Luck & Success Spells

Blessings Of Good Fortune Spell

To bless something or someone, scatter elder leaves and berries to the winds, circling sunwise murmuring the name of the person or thing. Scatter some more directly onto the person or thing if possible.

Metal Key Spell & Wind Charm

Metal keys attract positive magick into your life and at the same time deflect evil. Magick keys open doors of opportunity. The best keys to use are old metal keys - which can be found at flea markets or antique stores.
⭐ String together a collection of old keys onto a red thread as a charm or
wind chime.
⭐ Hang the keys in the wind to rustle up beneficial opportunities.

Bread Spell

⭐ Nail a slice of bread behind the front door
⭐ Fasten purple ribbon to the nail
⭐ Replace as soon as the bread begins to rot or deteriorate, burning the old

Stop Opposition Incense

To overcome opposition to your success, burn the following botanicals as incense:
⭐ Cloves
⭐ Garlic
⭐ High John the Conqueror
⭐ Jezebel Root
⭐ Licorice
⭐ Sweet flag (calamus)
⭐ Woodruff
Grind and powder the botanicals, sprinkling onto lit charcoal or burn the bruised botanicals in a cauldron.
Burn the incense in the room where opposition is most likely to occur.

Vervain Spell

The sacred herb vervain is believed to turn bad luck into wonderful luck, attract love & prosperity and make even your enemies like you.
⭐ Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over vervain
⭐ Once the infusion has cooled, bring it to the tub (don't strain the
botanicals out)
⭐ Undress, get into the water and pour the infusion directly over you, then
soak in the bath.
⭐ Allow yourself to air dry.

Lucky Clover Bath

Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over red clover. Let it cool, strain and add it to a tub filled with warm water so that you're bathing in clover.

Lucky Charm Bracelet Spell

Choose a charm that represents your goal. At the new moon place this charm beside a small pink candle. Charge the candle with your desire, carve and dress it if you life and burn the candle
When the candle burns out, attach the charm to a bracelet. Wear it or reserve in a safe place - whatever feels right for you.
When this goal is achieved set another goal, choose another charm and begin again.

Ginger Root Spell

Ginger root is believed to bring joy, fun and happiness into your life.
Macerate ginger in sunflower and jojoba oil until you've achieved the desired intensity of fragrance. If you have fresh ginger plants add the blossoms to the oil too (you may also add a few drops of essential ginger oil for added intensity - this has been known to be a skin irritant so take care with it).
Strain the ingredients and reserve the scented oil. Apply this oil behind your knees, elbows and ears when striking out for adventure.

Break Bad Luck Spell

Carve your affirmation and desires on a white candle and dress it with olive oil.
Roll it in ground red pepper.
Light the candle, place it securely on the floor and jump over it.

Happy Time Powder

Blend the following ingredients together:
⭐ Dried ground strawberry leaves
⭐ Dried powdered vanilla bean
⭐ Finely grated orange zest
Sprinkle this powder around the perimeter of your home, behind doors and in all its corners, for a change of luck and improvement in your fortune.

Out With Bad Luck: In With The Best Luck Spell

Burn the candle at both ends - eliminate misfortune and because nature abhors a vacuum, simultaneously attract something positive to replace it.
⭐ Obtain one red & black double action candle. It may be necessary to trim the bottom of the candle so as to expose the wick so that both ends can be burned simultaneously.
⭐ Carve what you wish to eliminate from your life on the black end.
⭐ Carve what you'd like to see manifest in your life on the red end.
⭐ Ideally, place the candle horizontally on a candlestick holder with a spike. Alternatively drive a long nail through the line where the colors begin and end, thus dividing the colors.
⭐ Place the candle horizontally over an open bottle, inserting the nail to
balance it out.
⭐ Burn both ends simultaneously!

Full Moon Lunar Wish Spell

Stand naked in the light of the full moon. Bath yourself in the moonbeams as if you were bathing yourself in water.

Gaze at the moon whilst doing this, when ready make your wish.

Watch for an immediate response: if the moon remains clear, it's a positive sign. If the moon brightens and the light intensifies this is an even more auspicious sign.

If a cloud passes over the moon you can anticipate some difficulty in achieving your desire. Take further magickal steps or perhaps reassess your desire. Work on it until the next full moon and repeat.
