Part twentyone

Hattie's point of view
I woke up in Vic's bed around three. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and his blonde hair spilled all over his face. I quickly took a picture and set it as my lock screen. What don't judge me he looked cute. I had a few text of multiple people one being Eddie telling us to use protection. I giggled quietly before closing the message. The other Henry being the protective older brother he was. 'Hi x' I text Henry. 'Hi what r u doing up x' he text back almost instantly. 'Could say the same for u I just woke up & can't get back to sleep x'  I text back smiling. 'Same you didn't have sex did u x' Henry text. 'If u did tell me u used protection x' Henry text again. 'We used protection Henry we ain't stupid x' I text back. 'Good x' Henry text back. 'Vic's waking up gtg luv u x' I text seeing vic stir and start to sit up. 'Luv u too sis x' Henry text back. 'Why are you awake' vic said before kissing my lips. 'I couldn't sleep' I said. 'Oh Okay' vic said.

'Wanna watch a movie' vic said fifteen minutes later once he woke up some more. 'Not Really' I said. 'Oh what you wanna do baby girl' vic said. 'Just cuddle and talk' I said as he wrapped his arms around me more. 'Aren't you cold' vic asked pulling us further into the duvet. 'Slightly' I whispered putting my head on his bare chest. I closed my eyes as I felt a tear sip down my face. 'Baby what's wrong' vic said. 'I miss home like Britain home' I said almost sobbing. 'I know you do if I moved to half way across the world I would miss where I come from' vic said running his thumb up and down on my back. 'I know this sounds stupid but I even miss the people that hated me' I said calming myself down. 'It doesn't sound stupid it sounds like your home sick' vic whispered hearing a light turn on downstairs. 'Dad usually goes to work now anyway so it's probably just him' vic whispered before kissing my forehead. 'I love you' I said intertwining our hands. 'I love you too' vic said back making me smile and slowly fall back asleep.

'Shit Hattie get up the boys are here with Lilia' I got up quickly and grabbed my underwear of the floor putting them on before quickly looking through Vic's closet to get a long shirt/top to wear. 'Mr and Mrs Criss how are you' belch laughed walking in with his arm around Lilia's shoulder. 'Yay one of my second favourite couples joined with Henry and pat. 'Belch can you come and like carry pat he can't get up these flipping stairs' Henry shouted up. Belch laughed out loud and went to get pat. Lilia looked at me and burst out laughing. 'What' I said. 'Let me guess vic got you up quickly but you didn't have any clothes on so you through anything on one being Vic's top that you put on inside out' Lilia said putting Reggie's cap on her head. Reggie walked into the room with pat on his back Henry just behind actually dying in laughter.  'So' Henry said a while later. Me and vic were laying on our stomachs on his bed. I had changed the top from inside out to the right way around. 'Vic' pat said. 'You better of used protection with Hattie'

Lilia's jaw dropped as I cringed. 'What do you mean' vic said knowing full well what Henry meant. 'In sex you twat did you use protection' pat said. I cringed again rolling over. I ended up falling of the bed. I groaned as everyone started to laughed. 'You good baby' vic laughed looking at me on the floor. 'What was that noise' Mrs Criss said poking her head in the door. 'Hattie fell of the bed' vic laughed. 'Don't laugh at your girlfriend help her up. I hope you too had fun last night' she laughed before walking back downstairs. 'So you had sex last night did you' belch tormented. 'Maybe we just played super Mario brothers' I said getting back on the bed. 'Please I see the hickeys' Lilia laughed. 'Who's side are you on Lilia' i laughed. 'Fine we had sex last night and of course we used protection we ain't stupid' vic laughed putting his arm around the back of my neck. I looked at him with my eyebrow furrowed. Vic  put his forehead on mine. 'Fuck you' I laughed. 'No i fucked you last night' vic whispered in my ear. I laughed slapping his chest lightly .

'I can't believe it's home coming in five days' Lilia said. 'Yeah and your gonna look stunning' belch said leaning in to kiss her. Lilia turned her cheek. The boys 'ohhhhed'. 'Hey' belch laughed. 'I'm gonna look so stunning dateless' Lilia said. 'Wait aren't we going together' beach said. 'You haven't asked me' Lilia said. 'Wanna Go homecoming with me' belch said. 'Yes Hattie we don't have to worry we both have a date' Lilia laughed then kissed belch's lips. 'Yeah sorry about that' Lilia said. 'I was gonna go with vic didn't matter he asked or not I would of dragged him there' I laughed putting my head on his chest again like last night. 'Henry and pat are way too quiet' vic said. 'They both have sore throats' belch laughed. 'He means they both have a cold' Lilia said. 'How did you manage to get a cold' I laughed. 'I'm henry Bowers anything's possible with me including getting the boy of my dreams' Henry said kissing pat. 'Have you got your dress' vic said. 'Yes' I said smiling. 'What colour is it' vic asked kissing my head. 'I'm not telling that's vital information' I said. 'Okay baby okay'
