Cats (B.M.)

Just thought of this one. Hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: none
Character's name: Delilah (you'll see why)

Brian's pov
I wake up next to the love of my life, Delilah. I lightly kiss her forehead. She stirs, waking, "morning Bri." She says quietly. I smile, "good morning my love." We've been dating for almost a year and I've never been happier. I get up to get ready to head to the studio. Delilah gets up too and starts getting ready. "Um babe, what are you doing?" I ask as I button up my shirt. "Getting ready, duh," she replies. I scoff, "I get that but why? You don't work today." She laughs, "did you honestly forget our deal last night?"

We laugh. Delilah turns to me, "hey when am I gonna meet your band mates?" I choke on my drink, "oh no, you don't want to do that." She looks upset, "but why? We've been dating for almost a year, I think it's about time I did." I sigh knowing she won't let this down. "Alright let's do this," I reply, "if you bring me some of those amazing macaroons you bake, I'll take you to meet the band." She grins, "funny you should say that," she walks over to her purse. Uh oh I think. She pulls out a container of macaroons and hands them to me. I groan, "fine!"

End of flashback
"Oh, yeah, I remember," I say with a sigh. She walks into the bathroom, "hey Brian," she calls, "can we stop by my place so I feed my cat?" I chuckle, "sure."

Time skip- at the studio
We pull up to the studio. I get out and open the car door for Delilah. "Such a gentleman," she says giving me a kiss. We walk in and I can already hear Freddie and Roger yelling upstairs. We walk into the booth and I escort Delilah into the room. I clear my throat. Everyone stops talking and looks our way.

Delilah's pov
A blond man walks up first. "Hello beautiful," he says with a smirk, "who might this lovely creature be?" "This is Delilah, my girlfriend," Brian says wrapping an arm around me. Roger stops and blushes, "oh sorry mate." "Yeah better be." A brown haired man walks up next and introduces himself, "hi I'm John. Sorry about Roger there. He can be a bit assertive." He says with a chuckle. "Oi!" Roger yells from his drums. I laugh. Brian walks off with John to talk about their next song.

Next a blackish brown haired man introduces himself, "hello darling! I didn't quite catch your name. I'm Freddie dear." He offers his hand, I shake it, "My name's Delilah." His eyes go wide and his mouth forms an O. "Oh my gosh, I have a cat named Delilah! She's a bit of a diva." I smile, "that's funny, I have a cat named Freddie."

As if they could anymore, his eyes grow wider. Freddie grabs my head and places a kiss on my cheek. "Brian," he yells. Brian looks up. "Keep her!" Freddie continues. Brian chuckles, "I plan on it." He mumbles to himself. I still heard it.
