Chapter 1 - Bullied

- Borinx POV -

I was hiding in the soup closet, hiding from my older brothers, as usual. They bully me alot and call me names, i try to ignore them but its always so hard. 

  " Where is that dumb little wolf.. "  Bori grumbled leaning against the wall right outside the closet.

I was shivering with fear, not wanting another one of my 23 bruises. 

  " I smell him, He's in here. " Bende hissed, pointing at the closet door.

I always hated how Bende could smell me from so far away, he has almost better smell then our  dad, Boris the wolf. 

Dad was always nice to me, and my two brothers always act like angels around him. I think dad can tell they are lying, they seem to get in trouble when he finds out they were bullying me. 

Mom on the other hand, hates me and loves them! He is the one who actually believes those dumb liars. 

I hope one day i can be as tall as dad and actually defend myself from those two, It will be like me and them, but the bully switches and they are the little dummy. Wait, did i just call myself a dummy? 

Suddenly i remembered what was happening and all i heard was banging on the door and a rattling door handle. Then suddenly it stopped.

The door slowly creaked open, i was shaking and curled up against the wall, as if some murderer would burst in at any moment. 

A shadowy figure was in the door way, but there was no light in the closet so it was just a silhouette standing there. suddenly i could make out the figure, it was Dad! 

  "Borinx? Why are you in this dusty old closet?" His calm and relieving voice calmed me down from the 2 other ink demons trying to kill me. 

  "I- I like it in here.." I said in a shaky voice.

  "Come on, you shouldn't be in here, Sammy might come and hurt you.."  He said, picking me up and walking out the door, only to be met with satan himself.

  "Why are you protecting that little brat?" Bendy said with a angry look on his inky face.

  "They are our son, Bendy!" Boris added stomping his foot down.

Bendy looked furious and ink was pouring down his face, he looked as if he would destroy Boris.

I escaped Boris's arms and ran into the music room and sat in one of the chairs.

I heard the door open, but i was looking at the ground, i was pretty sure it was Boris.

  "Hello Little Sheep.. "  I heard the deep and creepy voice and immediately.

 "A-Are You S-Sa-" My voice was cut off by his hand covering my mouth.

"Quiet Sheep, You'll choke on ink.." his creepy voice spoke again.

His inky hand was already making ink go in my mouth and i was choking on it already, But i was made of ink, so it couldn't poison me, right?

"Now Sheep, You will listen to me. You wont scream or call for help. You will come with me." His voice said, echoing in my mind.

I nodded, not wanting to get hurt.

All of a sudden i couldn't see or hear anymore.

Everything went black..
