
I sat up eyes wide and looked around confused. My eyes narrowed in annoyance that it was just my half brother and... 'He's packing?' "Percy? What are you doing?" I asked.

He looked up from the toothbrush he was stuffing into a ziplock bag, "...I'm packing. I don't stay year round."

"Can... can I come with you? I mean... I don't have anywhere else to be..."

Percy sighed and looked at me, "...I... I don't know if that is a good idea but... I guess we can go ask Chiron."

I slipped from my bunk and hugged him tightly, "Thanks, big brother."

That seemed to melt his heart and he chuckled hugging back, "Anytime, little sis."

Ray and Jacob came in, "Hey Zozo!" Jacob grinned and walked over pulling me into a massive bear hug, "You staying year round with Ray and I?"

I chewed on my bottom lip awkwardly and hugged him back loosely, "...Well... actually I am trying to decide that right now but I was thinking of going and staying with Percy."

"Awww..." Jacob pouted then let go of me and ruffled my hair, "...Whatever you decide is okay with me."

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "...Love you guys."

"Hey, much as it is a weird thing for me to say I have grown to enjoy your presence... I guess I... love you too, Giggles." Ray joked, cracking a rare smile

"Okay. I ain't-a Powerpuff girl. So, no no on that nickname." I tried to not to smile.

Jacob chuckled, "Love you too."

"Come on, Zo. Let's see what Chiron says." Percy smiled and stood up taking my hand and pulling me out of the cabin.

I rolled my eyes, "...Thanks, Percy."

"For what?"

"For being... an amazing friend. I don't know. Just thanks in general." I shrugged and blushed feeling awkward.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You know... Ray is right. Us Poseidon kids are like puppies."

I nodded and giggled, "Yeah. I can see that." 

We walked up the steps of the big house. Chiron was in a wheelchair. I stared at him blinking, having never seen him in this form. "...What happened to the rest of you...?" I asked, blinking bewildered at him.

Percy responded first. "his legs fold in do to the mist, think of him as like a Bakugan."

Chiron sighed gripping his forehead. "Percy Jackson, please stop calling me a Bakugan. I am not a ball that unravels to reveal a monst-..." Chiron said and then he paused for a moment. He then sighed shaking his head, "Perhaps, I reveal myself as a centaur when I transform but my point still stands!" Chiron finished as he glanced over to me. "Now, how may I help you, Miss Craver?"

"...I was wondering if possibly I could get permission to stay with Percy and go to school with him." I asked, kind of awkwardly.

He seemed to ponder the thought as he gazed out towards the beach. "is that all Miss Craver?" He asked. "If so then, of course, you may so long as Miss Jackson allows it. Tell her hi from me and wish her well in her endeavor with dealing with Percy." He said as Percy sighed. 

"I'm not that hard to deal with!"  Percy complained. 

"To be fair you sneaked out of my camp to go on an unauthorized quest."

"A quest that stopped a war between the gods," Percy replied, grinning.

"Touche," Chiron responded, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Okay. Well, I guess I am going to pack." I yawned feeling suddenly sleepy.

"You alright? You looked like you just stepped into the Hypnos cabin." Percy said as Chiron got distracted by Mr. D. 

"Sleepy..." I mumbled. It suddenly became so hard for me to keep my eyes open. They felt like stones and it hurt to keep them open. I yawned and rubbed my eyes shivering. I moved and stumbled back into the Poseidon cabin. I collapsed into the bed and yawned one last time before I fell asleep.

I wasn't surprised when I found myself beside Tartarus. "I suppose you were the one who called me here?" I asked.

"I have my ways of getting you here for important things." Kronos mused. "So, then let's talk about you staying at the Jackson residence. Are you sure you want to stay in the same house as someone who has worked for the same gods who punish mortals simply for being better than them?"

"Of course I am sure... and just for the record... I think... you may be right about everything but the way you are going about it is-"

"Don't you trust me? Come on, Zoie. If I am right why won't you join me? Even if you don't join me now I know you will in the future. I am right and you know this. I only wanna help free you and all your fellow demigods from the gods. They all use you for their own gain." Kronos persuaded.

I sighed and chewed on my bottom lip, "...I guess..."

"You guess?" He asked me sounding surprised. "There is no guess, young demigod. What about all those poor demigods in the Hermes cabin waiting to be claimed? What if they never get claimed?" He showed me a vision of Olympus itself. The gods sitting on their thrones. "Look at this! Hermes, himself runs a betting pool of which child is claimed next!" He said sounding aghast. "What kind of person does something like that? What kind of GOD treats children and others as mere betting tools?"

I shook my head to clear the vision and sighed, "I am going with Percy whether you like it or not. Now, hush. It might be in your best interest or something."

Kronos chuckled at my brashness then sighed, "Alright, young demigod. I hope you are right. Otherwise, we may have a problem."

I nodded and looked into the pit, "...Understood."

"Also, keep in mind. I will still be in your head and your dreams. I am here to watch over you, guide you and help you..." Kronos purred and then I felt myself waking up.

I opened my eyes, flinching at the sudden light. I wondered how long I had been asleep. I groan and sat up producing a massive yawn. I looked over to find my minimal stuff packed in a duffle bag. Percy must have packed it up for me. Speaking of him, he walked in and when he saw me awake he beamed, "You're awake!"

"...Yeah... did I sleep for long?" I asked, rubbing my eyes childishly trying to wake myself up further.

"For once, you slept only for a couple of hours."  He said happily.

I giggled, "...Yeah yeah. Sorry Sleep is good, okay?"

He chuckled and then he motioned to my bag. "I did my best and made sure no Hermes kids got in here. So, you ready to meet my mom and head to my apartment? I can tell you for sure its cockroach free. Jacob wanted to say goodbye one last time though... if you're up for it."

I giggled again and slipped from the bed nodding, "Thanks Seaweed Brain. Yeah, I'm up for it." I walked out of the cabin.

"Hey! Wait, you don't even know where he is!"  He called after me. I stopped and turned around to face him, waiting for him. When he had caught up to me he was slightly panting. "He was hanging around the forge earlier. Why don't you see if anyone can point you in the right direction?" He suggested. He then grinned waving, "I'll be waiting by the entrance with our stuff. See ya soon."

I watched him hurry off and rolled my eyes turning to look for my friend.
