Chapter 134: Setting up for the war

(Play Opening)

(Suji's POV)

Sleep was a little difficult for me to get back to, the constant movement I was doing during my time out in the city was still having an effect on my mind and body. I laid in bed just staring up at the ceiling until I finally passed out, after that everything went dark.

I was suddenly woken up to the sound of my phone ringing as I leaned up out of bed to grab it.

Suji: Hmph, I guess I'll try sleeping another night...

Looking at the time I realized that it was morning and I had actually slept a good couple hours. I went back to my phone as I saw the contact information and raised an eyebrow at the info.

Suji: All Might? Wonder what's the trouble... Hello?

*All Might: Ah Kyoryoku, I'm hoping I wasn't disturbing you but I'd like for us to discuss the situation that I spoke of yesterday.*

Suji: Sure, I can talk.

*All Might: Sorry, but this topic will have to be taken to a more, private location. I hope that's okay?*

I was confused by his response, I sat up fully as I scratched the back of my head.

Suji: Uh, sure... And where would this location be?

*All Might: Oh, it's the police station. My friend is working on the next step of the plan. I can stop by the barrier gates and pick you up.*

Suji: Sounds good, sir. I'll be out as soon as I can.

I ended the call before standing up completely, stretching as I looked around the room. After grabbing a few clothes, a black shirt, a pair of blue jeans and my jacket, I headed down to the common area where the others were standing around.

Suji: Mornin' guys.

Kirishima: Morning bro! How'd you sleep?

I stood over by the kitchen counter as I saw Izumi and Sato finishing up cooking some breakfast for everyone.

Suji: Heh, if you can call letting yourself pass out "sleep", then I'd say it was pleasant.

Izumi: Hey, you hungry? Sato and I just got done making breakfast.

Suji: Thanks, but I'm not hungry. Besides I gotta head out.

Todoroki: Hm, where to?

I was about to speak when Skull walks over and hops up to sit on the back of the couch as he smirks.

-Skull: Oh, don't tell them Suji! Why spoil the fun? The best type of surprise is letting someone fall right into it and then having the numerous reactions followed.-

I ignored the hallucination as I answered Todoroki with complete honesty.

Suji: All Might called and wanted me to head down to the police station with him to discuss the business that he mentioned yesterday. I'm heading over to the gate to meet up with him.

Izumi: O-oh, do you think it's going to be okay?

Suji: Yeah, probably some details about the plans for the next battle. I get not wanting to disclose information around the citizens, especially if it ends up causing a riot or something.

Izumi looked at me with confused concern as it soon fades as she smiles and nods at me. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek as I walked over to the door, seeing Izuku still sleeping as I smirk at the scene before leaving the dorms. Walking out into the campus I looked around as I saw the citizens walking and talking, taking the time to make the most of the situation that we are currently living in. I soon enough make it to the gate where Thirteen was stationed as she looked over at me

Thirteen: Hello Kyoryoku, how are you today?

Suji: I'm fine, thanks. I need to step out, All Might wants to drive me to the police station to talk.

Thirteen's face switched to a confused expression before she nods opening the gate as I stepped out to see a very nice looking black car sitting out in the front of the barrier. All Might steps out and waves at me.

Suji: Wow sir, nice wheels.

All Might: Thanks, now let's be on our way.

I nod agreeing as I get in the passenger side as we drove all the way to the place where Detective Tsukauchi was stationed.

(Third POV)

At the station, Hawks is seen with Detective Tsukauchi who looked to be very tired from after dealing with the war. Both of them were looking at files and information, while All Might and Kyoryoku walked in.

Tsukauchi: All Might, glad you could make it. And Kyoryoku, nice to see you again.

Suji: Same here. So what's happening?

Hawks: So. We got some info about Shigaraki's upgrades from Garaki's polygraph and cross-referenced it with Central's Nomu research. It was tricky, since we were comparing a living person to some lackeys created
out of corpses, but we did come to a conclusion.

Tsukauchi: We believed his body would
be completed after two months. All our intelligence pointed to that timeline.
There was also additional testimony from the assassins Deku caught. It sounds like All For One's intention is to get his hands on One For All before his protégé's body has reached full potential.

Suji: So wait... a few month has passed since the attack on Tartarus, which, in theory, left us with another days or so
to plan our next move on All For One and the League.

Tsukauchi: Or so we thought.

Kyoryoku looked at the Detective with confusion as Hawks continued.

Hawks: We received Tartarus security records from Stain, who gave them to All Might along with an overzealous love letter to our Symbol of Peace. Mr. Fanboy had no intention of giving this information to anyone but All Might himself.

Kyoryoku looked at All Might with surprise, remembering that Stain gave him information too.

Suji: Weird, Stain did the same for me. He was a hired assassin that Skull put on a list to kill me, but he instead gave me a list of names of people who knew Skull's location. It's because of him that I was able to find his base and save Izumi.

All Might: Without him, we'd have nothing.

Tsukauchi: Tartarus has a security system that's completely cut off from the outside world. It's a defensive measure. We shouldn't have been able to get our hands on this data at all, especially since it contains the reason for the system failure.

Hawks: Shigaraki used Radio Waves
liberally in that last battle, and it caused havoc both inside and outside the prison.

Suji: You mean All For One and his consciousness inside Shigaraki were in sync? Is that what allowed him to coordinate his attack?

Tsukauchi: It's more complicated
than that, Kyoryoku. Yes, he shared his thoughts through the consciousness that resides inside of his Quirk.

Kyoryoku then thought back to when he had One For All for a short time, he was able to interact with the vestiges perfectly as if he had the quirk since birth.

Tsukauchi: In this case, though, I know
they talked using Radio Waves. The data suggests that if someone has that Quirk,
they can send messages and receive them.

Hawks: Our analysis shows that the radio waveforms recorded at Tartarus were, in fact, a conversation.

All Might and Kyoryoku's eyes widened upon hearing this.

All Might: I didn't realize we had
those results back.

Suji: Any idea what they were saying?

Tsukauchi: That Shigaraki would
be complete in three days.

Suji: But didn't you say that reports from Central said it'd be two months? I don't get it.

All Might: He knew we'd investigate. So he arranged for the research to lead us to a specific conclusion.

Hawks: We believe these private
communications between his body and consciousness reveal the actual schedule.

All Might: Which means Shigaraki, All For One's vessel, will be complete in about three days.

Suji: Wait. No way. That soon?

Tsukauchi: Yes. Which means that we're
quickly running out of options. We need time and allies to figure out how we can go up against the League.

With the tension rising, Kyoryoku steps up and asks his questions.

Suji: Couldn't we ask for help from other countries? I'm sure some heroes will be willing to help us.

All Might: Actually, I have already... But sadly the ambassadors are in arguments about letting their heroes leave when they need the heroes themselves. But if I know myself, I think one person will try to force her way into the battle for us.

Elsewhere in the sky, a bunch of American jets are seen flying through the sky. On top of one of the jets stood a tall, muscular woman with long blonde hair and wore a classic red, white and blue outfit.


Suji: What about me? Why did you need to bring me here?

The others exchanged looks before they started walking down the hallway with Kyoryoku following.

Tsukauchi: We need a way to outmaneuver the villains, which given our resources... Are getting very limited.

Hawks: So we need to look at this from a psychological perspective, figure out how a villain thinks, and learn from that aspect in order to make a plan to stop them.

Suji: And why me? Why not another hero?

The three looked at each other once more before the Detective responded.

Tsukauchi: We've looked into your experiences and we figured that you'd be the right man suited for the job.

All Might: Sorry I didn't mention this to you, Young Kyoryoku. I didn't want you to feel pressured.

Kyoryoku shook his head with a small smile.

Suji: It's fine sir, I'm just happy to help.

Hawks: Well kid, all you gotta do is talk to him and we can get everything set up for the battle. You ready for this?

Kyoryoku looked to see that he was now standing infront of a door to an interrogation room as he looked at the three and nodded with reassurance. He opens the door before his eyes widen upon seeing a man sitting in the room with Quirk canceling cuffs on, wearing a blue prison jumpsuit, and his black and white hair hung down his face covering parts of his eyes as he looks up with a large smile.

Skull: Well, well, well. Look who needs who now. I'll take a nice cup of coffee and let's start talking.
To be continued.... Until Season 7.


(Hello readers and thank you for reading! WE ARE OFFICIALLY CAUGHT UP WITH MY HERO ACADEMIA!! It took three years give or take, but we did it! This story was my first story I ever wrote and I'm happy to see how far I've gotten. Until season 7 in completely done and I'm able to fully watch and brainstorm from it, this story will be on hiatus until that point..... The finale of Volume 9 of Rwby Elemental Forces will be released sometime tonight.)

-Until next time...
