The Mission

"Bye, Bonebone," Ella said. "Me and Emily are going to the mall. We'll bring you doggy treats if you stay!"

"NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT THE STAY!" Steaksteak whined while the owners left. "Come on, why me?!"

"Don't worry," Bonebone said. "Remember THIS?!" 

Steaksteak gasped. "The sit-stay remover! Whenever you lick it, it frees you from the stay for the rest of the day!"

"I know," Bonebone said as he licked it. "I am much of a hero, aren't I?"

Then their invisible watches sounded an alarm, and Commander Pekachu came on the screen. "I have a mission for you," he said.

"SIR YES SIR!" they said in unison. "Let's go to the suit connector!"

Then they went up to Sam and Pekachu who gave them their mission. "Dirt Monster is taking over the world of the Dog," Sam said. "The only way to get to him is by eating the grass like this."

They did the exact same thing. Then... "AAHHH!" they fell through a hole. "Well, that worked," said Bonebone.

"Shut up, you." Steaksteak said. "We still have to find this 'dirt monster'."

"You called?" A weird thing appeared covered in dirt.

"HEY UNICORN FACE!" Bonebone shouted.

"Um..." Steaksteak hesitated.

Then the creature talked in a familiar voice. "What's a unicorn face?"


"What's an idiot? Is it bad? If it is, Mommy will wash your mouth out with soap!" Bonebone and Steaksteak gave each other unamused glances.

"Get out of there, Moony," Bonebone said. "And plus, if Mother washes my mouth out, I won't have a snout."

"Good point," Moony said, climbing out of the dirt. "APRIL FOOLS!"

"It's not April," Steaksteak said.

"May fools!"

"It's not May."

"June fools!"


All the months later...

"Hang on, so this was a trick?" Bonebone said, fuming.

"YES!" Sam and Pekachu said.

It did not end well...
