Chapter Two💜(Happy New Year!)

After taking the test for hours, we went back home. "I hope I made it, I studied really hard..." "I didn't touch the paper at all." "I skipped the class and went to the library fo get a girl." "I slept the whole time." I look at them in shock and disbelief. "Y-You g-guys..." They look at me waiting for me to finish my sentence. "You guys really did that?!" "Yeah-" Before he finished saying his answer I quickly ran away from them and got ready to go to bed until it was time to wake up again for school while the others played games and Jay cooked dinner.

*Next day*

I headed out to school and when I was almost at the gate of the school, a boy came up to me and I realized that he was my senior and bowed to him. "Um so Won Young..." "Y-Yes?" "I was wondering of you could follow me for a second..." "Um, sure..." I followed him and when we arrived at a place that looked very fancy, I asked him a question. "What are we doing here?" "Listen...I'm gonna pretend to kiss you okay?" My eyes widened when I heard his statement. "W-What? I-I h-have a b-boyfriend thou-" Before I was able to finish my sentence I was pushed against the wall and his lips smashed into mine. "What do you think you're doing?" I pushed my senior with full force and looked at the person who spoke. "S-Sung H-Hoon I-" "Jay hyung, take her back to school." Jay grabbed my arm and took me back to school. "S-Sung H-Hoon I can explain!" "No need" I started crying wanting to explain even though it wasn't going to work since it was my fault that I didn't push him away before he kissed me. The next thing I heard was screaming that sounded excruciating.

To be continued...
