her throne then Bowser came in, and sat down next to her as Ruby was on Zoey's lap and Junior was sitting next to his parents.
Kamek: behold the King and Queen of the Koopas.
Zoey: no need for that Kamek. Link Zelda it has been too long how are you my friends? Zoey stood up with Ruby in her arms and hugged Zelda as she hugged back.
Zelda: and who is this little one?

BJ: my baby sister Ruby.
Bowser: we couldn't be more happier than we are to have her and Junior has been the best big brother, he has ever been to Ruby.
Zoey: it's true he has and so have the Koopalings they've been a big help Lemmy loves to make her laugh, but where is Dad i thought he'd be here.
Dedede: i am but Escargoon and i ran into trouble on the way here.
BJ: sorry i forgot to tell you about the Dry Bones Grandpa.
Dedede: it's alright Junior but how's my grandson been?
BJ: I've been great Grandpa. and so has Ruby. Dedede got to hold Ruby and she put her hands on his beak which made him chuckle.
Dedede: now Ruby you know how much Grandpa loves you but you can't play with my beak, your so silly my little gem. now whens dinner i'm hungry as a hippo.
Zoey: Dad your always like this sometimes i wonder how you raised me? they all went to the dining room and sat down to eat the Koopalings joined them and Zoey was embarrassed from Dedede, her claws were out and she tried not to growl then felt her tail come out and she moved it behind her.
Zoey: excuse me everyone i need to blow off some steam. Zoey went outside and tried to calm her nerves which wasn't helping she tried to calm down but the scales were still coming,

*in the dining room*

Zelda: i wonder were Zoey is?
Link: she must be outside still i will go find her.
BJ: let me help i know the castle as well as Papa does she could be in the garden it's where she likes to, go where she likes to calm her nerves. Junior guided Link to the garden and both saw scales on the ground Link picked them up and and knew they were Zoey's.
Link: Zoey's shedding i fear she might become what she really is inside.
Dedede: we gotta find her!
Bowser: let us find her you don't know these lands i had already sent a message to Peach and she is sending out guards to help, i did the same with my army i have everyone searching everywhere.

*mini time skip*

everyone was searching for Zoey and a few Goomba's heard a roar and knew it was their queen, she was fighting the transformation.
Ludwig: Zoey you have to fight it!
Zoey: L Ludwig run everything hurts i can't stop it even if i could, Ngh i hurts so much why is this happening to me?
Kamek: your shedding your scales my lady it's perfectly normal for dragons it seems your dragon side is, adolescent it's becoming older with your age.
Zoey: then why am i being covered in scales i'm in so much pain Kamek it hurts! how do i make it stop?
Kamek: i'm afraid you can't this run it's course.

*months later*

Zoey was back to normal but she was exhausted and Bowser was beside his Queen.
Bowser: i'm so happy your back.
Zoey: me too but now i'm in a lot of pain from it.
Bowser: just rest my love and everything will be alright i will take care of everything, we got invited to another smash tournament and knowing my wife. she's a fighter. Zoey smiled and went to sleep knowing she was going to need all her strength.

*at the tournament*

everyone was there and Zoey saw Sonic with his friends then sat down with Peach and Zelda Rosalina was in the tournament, and she knew it would be a challenge for her.
Rouge: hey Zoey!
Zoey: hi Rouge didn't expect to see you here.
Rouge: i came to support the boys and well i hope you don't fight Shadow he seems to care about you.
Rosalina: i'm sure he does. the tournament had begun and now it was Zoey's turn she brought out her sword and got ready to face Link, Zoey had remembered everything Metaknight taught her and got ready. they both begun fighting and Zoey had won the match, then she walked over and helped Link up from the ground then got tackled by Pikachu and he nuzzled her. which made her laugh from him being adorable and she got up then held Pikachu.
Zoey: oh you are so cute i never meet you before.
PT: there you are Pikachu. Pikachu ran over to the trainer and hopped on his shoulder but liked Zoey more, the Trainer understood and climbed onto Zoey's shoulder as she petted him under his chin.

Zoey: i see you really like me huh little guy?
Pikachu: Pika.
Zoey: i will take good care of you and i'm sure Ruby would love to play with you. Pikachu looked confused until he saw Amy coming over with Ruby in her arms. Zoey gently took her from Amy and Ruby cooed at Pikachu he gently nuzzled her and smiled at her.
Zoey: i see you made a new friend Ruby his name is Pikachu and he's your new friend, but i should warn Junior this little guy really packs a shock. they all walked away and Sonic zoomed by them which scared Ruby and Pikachu calmed her down.
Amy: Sonic you scared Ruby!
Sonic: oops sorry but hey she's pretty cute.
Zoey: careful blue boy she's teething and Zoey has baby fangs coming in, she is half Koopa and dragon.
Amy: but she is adorable. Amy got to hold Ruby and she cooed at Amy then walked away with Zoey and saw DK with Diddy Kong.
Zoey: hey guys.
DK: her royal dragon ness has arrived. Zoey rolled her eyes at his sarcastic comment and walked away.

*tiny time skip*

Rouge got to meet Ruby and thought she was adorable so did Tails and Knuckles.
Knuckles: hey there kid you look just like your Mom.
Zoey: she is but soon strong like her Father. Shadow walked up to Zoey and saw Ruby.
Shadow: she maybe small but the child will grow and just as strong as her mother. Zoey smiled at Shadow and pulled out something.
Zoey: Shadow i found something i figured you would need it more (holds out emerald) i believe you already know what this is.
Shadow: a chaos emerald but how?
BJ: i found it and thought Mama would like it.
Zoey: until i felt the power from the emerald it was too strong for me to handle, so now it's yours Shadow only you and Sonic can handle it's power good luck my friend.
