Competition Day

"You sure you wanna do this sweetheart? I know you're not the type to do something in hate." Tank says as he is walking with Alexis.

"I'm sure Tank. Thank you for looking out for me." Alexis says.

"Anytime. I know you don't always get treated the way you should." Tank says.

"It's okay. I'm doing this." Alexis says determinedly.

"Tank!" Bradley shouts from far off.

"See you at the starting line sweetheart." Tank says.

"See you there Tank." Alexis says as Tank leaves.

"Alexis?" A voice asks as Alexis sees Max, PJ and Bobby.

"Goof." Alexis says coldly as she doesn't even look at Max.

"You aren't gonna even say hello to us?" Max asks.

"What's there to say? I don't feel there's anything to say." Alexis says coldly.

"Wait. You're skating?" Bobby asks as he sees Alexis's board.

"But I thought you didn't skate in the games. That's gonna be really dangerous." PJ says.

"I've had a change of heart and don't you worry about me. I'm not any of your concern." Alexis says harshly.

"I can't believe you're joining the games." Max says in shock.

"I can't believe a lot of things. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready." Alexis says before she walks off.


"Hey Brad what did you do with my dad?" Max asks as Alexis and the Gammas come over.

"He didn't make the cut. See he was never Gamma material." Bradley says before the groups go to the wall as Bobby gets in the lead before the groups continue through games.


"Take your positions. On your mark. Get set." The referee says as he is holding his whistle while watching his watch.

"PJ!" Max shouts seeing PJ get rocketed into the sky.

"False start! False start! Both teams get back here." The referee says.

"Wait hold on. Bradley just blasted our guy into the next state." Max says.

"Why that is absurd I did nothing of the sort." Bradley says as he tries to act innocent.

"Oh that's what my dad has been trying to tell me!" Max says.

"Can we get on with the race please? Wait a minute. Uh one, two. Oh you don't seem to have enough team members now do you?" Bradley asks smugly.

"Guess that means you'll not be able to compete. Better luck next time." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Rules is rules. You have to field a full team or you forfeit to the Gammas." The referee says as he gestures to Bradley.

"Wait. That's unfair. We don't know anyone else!" Max says as he then looks to the broadcast person and pushes him out of the way before grabbing the microphone.

"Dad it's me Max. If you're out there... and relax I'm not in trouble. It's just the team needs you. I need you. Well I wouldn't blame him if he didn't come." Max says as he puts the mic down and goes over to Bobby.

"That's it. They're disqualified." Bradley says.

"Nope, nope. Not yet. There's still five more seconds. Five, four, three, two-" The referee then gets cut off as Goofy crashes into the platform before popping his head out of the hole in the platform.

"Hey! Come on! No fair! He's too late." Bradley says as he grabs the referee by his shirt.

"Not by my watch." The referee says.

"Son about the last couple of weeks." Goofy says as Max help him up.

"Dad what do you say we take care of this race first?" Max asks.

"You got it." Goofy says happily as Alexis looks at Max sadly before shaking her head and giving a determined look.


"Take your positions. On your mark. Get set. Go!" The referee says shooting off his starter gun as the groups get going on the race.

"Keep up Ally!" Bradley shouts.

"I am!" Alexis shouts.

"Well go faster!" Bradley shouts as he keeps moving.

"Ah!" Alexis shouts as she runs over a crack in the ground and gets thrown off her board from the crack and lands harshly on her ankle.

"Alexis!? Are you alright?" Max asks as he stops and comes over to her.

"Scat back Goof. I'm fine. Worry about your own teammates instead of a girl you clearly don't care about." Alexis says as she swats Max away before getting back on her board and quickly getting back in the race.

"You okay sweetheart?" Tank asks as he skates next to Alexis.

"Yeah. Just a bit sore but I'm good." Alexis says as the group switches to bikes before seeing Bobby get thrown off his bike. Alexis then stops momentarily to look at Bobby before continuing on as the group switches to skateboards as Tank then gets rocketed into Max as the two rocket into the giant X as it then catches fire.

"That's not good." Bobby says as he comes up.

"Max!" Alexis shouts seeing this before Goofy runs over to help. Alexis then gets off her board and runs on all fours into the giant X as she sees Tank and goes over to him.

"Alexis! What are you doing in here?" Tank asks.

"Trying to help you. I can't lift it. I'm not strong enough." Alexis says as she is struggling to lift the beam.

"Let me help you." A voice says as it reveals to be Max.

"I don't need your help." Alexis says coldly.

"Alexis you can be mad at me later just let me help you." Max says.

"Okay fine just hurry." Alexis says as Max begins to help her.

"Maxie!" A voice shouts revealing to be Goofy.

"Dad help us get this beam off Tank!" Max shouts as Goofy begins to help.

"Look out!" Alexis shouts as she sees a fiery beam about to fall on the group before she shoots it away with ice and water.

"How'd you do that?" Max asks in amazement.

"Natural born gift. Now lift you two." Alexis says as the group manages to get the beam off Tank.

"C'mon! We're about to be Baked Alaska here." Tank says as the group skates out.

"They are alive!" The announcer shouts as the group comes out of the X.

"Go for it son." Goofy says before the group gets off the skateboard shooting Max forward on it.

"That's some boy you've had there." Tank says.

"You're wrong Tank. He's not a boy anymore." Goofy says proudly as Alexis watches Max.

"Oh Team 99 is still in this race! Max Goof is making up the distance. He is taking the lead! Bradley's battling back as they come to the finish line. Team 99 wins!" The announcer should as Max wins the race.

"He won." Alexis says before she goes over to Bradley and Max.

"Congratulations Max. I haven't forgotten our agreement." Bradley says as he shakes hands with Max.

"The bet's off Brad. But I think you owe him something." Max says as Tank comes up to Bradley.

"Brad. Hi it's me. The guy you let down." Tank says angrily.

"Hey Tank baby! Who loves you baby right?" Bradley asks as he runs with Tank after him.

"Hey Max." Alexis says as Max looks at her.

"Alexis? Look I-" Max then gets cut off by Alexis.

"I just want to say thank you for helping to save Tank. Anyway you did good. Congratulations. You've won the bet against my brother but from the looks of it he wonr be able to hold up his end of the bargain so I will. I'll see you in class I guess." Alexis says before she walks off.
