Nymphadora of the Woods Beyond

Name: Nymphadora of the Woods Beyond

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: Nymphadora can be cold and a bit untrusting at times. Though if she trusts you she can be nice and caring, she is a bit sharp tempered, reckless and rebellious at times. She keeps many secrets, She can also be kind and caring but that is only to her close friends. Nymphadora is a very passionate and opinionated girl. Always ready with a witty and biting remark, she is intent on proving herself to anyone who questions her. She conceals her defensive nature with an aggressive attitude, exhibiting a wild temperament that is apparent when people argue or belittle her. She readily involves herself in confrontations with little to no hesitance.

History: Nymphadora was a normal girl with a normal life before she was taken to the School For Good and Evil. When she arrived at the School for Good she knew she didn't fit in she wasn't a prissy Princess like most other girls, she like to fight and always used to play tough with her two brothers. Though she soon met the eldest Prince of Camelot they got to know each other and eventually fell in love.

School: School for Good

Home town: The Woods Beyond

Special Talents: Wish Granting Magic, Animal Communication

Your Future Story: She is destined to become the next Queen of Camelot after falling in love with the son of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. Though there will be trouble along the way in the form of his twin brother who attends the School of Evil and wants to become king himself

Descended from any past tales: No

