Please Note This Other Note

I have recently been inspired.

Inspired by a good friend.

Brooke (@Starlitfire) has inspired me.

She has inspired me with all the memories she has preserved in her book The Absolutely Normal Life of Me that would be otherwise forgotten.

Thanks to her, they will stand the test of time.

I was planning to make  this collection of random things like her journal.

Fate had another plan.

It turned out serious, as much of my writing does, and though I try to make it inspiring, I feel something is missing.


And silliness.

And pure nonsense.

This is why I am currently planning to create a book on the day before and the day after the 2014-2015 new year.

A journal of sorts.

With humor.

And silliness.

And pure nonesense.

I plan to keep the theme of inspiration.

But differently.

I plan for it to be a way of inspiring me to do something interesting with every day of my life.

I plan to update every day about something that happened or will happen or is happening, along with a relevant, or possibly completely irrelevant picture in the media.

If you have anything to say about this, please comment. 

I will also be needing a title idea, and first two post ideas for the dates 12/31/14 and 1/1/15.

Comment your ideas.

Imagine, inspire, and be inspired.

-Immortal Radiance

And thank you, everyone who has inspired me throughout the years. 
