5 - Scoundrel's Folly

Updates doe. Upon demand of NekotheSpirit. xD Lol, they pretty much convinced me that writing this story is well worth it. Well, here you are. 



        Your heart was tightening in your chest as you sensed the urgency in Brynjolf's voice. Mercer certainly had a bow stuck up his rear if he lacked that much patience. You just got done with a mission from Maven--you couldn't have just a small break? Was it too much to ask for?

         "No time for idle chatter. Mercer is awaiting your presence," Brynjolf said, waving his hands in signal that you should really get going before you lost your position in the Guild. If Mercer came to you before anyone else here in the organization, you must've been pretty important to the Guild.

           You nodded in response to Brynjolf, sprinting into one of the hallways that would lead you back to the Cistern. You took your turn, seeing one of the members in your way. You ducked next to them, weaving your way through the alchemy tables before you bolted across the wooden bridge that lead directly to a disturbed looking Mercer, whose tense body was hunched over his business ledger. When you finally arrived, his hair shook as his head jolted up in haste.

           "Ah, there you are," he growled, as if unamused at your tardiness.

          "Sorry," you murmured, putting your hands on your waist. "I just arrived from a job given to me by Maven."

     "Sorry won't cut it," Mercer snapped. "Anyway, I've consulted my contacts regarding the information you've gathered from Goldenglow Estate, but no one could identify that symbol."

            That was your problem? "I've found the same marking at Honningbrew Meadery."

          "It would seem our adversary is attempting to take us apart indirectly by angering Maven Black-Briar. Very clever."

           "Clever or not, they need to die."

     "Don't dismiss our adversary. They're well-funded, patient, and have been able to avoid identification for years. However, don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemisis is going to pay dearly."

            "So you do admire them."

            "Apparently, you did not catch a single word I said about that."

            "You overestimate my loyalty for the Guild. You continue speaking to me the way you are, and I will not hesitate in backing out of this job and handing it to someone less capable."

          Mercer didn't speak, he only glared in your direction, You have seemed to be able to put a muzzle on him, which was surprising.

              "Now, how do we make them pay?"

           "Even after all this posturing and planning, they've made a mistake. The parchment you've recovered mentions a 'Gajul-Lei'. According to sources, that's an old Alias used by one of our contacts. His real name is Gulum-Ei. Slimy bastard."

               "Where do I begin?"

             "Gulum-Ei is our inside man at the East Empire Company in Solitude. I'm betting he acted as a go-between for the sale of Goldenglow Estate and that he can finger our buyer. Go out there, shake him down and see what you can come up with. Talk to Brynjolf before you leave if you have any questions."

               You didn't even say your goodbyes to Mercer before you turned around to walk across the center of the Cistern. That Guild Master was getting on the wrong set of nerves for you to be loyal toward him. He shoved you in the wrong direction from day one. You got that this was a state of urgency, but that was no reason to be rude.

                Your boots clacked on the floor as you neared Brynjolf, who was stirring something in the pot that hung casually over the small fire. His strong arms circled as his eyes glanced toward you, and a smile was flashed for a second before it faded into a look of dismay. "I can't believe Gulum-Ei's mixed up in all of this; that Argonian couldn't find his tail with both hands."

                  "Sounds like you know him pretty well. . ." You said softly, giving him a smile.

                 "He comes in contact with the Guild whenever something fishy goes on at the East Empire company. He isn't the brightest of lads, though. Don't get me wrong, he can scam a beggar our of his last septim. . . but he's no mastermind." Brynjolf let go of the object he was using to stir the meal, straightening so he stood upright again.

              "Do you think he'll give me trouble?" you leaned against the shelf that was next to the cooking pot, staring questioningly at Brynjolf. You hadn't got a clue who this Argonian was--you hardly ever left Riften unless it was urgent.

                  "Trouble? He's one of the most stubborn lizards I've ever met!" Brynjolf let out a light laugh, something that softened your confidence a bit. "You have your work cut out for you."

                       You let out a chuckle. "So how do I get him to talk?"

                    "You're going to have to buy him off. It's the only way to get his attention. If that fails, follow him and see what he's up to. If I know Gulum-Ei, he's in way over his head and you'll be able to use it as leverage."

                     "Betrayed or not. . . I'll let him live."

                     "I'm glad to see you're embracing our methods. It would be a waste to lose a contact at the East Empire Company before we have the entire story. Just keep on Gulum-Ei's tail, and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot."

                      You nodded in understanding and sighed. "I should be off, then."

                    "Good luck in Solitude, lass. Keep Gulum-Ei alive, but make sure he remembers who we are." Brynjolf grinned. "I'm confident that you will do this without a problem."

                 You grinned back, the confidence in your heart restored as you made your way to the ladder that lead up to the secret passageway under the coffin.

                      You had Gulum-Ei pinned back against the boxes he was cowering in front of, a dagger pointed at his throat in hostility. You knew you had promised Brynjolf you would keep him alive, but Gulum- Ei lied to you. He had you run some pointless errand just so he could go about behind the Guild's back and continue to do the dirty business you had sniffed out in the first place. A bit of hostility and a couple of threats seemed necessary.

                 "Now there's no need to do anything rash!" Gulum-Ei rushed, the Argonian's slit eyes widening a bit in fear.

                       "I'm tired of your games, lizard!" you hissed, pinning him harder when he tried to wiggle out of your hold.

                 "This isn't as bad as it seems! I was going to tell Mercer about everything, honestly! Please. . . he'll have me killed!"

                         "Tell me now, or I kill you where you sit," you threatened, teeth bared in your anger.

                   "No, please! There's no need for that! I'll tell you everything! It's Karliah! Her name is Karliah. . ."

                    You stared at him, scanning his eyes for any hint of lies. When you found none, you tucked your dagger in its sheath, but your hold remained strong on his clothes. "You say that name like I should know it."

                   "Mercer never told you about her? Karliah is the thief responsible for murdering the previous Guild Master, Gallus. Now she's after Mercer--"

                           You slammed him against the boxes. "And you're helping her?!"

                       "Help. . .? No, no!" his voice raised and his panic returned, "I didn't even know it was her until after she contacted me! Please, you have to believe me!"

                            "Where is Karliah now?"

                          "I don't know. When I asked her where she was going, she just muttered 'Where the end began'. Here, take the Goldenglow Estate deed as proof. And when you speak to Mercer, tell him I'm worth more to him alive." He carefully edged a scaled hand into the fold of his tunic, digging out the deed and handing it you.

                           You tucked the deed away and shoved him to the floor, standing straight and walking away. He tried your patience, but at least it was well worth it. You were worried about how Mercer would take the news, and you only hoped he wouldn't take out the stress on you. You didn't want to turn to Brynjolf just to complain about the way the Guild Master has been treating you. Just like a little errand girl. Hell, you were an errand girl to Mercer.

                            But you had to keep going. For the sake of Brynjolf keeping his good opinion of you.

                    "Did Gulum-Ei give any information on our buyer?" Mercer asked when you hurrily approached him.

                      "He said Goldenglow was purchased by a 'Karliah'," you explained as you were catching your breath.

                         "No, it. . . it can't be. I haven't heard that name in decades." Mercer's expression drowned in worry. He vividly remembered her, you could tell. "This is grave news, indeed. She is someone I had hoped to never cross paths with again."                               

                                  "Gulum-Ei told me she was a murderer."

                                 "Karliah destroyed everything this Guild stood for. She murdered my prodecessor  in cold blood and betrayed the Guild. After we discovered what she had done, we spent months trying to track her down. But she just vanished."

                                   "Why has she returned?"

                                  "Karliah and I were like partners. I went with her on every heist. We watched each others' backs. I know her techniques, her skills. If she kills me, there will be no one left who could possibly catch her. If only we knew where she was. . ."

                                   "Gulum-Ei told me she said 'Where the end began'."

                                  "There's only one place that could be. The place where she murdered Gallus. . . A ruin called Snow Veil Sanctum. We have to out there before she disappears again."

                                    You blinked. "We?"

                                    "Yes, I'm going with you and together we're going to kill her."

                                    Ha, you thought.

                                  He tossed you a coin pouch, and you heard the gold clank as you caught it easily. "Here's your payment for Solitude. Prepare yourself and meet me at the ruins as soon as you can. We can't let her slip through our fingers."

                                  You nodded, a ball of worry bouncing around in your stomach. Something was off about all of this. You had a feeling you were definitely not going to be fond of the end result of this whole journey Mercer was going to set you on.

                                   These further were going to be torn down, you were sure of it.
