Part 20

When we got to the lunchroom and collected our food, Stephanie was already waiting for us at our table. I supposed her fascination with "little people," as she put it, would make her a regular feature around us. As long as she didn't obsess over me or constantly want to pick me up like an action figure, I wouldn't mind. She got excited when she saw me, and immediately started chatting and asking me lots of questions. I was as patient and informative as I could be, although I found it a bit of a chore to talk so much while trying to eat lunch at the same time. Joey appeared mildly annoyed that Stephanie was imposing on our time together, but he bore the burden with stoicism, and remained polite towards her.

As we were talking, Joey and Stephanie both unexpectedly fell silent, looking behind me. I turned around to behold Mr. Henderson leaning over me. He looked worn out and a little stressed, with bags under his eyes indicating his fatigue. He smiled weakly.

"Hello," he greeted us. "Sorry to interrupt, but would you mind coming to see me in my office when you're done with your lunch, Eren?"

"Sure," I replied. I wondered what he wanted from me, and why he was so tired. I missed his calming presence, being around him and talking to him, since he had been mysteriously absent after the hospital visit. I chastised myself internally for my selfish thinking. I couldn't assume I was the center of everything when he had a school to run, especially after the principal had been fired. He gave a small wave of his hand in acknowledgement and strolled away. We looked after him with curiosity.

"I wonder what that's all about?" Joey questioned, voicing our shared thoughts. Stephanie's eyes gleamed at the opportunity to spread fresh gossip.

"I suppose I'll find out soon enough," I mused. We finished up our lunches and Joey took me to Mr. Henderson's office. The vice principal was sitting at his desk, brooding over some paperwork and massaging his temple. When he saw us, he indicated for Joey to place me on the desk. The bell rang to signal the end of lunch, so Joey had to leave for his next class. Mr. Henderson gestured for him to close the door on his way out, leaving us alone in his office.

"Sorry I wasn't able to seek you out earlier," the giant apologized. "I've been very busy these past couple of days. As I'm sure you're aware by now, the principal was removed from his position, so I've had to take over his responsibilities until we can hire a suitable replacement."

"It's fine, I understand," I replied. After a pause, I asked, "What did you want to see me about?"

"Several things," Mr. Henderson answered. "First off..." He opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out my bike. "I found this in the principal's desk. I believe it belongs to you?"

"Yes!" I confirmed emphatically. I hadn't been certain I would ever get my bike back, so I was very pleased.

"I suppose that explains why you were walking to school when I found you on Monday," he said, a tinge of sorrow creeping into his tone. "I'm sorry. I should have realized something was wrong." He had a mournful, distant expression that broke my heart. It wasn't fair for him to feel guilty for not noticing I was in pain, particularly when I was trying to conceal the truth.

"No. I should have told you what was going on," I reassured him. His giant hand was resting on the desk, so I walked over and patted him on a knuckle. "You can't blame yourself for what you didn't know." He smiled down at me, still looking a little sad.

"Anyways, besides that, I also have this for you." He reached into his desk again and removed a tiny box, being careful not to unintentionally crush it. "I found room in the budget to order you a laptop for your schoolwork. Now you can type up and email your homework. It even has a camera so you can take pictures of handwritten assignments, including tests when you're done taking them, and send them, so they will be properly scaled up for your giant teachers."

I beamed with joy. "Wow! Thank you so much Mr. Henderson! I've never had my own personal computer before! This will make schoolwork so much easier!" I had not expected to be showered with gifts today. I was ecstatic to think how a computer would grant me more independence by enabling me to complete my assignments on my own, and take charge of my school performance. I stuffed the box into my backpack to open later.

"I'm glad you like it," the giant said with a smile. "Now to more... difficult matters." His visage became serious, and he lapsed into silence for a long moment. "To be honest, I'm not sure how to begin this conversation. It's... a heavy topic." My eyes searched his. He seemed nervous, hesitant, even evasive, an unusual state for a professional and well-spoken man like him.

"May I... share something personal with you?" he asked, almost sheepishly, as if asking for forgiveness rather than permission. I nodded wordlessly. "If I explain where I'm coming from, it might contextualize what I'm going to tell you," he continued. He kneaded his hands distractedly, like one might squeeze a stress ball, and sighed. Clearly, whatever personal thing he was going to tell me, he was having trouble spitting it out.

I thought some encouragement might help. "Mr. Henderson, you've already seen me cry and spill my guts to you. I think it's about time you reciprocate," I demanded half-jokingly, putting my hands on my hips in a defiant stance. My curiosity over what he was struggling to tell me was waxing.

He smiled gently. "Alright." After taking a deep breath, he began, "I started my career in the school system as a teacher. Teaching, the act of nurturing young minds and hearts, and fostering future generations, is a passion of mine. I like working with children and watching them follow their dreams and grow into upstanding members of the community. I feel like I am making a positive difference in the world."

He sighed again. "Several years ago, I was happily married. It seemed like all the goals I strived for in life—a fulfilling career, my own house, a wife, starting my own family—were within my grasp. However..." His facial features twisted up in pain. "My wife and I—we were unable to conceive a child together. As fate would have it, the problem was on my end. Regrettably, my seed is infertile. My inability to impregnate my wife drove a wedge between us in our relationship, since we both desired children."

He hung his head close to the desk, and his voice cracked with emotion. "My wife divorced me for another man who could give her what she wanted: a child. I was left behind, wifeless and childless. I felt like I had lost everything." He ceased talking for a minute. Since he had comforted me before, now it was my turn to do the same, so I stretched up and touched the only part of his face I could reach, his chin, and caressed it softly. He had a thin layer of stubble on his chin that scratched my hand. He was soothed by the gesture, and laid his massive head on the desk so I could reach him better. He looked a bit silly in this position, but I appreciated having him closer.

"I still had my job at the school, which provides me some fulfillment, and without any distractions outside of work I was able to rise in the ranks to the position I'm in today. However, the void in my heart from my loss was never filled. I... still want to be a father someday." His story, so full of pain, touched me deeply. I understood intimately what he meant when he said he had a hole in his heart, because I, too, had a hole inside me from the loss of my father, torn open wider by my mother's atrocious betrayal. I rubbed the giant's cheek with my hand, and tried my best to give him a hug, wrapping my arms around his face. I felt his facial muscles twitch as the corners of his lips turned up in a grateful smile.

"Eren... do you believe in fate?" he asked me.

"I'm... not sure," I admitted, shrugging. "Not really."

"I suppose it doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes it feels as if things happen for a reason. People are brought together, from different places and walks of life, for a purpose. Whether by fate, or some other force. Anyways..." He brought his hand towards me and gently embraced me with his fingers. "I like to believe that maybe we were brought together for a reason. You, in need of a loving father, and me, a man who has always wanted a child, and can't have one..." He trailed off. I looked deep into his coffee eyes and felt a wave of warmth fill me, like wrapping up in a thick blanket.

"Eren, I've only known you for a short time, but I've grown quite fond of you. You're a strong-willed young lady and I think you have great potential. You deserve the love and guidance that only a father can give."

"Th-thank you..." I murmured. I wasn't sure what else to say.

"I know this is a difficult topic to discuss, which is why I've approached it in such a roundabout way. But... from what you've told me... your mother refuses the responsibility of parenting you. Now, as long as you're in her custody, there's nothing I can do to help your situation. However, if you want me to, I can call her on your behalf, and have her legally relinquish you." He raised his head off the desk and gave me a serious, intense look, resting his chin on his hand and keeping his head low so I could stare closely into his eyes. "Now, I know it's no secret that being around giants has been a... difficult adjustment for you, to say the least. One option for you in this scenario: You could go back to live on the human side of the wall. We'd have to find you an orphanage, or foster parents, but you would be able to be with your own kind again. You'd never have to see another giant in your life, if you didn't wish it."

I gaped at him in shock. I was not expecting this development. "On the other hand, if you decide you want to stay, I would be happy to adopt you and give you a loving home. Only if that's what you want, of course!" He patted my head with the tip of his finger. I melted under his touch. "What do you think?"

"This is... a lot to take in," I confessed. "I need some time to think it through."

"Take as much time as you need, and come to me when you're ready," Mr. Henderson said smoothly. "Oh! I almost forgot. I have one more thing for you." The giant pulled out of his desk another tiny box, this one so small in comparison to his fingertips I was surprised he hadn't squished it. "So, technically, according to school policy, we don't allow students to have cell phones, as you know. We're going to bend the rules a bit here though." He smirked. "This is a smartwatch you can use to make calls. You can also install an app that allows you to share your location, essentially a tracker."

Mr. Henderson carefully handed me the box. I opened it and slipped the sleek, high-tech device onto my wrist. Lowering his voice, the giant explained, "I got you this watch for your own safety. I'm not going to force you to use it or connect it to my phone, but know the option is there for you. If you need help, or find yourself in an emergency, you can call or text me directly or share your location so I can find you if you're taken."

I nodded, feeling shaken at the thought of a hostile giant snatching me up and stealing me away. "Let's definitely set this thing up." We took a moment to program Mr. Henderson's cellphone number into my new watch and set up the tracker. I felt much safer knowing I had a direct link to my protector.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Eren?" Mr. Henderson inquired, wrapping his hands around me as he lifted me off the desk.

I pondered for a moment. "Call my mom, and get started on that at least," I directed, swallowing a lump of bitterness in my throat. "I'll let you know what I decide to do afterwards, but if she doesn't want to be my mother anymore, then I don't want to be her daughter." I scowled.

"Okay," Mr. Henderson agreed quietly. He opened the door to his office and gingerly set me down on the floor, handing me my bike and backpack. "Come back to me when you're ready, Eren. Farewell for now."
