Beauty is Skin Deep

          As someone who lives on Saturn, we love rings. Adore rings. We even use it as a form of currency. Your beauty is not determined by how many rings you have but how rare the materials your ring is made out of. We keep rank so everybody knows where they fall. Me? I'm on the very bottom until... today. When I woke up, I had a ring around my neck. Not a necklace, but a true skin ring around my neck.

          I did my best to cover it up when I went to the doctor, but I guess I didn't do a good job. Somebody saw. I went from being totally last to second place. Somebody has to verify the rarity for you to be first. Now I can't even leave my house without cameras flashing and people asking where I got it from.

          I don't know. I don't know. I repeat to myself. I don't know how it appeared, but I want it off.

"Do you?"

     "Huh?" I turned around from playing with asteroid daises, "Who said that?"

"I did. You called for me."

         Bo looked down to see a small, yellow, happy cube. She picked it up so that it was face to face with her. "Who are you and how did I do that?"

The yellow cube trilled and beamed; "I am Big Yellow. I heard your worries about your skin and came as soon as possible."

"Really?" Big Yellow floated up and down as a yes.

"Problem. You're in my dream and I need you in real life."

"Don't worry about it!" Big Yellow trilled and exited in a blink of an eye.

          That was three days ago and I haven't seen Big Yellow since. Now the Verifiers are here along with the Number One Beauty, Isa. His ring is made out of Basalt, a volcanic rock. Although Saturn has rock elements, it's water and ice.

      As the Verifiers checked out my neck, I felt a sudden tingle on my finger. It was Big Yellow as a ring!

        "Sorry I'm late Bo, I took a wrong turn and got caught in an asteroid belt." Big Yellow projected into Bo's mind. "Now listen to me and I'll help you."

        What started out as sucky turned out bright. Bo listened to Big Yellow explain hormonal acne. All the planets' teenagers were having this issue but only Earth was well versed with it. Bo carefully listed out all the products as she applied them.

          The next few days were a blur. Even though the ring cleared up, Bo was still named the number one beauty for having a transformative rare skin ring. With Starface as her guide, she travels to other provinces to teach about the different types of acne.
