Chapter 3: Conversations at night

After some time of you and Lorraine walking in the rainy autumn night and enjoying the cool and comforting breeze, Lorraine decides to break the silence while you both are walking close to each other since you're sharing a single umbrella.

{Lorraine speaks up, her gaze focused on the rain drops falling down on the concrete floor in front of them and her voice on a low tone:} "I'm very happy to see how great you and Judy get along, she sure does like you very much, I do too..."

{Lorraine sighs, now a bit emotional as she talks about the next topic:} „While growing up, Judy never had many friends because the other kids thought she was weird and they didn't wanna hang out with her because of her 'strange' mother. I can see that you don't judge Judy because of the gift she got from me and I'm very thankful for that, (Y/N)."

You nod, understanding how Judy must have felt but also how Lorraine must have felt, blaming herself for her daughter not having had any friends as a younger kid.

{You put a reassuring hand on Lorraine's back and pat it before saying reassuringly:} „I understand, it must have been hard on both of you. Children or people in general can be very shitty when confronted with something uncommon or unfamiliar like your gift. But I would never judge You nor Judy for anything, Judy is my best friend and I appreciate her for who she is."

Lorraine relaxes again when she feels your hand on her back and reassure her that you won't act that way

{Lorraine turns her head to look at you and clears her throat before she speaks:} „Thank you so, so much, (Y/N). You're always welcome in our home and I hope you will come over more often"

You blush a little when Lorraine invites you to come over more often in the future

{You nod:} „I'd love to come back, Ms. Warren-"

Lorraine cuts you off mid sentence

{Lorraine stops walking but still looks at you:} „you can call me Lorraine, darling. I'm getting quite tired, shall we begin walking back?"

You feel your heart race in your chest, Lorraine is offering you to call her by her first name, it feels like you're getting closer to her

{You break eye contact and look at the watch on your wrist:} "okay. Yes, it's already half past 1 a.m., we should get back, Ms. Warre- Lorraine"

Lorraine nods and turns around, offering you her arm this time

You happily intertwine your arm with Lorraine's and you two walk back in silence, enjoying each others company while you both are lost in thoughts, your thoughts revolving all around the Angel walking next to you.

Chapter three is finally done, yay!!
Should the story go a bit faster, like they get closer a bit quicker now or should I just let the story go on like this, with them getting just a little more interested in the other one from time to time?
