XXVIII - A Brother Gone

Russia tunes out most of the talking until he sees one of the provinces standing by the window with a concerned look. Apparently, he wasn't the only one to notice.

"Hey Sassafras, what's going on?" Ontario asks, approaching the window.

"I don't know. Some animals are being weird outside," Saskatchewan replies, concern in his voice.

That catches Russia's attention.

Russia kisses America's forehead and stands up. He hurriedly walks over to the window and pokes his head out. The provinces clear the way for him and allow him a clear view of the baffling sight outside.

He stares dumbfounded as bears, deer, rabbits, and other animals that Russia can't fully make out all begin to gather around the slime and eat it. It seemed as though they had no interest in each other, and didn't seem to notice others around them. They eat and Russia watches as the rabbits begin to fall. At first, they looked almost drunk, but they began to topple over and stop moving.

The smaller animals fall first, and as Russia watches the display, the bears and deer stumble and begin to fight over the 'food'. Neither seemed to care that they were being disemboweled. It reminded him of the carcasses he had hacked apart in front of the mine.

Russia watches, almost mesmerized, as the larger animals go down. The bears lie down on the ground and Russia watches as the creature's breathing slows significantly until it stops for longer periods before it just doesn't start again.

Russia waits for one of them to rise back up from the ground and begin attacking the fortress, but they don't. The animals just lay there, dead.

Russia spins back to the room full of people and claps his hands, shouting, "Look at me!"

Heads spin to stare.

"If you ate the stuff outside, I need to know. NOW!" Russia demands, raising his tone. His voice sounds tight and angry in an attempt to hide his fear.

He is met with sincere shakes of the heads from frightened onlookers.

Russia sighs. America runs up to his side.

"What's wrong?"

"Animals outside were eating it and they seem dead now."

America swallows thickly.

"That's not good."

Russia nods.

"I will keep watch," Russia says.

"I will help," Finland volunteers, escaping the kids that surround her, a rifle in hand. Russia nods in appreciation.

"I want to help as well," America says. Russia shakes his head.

"You need to rest," Russia says.

"What do you mean I need to rest?" America complains.

"You were not well when you were not sleeping," Russia recalls aloud.

"I'm fine now," America emphasizes, holding his arms out as if to prove his point.

Russia shoots him a skeptical look and America pouts.

"He's right you know," Dixie comments, leaning against the barrel of his shotgun, "you need sleep, Amy. In fact, I don't think you should be leaving again any time soon."

America groans. "Fine! Fine. I'll go and sit over there. All alone," he whines.

Russia rolls his eyes and scoffs lightly. "The states will keep you company," he says with a smile that he fails to hide.

America huffs and crosses his arms like a child. Russia rolls his eyes and smiles softly.

'So stubborn.'

America throws his arms in the air and stomps away to the mat. The children giggle at his antics. Russia grins.

"Don't worry Dad!" Nevada yells, "we won't leave you alone!"

"Everyone pile on Dad!" Arizona shouts, throwing her hands into the air.

The children cheer and the states and the Philippines jump ontop of America with the provinces yelling encouragements. America is rocked with laughter from under the pile. Russia shakes his head at the scene.

He returns his eyes to the outside with Finland at his side. He tenses slightly before forcing himself to relax.

'She is an ally now,' he scolds himself, 'do not make this any harder than it already is.'

Finland mutters something under her breath which Russia could only imagine was a comment about the strangeness of the situation.

"Do you think it will return?" Finland asks, cocking the rifle.

Russia jumps before answering. "I don't know. I don't see why."

"That stuff was a trap. But it might not have been for just us. I mean look, it killed them."

"But why would it..?" Russia says, trailing off.

"Maybe for food," Finland says with a shrug, "it might come back to eat."

Russia hums, mulling over the possibility. He stares blankly at the pile of corpses until movement catches his eye from the tree line. Russia's head jerks up and he zeros in on the blurry black shape snaking between the trunks of trees surrounding the base.

"Do you see that?" Russia mutters.


Russia points to the shadows slinking around just out of eyesight.

"What is that?" Finland mutters.

Russia doesn't answer. He watches as the shadows approach the base. Its shape finally begins to solidify and Russia sees the spider-like monster slowly stumbling toward the still warm cadavers and it crotches above them. The ground rumbles when it opens its mouth and it begins shredding the meat away from the animals, and bones snap. Blood flies through the air and steam rises from the red-stained ground.

"Huh. It looks like a garburator," Canada says, and Russia spins around, startled.

"It's called a garbage disposal," America calls from across the room.

Canada scoffs.

Russia turns when he hears one of the phones begins ringing. New Jersey grabs the phone and tosses it to New York, who catches it easily.

"Heya, this is York. What's going..." New York trails off, "Whoa Boss, you gotta calm down! I can't understand... Okay. Yes, he's here."

New York pulls away from the phone at looks around for a moment, "Russia!"

Russia quickly walks over and New York hands him the phone. "It's your pops. He's freaking out and wants to talk to you."

Russia takes the phone and holds it up to his face.


"Russia!" Soviet yells into the phone, panic in his tone.

Russia stiffens. He hadn't heard his father like that in ages. His father is normally much more reserved and controlled.

Now, he sounds completely frantic. A pang of panic hits Russia hard in the chest.

"Papa, is something wrong? What happened?"

"Ukraine is gone!"

"What do you mean he's gone?!" Russia asks dread fills the pit in his stomach.

"He was only outside for a moment. Alaska ran inside and he's gone!"

"Is he hiding outside?" Russia asks desperately.

'Maybe he's playing a cruel joke.'

'Please, he has to be playing.'

'He has to.'

"NO! I went out to check. Whatever took him is gone and he is too. His footsteps just stop."

Russia feels his heart stop.

'It's real. He's been taken.'

Russia forces back his horror and tries to keep himself together enough to make sure everything was under control at home.

'It dangerous now,' Russia thinks, his hands on his head, 'Alaska! He needs to be there to protect her.'

"Papa, you have to come back inside," Belarus calls in the background, "It's too cold to be out here for very long."

"I can't-"

"Papa," Russia interrupts, struggling to keep his voice steady, "I know you're panicked, but you can't leave the others alone."

"I need to find him! I shouldn't have ever allowed him to leave!"

"NO! Do not! You need to be there for Alaska!" Russia demands, his thoughts blurring together in his terrified state.

Russia hears his father breathing heavily and Belarus trying to coax him back inside. His heart jumps out of his chest when he hears the door slam shut.

"Hello Russ," Belarus says, veiled anxiety in her voice, "I will try to keep things from falling apart. You need to find Ukraine."

"Okay," Russia mumbles before the phone line goes dead.

Russia stands frozen, the phone still pressed on his face.

"Russia?" America asks.

Russia spins around and sees America staring at him. America slowly approaches him.

"Meri?" Russia asks breathlessly.

"Rue, you gotta calm down your breathing. You're gonna pass out," America says softly, carefully placing his hands on Russia's shoulders.

'Calm down my breathing?'

Dizziness fills his head and he sees America begin breathing slowly with exaggerated inhales. Russia shakily mimics him.

"What happened?" America asks, staring Russia in the eyes with a serious, but concerned look.

Russia glances away.

"Ukraine is missing. He was taken," Russia mumbles, covering his face.

"Hey," America says gently, "look at me."

Russia looks up and meets America's eyes, trying to ignore the discoloration of the blind one.

"It's okay," America says.

"No, it's not!" Russia shouts "it's not okay! Ukraine is missing! He was taken. Taken!"

Russia hears America talking, but he doesn't understand the words. Russia's chest tightens painfully and he sinks to the ground. Ukraine, his annoying younger brother. He's gone. He's gone.

Russia feels himself spiraling.

'Ukraine has been taken as a test subject.'

"Russia!" America shouts from in front of him.

Russia looks up and sees America kneeling in front of him looking terrified. Once America sees Russia had looked up, he forces a smile.

"Rue-Rue, please," America begs, "you have to calm down. If I could survive, if we could get out, he'll be okay."

Russia shakily nods. Still, his heart pounds against his ribcage.

"Rue," America says with a sigh, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?"

Russia gives a trembling nod.

"Okay. Where are we?"

"Home base," Russia forces out between gasps.

"Who am I?"


"What are you holding?"

Russia looks down at his hands.


"What color is the wall?"


"What color is the floor?"


Russia finally manages to calm his breathing and stares into America's eyes. America offers a comforting smile. Russia lunges forward and grabs America into a tight hug. America hugs him back. Russia struggles to match his breathing to America's. He hiccups and gasps.

America sits quietly and just holds him.

Once Russia can think clearly again, he pulls back.

'Thank you.'

Russia looks America dead in the eyes, set on fixing this.

"I need to find him."

"What? Russ.."

"No. He's my brother. I need to find him and make sure he's okay."

"You are not doing that alone," America states plainly.

"I have to get him!"

"That's not what I meant," America says, taking Russia's hands, "We are going to find him, okay?"

"...you're going to help me?" Russia asks, breathless.

"Of course!" America says, "of course I'm going to help you. Rue, I'm not going to let you do this by yourself. If you need to go and find him, I'm coming with you."

Russia tucks his head into America's shoulder and tries to hold back his shaking.

"Thank you," Russia mumbles.

"I'm here for you," America says reassuringly, "of course I'm going to help."

"We need to figure out where he is," Russia mutters.

"We will," America says.

"And we need to get him."

"I know."

Russia lets out a shaky sigh.

"How am... How are we going to find him?"

"We'll break into the bases we know about and get maps and information and track down where they're keeping the missing countries."
