Special POV: Bakugou Katsuki

WARNING - mentions of mental abuse, strong language

Note: For a better experience, listen to some music, for example, this (Playlist name - May we meet in another reality) 


Voices. All I can hear are the screaming voice of my family members.

"You'll never be good enough!"

                                                             "We haven't raised such a weakling."

"Why do you have to act like this?!"

                                                           "I should've aborted you when it was possible."

I can't stop them... I stay awake all night, crying and yelling at them to stop.

 "Hey Y/N! I wanted to ask you if you've got that project Aizawa sensei wanted us to finish," you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you. "Y-yeah.. here," you went through your stuff to give Mina the correct answers to the project you were supposed to provide him within the next 20 minutes. "Thank you," she chirped, but she turned back to you before she walked away. "Hey, are you okay? You look exhausted." You looked up to her and put on a fake smile. You had been wearing it for the past few weeks, so no one noticed it wasn't honest at this point. "Yes, I'm fine! Sorry for worrying you. I'm just a little tired," you smiled at her, hoping for Mina not to notice the shaky hands you were clenching under the desk. Mina returned the smile, telling you to get some rest and walked away.

 As you were about to get up and go to the bathroom, you noticed one particular blonde-haired 1-A student was staring at you with an indescribable look in his eyes. You quickly grabbed your back and walked out of the classroom.

 "OI! Where do you think you're going?" you froze in place. "What's wrong with you today?! You look like shit, and you were fighting like a toddler," Bakugou snarled at you as he got closer. You haven't dared to look him in the eyes and instead watched some students passing by. "I'M TALKING TO YOU, YOU IDIOT!" a strong arm pinned you to the nearest wall, and you squeaked in fear, shutting your eyes close, ready for the blow to come. Instead of a loud blast he usually used when pissed, you heard a soft voice trying hard not to crack. "What is this...?" Bakugou whispered, staring at your exposed arms.

 "I-it's Nothing! Some scars from training," you said confidently, hoping he would leave you alone. It took you a good minute before you realised what he meant. You quickly slipped under one of his arms and pulled the sleeves of your oversides hoodie back. Bakugou just stared at you and then walked away. But before he left, you noticed that something in his eyes changed. The anger was gone, and instead of that, you saw sorrow? You shook your head and went to your last class.


 You couldn't fall asleep. Your phone was buzzing with abusive messages from your family, and even when you turned it off and tried to go back to sleep, you could still see what they've said about you.

 Why can't I have a better quirk? Why can't I be stronger...?

 You started to tear up, so you quickly wiped the hot tears away and decided to go out for a bit. The cold wind caressed your face when you walked out on the shared balcony. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, enjoying the silence.

 "What are you doing up so late?" You jumped and quickly turned around only to see sleepy Bakugou staring at you. He didn't look angry, and he seemed worried. "I thought I would go out to get some fresh air," you smiled at him.

 "It's 2 a.m. Are you out of your mind?!" Bakugou groaned and came closer to you, giving you his hoodie. The smell of his body soap made your heart skip a beat as you put his hoodie on. "Why are you awake?" you asked Bakugou, but his reaction surprised you. A light pink blush covered his cheeks as he looked away from you.

 "I heard some weird noise coming from the hall, so I checked it and found you, dumbass." You slightly smiled and turned to look at the UA grounds.

Don't cry... You're stronger than this. They won't get to you with their harsh words-

 You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you, holding you tightly. As soon as you felt Bakugou's arms around you, your walls fell down. "I'm here, Y/N. You're safe with me," his voice was raspy and broken. He was crying. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you sooner. I always knew something was going on, but I was scared to get closer to you. I was the one being dumbass, not you. I'm sorry for everything." You started crying and shaking even harder than before. For the first time in your life, you felt safe and loved.

"I promise you. I'll be here to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you 'till the day I die," Bakugou whispered to you before placing a small kiss on top of your head.
