Part 1: There's something about Bose ๐Ÿค”

Bose's POV

(It's another sunny morning in Swellview & Bose is just waking up to start the day right)

Mom: Bose, sweetie come downstairs & eat your breakfast you got school in a little bit then get ready okay?

Bose: Yes, mom I will be right down! Ah yes today is gonna be a great day can't wait to see my friends especially Mika her smile, her personality- wait hold up what am I even saying? I don't why I'm this happy all of a sudden eh it's probably nothing

(At Swellview Academy For the Gifted)

Ray: Alright, now you've gotten your superpowers mastered a little how about we see what you each can do on this training dummy I have placed here

Chapa: I'm ready to finally electrocute something the right way around! Let's do this!

Mika: Chapa chill out your getting a little heated up

Chapa: Never tell me to relax!

Ray: Slow down their sparky. You'll be paired in groups of two since there's obviously four of you Miles & Chapa group 1 the other group will be Bose & Mika. Chop chop let's see what you can do.

(Chapa & Miles were up & they got a B+. Bose & Mika ended up getting an A)

Ray: Ok, I think that will be all for today. Oh, don't forget your homework a 3 page paper on what you learned and what you can do better for next lesson. Class dismissed see ya in the Man's Nest (leaves)

Bose: H-Hi Mika

Mika: Hey, Bose how are you?

Bose: I'm doing o-okay just hoping to do well on this homework we have to do... anything new...?

Mika: No, nothing new & are you okay?

Bose: Yeah, I-I'm fine.. W-why wouldn't I be?..

Mika: Your stuttering a lot so I wanted to be sure that you are okay.

Bose: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm much better now you want to get together to do our homework together?

Mika: Sure, that would be nice I'll see you at my house later!

Bose: Okay! (Sighs) oh Mika your so wonderful ๐Ÿ˜

Chapa's POV

Chapa: Hey, Miles did you notice how Bose was acting a bit weird and stuttering a lot when talking to Mika?

Miles: Yeah, that is never like him at all. What seems to be going on with him lately? There's something about him that he never does that around my sister at all unless he could...

Chapa: Do you think??

Miles: If you are thinking what I'm thinking...

Chapa: You don't mean????

Miles: Oh, I mean!!

Chapa: Spill the beans already!!!

Chapa & Miles: BOSE IS IN LIKE LIKE!!!!

(Cuts to the intro)

Ray: It all just.. kind of happened...

Miles, Mika, Chapa & Bose: *Talking all at once*

Ray: Stop talking!!

๐ŸŽตDanger! Woah woooooooooooooah! Danger 123 FORCE!๐ŸŽต (emergency alarm goes off)

ShoutOut, AWOL, Volt, and Brainstorm: Emergency! (all run off)

Schwoz: It's just the doorbell

Captain Man: I know.
(indistinct chatter in background)
