Tutor Izuku *SeroDeku*πŸ’

Sero's POV-4,042 Words

I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I heard those reassuring words.

"I'm gonna fail this fucking test, bro."

I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

"If you fail this fucking test, I will never tutor you again, babe." I laugh as Kaminari pouts as Bakugo puts his arm around his waist.

"Denks, at least you have a boyfriend to tutor you, I have Mina and she's just as bad as we are, she just tries to secondhand explain what Hagakure taught her."

"Hey, it's not my fault she refuses to teach you, you're the one who stabbed her with a pencil," Sero flinches as Mina appears beside him.

"I apologized already; it was an accident! You know I would never stab her on purpose!"

"I don't care, you still stabbed my girlfriend and that is something I can never forgive you for!"

"Yeah, tape-face, you're getting off easy, if you had stabbed Kami I would have-"

"Done nothing, babe, I wouldn't have let you do anything to him, I probably would have deserved it anyway."

"No-" Kaminari and I laughed as he hugged Bakugo who just scoffed in return.

That put an end to the conversation, well, Iida was actually the one to end our conversation once he notified the class that Mic was coming down the hall. So, everyone went to their designated seats.

Once I was sitting at my desk, I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Sero, I heard you needed help studying, you could have asked me for help? I'm always free to help a friend." I look at Midoriya. God, he's so cute.

"You sure, Mido? I would never want to bother you."

"Of course! You could never bother me, Sero," he smiles. "I wish you luck on the test but if you do not do the greatest, I can always help you study for the retake or prepare for any test to come!"

"Thanks, Mido, I'll definitely hold you to that!" He nods and goes to sit down as Present Mic enters the room.


He handed out the test and as soon as I looked at it, I knew I was screwed. I speak two languages fluently; English is absolutely not one of them.

I had finished three questions when Mido and Bakugo had got up to turn their tests in. Bakugo playfully pushed Mido back into his seat and rushed to turn his in first. Midoriya just giggled and waited for him to sit back down before he got up to turn his in.

I watched as every one of the smart ones started to turn theirs in. I got caught up in thinking about how horribly I was going to do that I had only done the first 5 out of 20 questions when Present Mic yelled out that we only had 10 minutes left.

Yeah, I failed, but at least I can look forward to studying with Midoriya. I quickly tried to answer as many questions as I could before the bell rang and Present Mic collected the rest of the tests.

I hung my head and sighed as I started to make my way back to the dorms.

"Yeah, definitely don't have a boyfriend to tutor me anymore, Sero, can I borrow yours sometime?"

"The fuck? You guys break up? What boyfriend? Denki," I lowered my voice, "you get into my stash?" He starts cracking up, I'm so confused.

"Kat said he wouldn't tutor me anymore if I failed, I most likely did, so I was wondering if Midobro could tutor me too, you know, your soon-to-be boyfriend. Wink, wink." I blushed at that.

"I told you to stop saying, "wink, wink," it's weird," I tried to change the subject, which obviously didn't work. Of course, the only time his adhd brain actually works is when he's teasing me.

"Awe, is someone flustered?" He mocked me as if I was a child.

"Shut up."

"Babe, leave him alone, test's over, you know what that means, come on." Kaminari blushes profusely as he's dragged to Bakugo's dorm. I hadn't even realized that we had made it to the dorms already.

I sigh and head into the kitchen, I need a snack to eat away my sorrows.

"Hey, Sero, how do you think you did? It did seem like one of the harder ones, so I understand if you feel like you didn't do the best."

"Thanks, Mido, but I know you're just saying that."

"No, I really mean it, it took me twice as long to finish as all the other tests, I swear!" I chuckle at his determination to not make me feel bad, it's cute.

"Yeah? Well, I was only able to answer about 9 questions and I 100% got all of them wrong, but thanks for trying to help. I really appreciate you, Midoriya, thank you," I smile at him and make sure that he understands that I'm being genuine.

"9 questions....out of 20? Alright, that's fine, it's almost half so don't feel too bad," he started off slowly and then he tried to get out without making me feel bad.

"You think I'm dumb, right?" I laugh as his eyes widen.

"No, no, absolutely not! I just think that you need a bit more help than what you're getting and I'm more than happy to provide that extra assistance!" He looks so genuine too, God, he's too precious.

I walk up to him and smile. I lift up his chin and smirk down at him, "I look forward to our tutoring sessions then, how's tomorrow?" I see him blush as he looks to the side, his head still tilted up towards me.

"Ye-yeah, th-that works," he stutters out, still not making eye contact with me.

"Great," I whisper and leave the kitchen, walking to my dorm.

As soon as I walk into my room, I close the door quickly and slowly slide down it, sitting down on my floor. How the actual fuck did I just do that? Dude, that was so cool of me, I'm lowkey proud of myself.

Fuck, I groan, I forgot to grab a snack. That thought was, quite literally, smacked out of my head as I'm thrusted forward as my door slams open.


I hear a laugh along with a "shit, sorry, dude. Why were you up against your door anyway? It was like you were asking for pain."

I glare up at Kirishima, "Well, maybe because I wasn't expecting for you to barge into my room unannounced, the fuck you want anyway? Besides to abuse your best friend?"

"Not that I want anything more than that, I also wanted to see if you wanted to do something, I'm bored and I really don't want to listen to Kaminari and Bakugo any longer, they've gotten louder than my headphones at this point."

"Oh shit, I forgot your dorms are right next to each other. Not that I don't wanna hang out but is Todoroki too busy or something?"

"Him and Midobro are gossiping about something, we were hanging out in his room when Midoriya suddenly barged in, visibly flustered and they kicked me out so Mido could rant," he explained, making me smile.

"What's with that face? Why do you look like that, it's creeping me out, dude." I laugh as he suspiciously narrows his eyes.

"First of all, dude, it's just my face and second, I may be the cause of him being flustered."

"And how the fuck did you make him flustered?"

"Rude, but I might have slightly caressed his face and flirted with him a bit."

Kirishima just slowly blinks at me, "you, what?"


"Yeah, I know what you said, how did you manage to do that when you get a nosebleed when you guys make eye-contact for more than a second?"

"Dude, I don't know, all I know is that I seemed super cool and might have made him blush and stutter a bit."

"I don't know how you did it but I'm proud of you, man, get some I guess."

"wha- "get some" what the fuck-" I started to push the red head out of his room, "get out of my room."

"Why- dude, stop I wanted to hang out- stop pushing!"

"No, get out, out, out out!"

"Ow, stop- fine fine, I get it, I'll leave but I'll be back," he glares at me as he stops resisting and finally leaves my room as I slam the door in his face. I hear him say something like, "talk about rude," before he stomps off, most likely to his next victim's room.

I let out a heavy sigh before turning around to get changed. I pull out a pair of shorts and a white shirt that's cropped just above my belly button. What? It's comfortable.

I slide into bed after I turn off the lights, putting my phone on the charger. I should probably find out when Midoriya would be able to come over to tutor me.


Hey, Midobro

Oh hey Sero!

Did you need something?


Not necessarily, I was just wondering when you think would be best to come over to tutor me. Unless you wanna go to your dorm or wherever, doesn't really matter to me!

Oh! We should be getting the results back within the next couple days so probably the day we do get the results so that we know where to start! And I'm ok with going to your dorm, the more comfortable you are in your environment helps you study!


Ok, sounds good! Talk to you later?

Of course! You can come to me for anything, anytime!

Midoriya's coming to my dorm. MY dorm. Cool, yes, very cool. Ew, don't be weird Hanta. I cringe at myself as I've made myself uncomfortable with my own thoughts.

It's now Friday, the day we get our results back. Obviously, my expectations are low, very low.

Mic hands out our results at the end of class so we have to wait until then.

16%, yep seems about right, even a bit higher than I thought. Well, at least Midoriya is coming over today, so that's something, I guess.

I lean over to Kirishima who sits right next to me, "what'd you get?"

"86% I thought I did better than that but it's passing so," he shrugs, "what about you?"


He looks at me shocked, "a 16-, damn, I thought you wanted help from Mido as a way to get with him, no, you actually need the help-"

"Thanks," I roll my eyes and sit in my seat correctly, some best friend of mine, damn.

I flinched a little when I heard a quiet "psst," from the other side of me, where Midoriya sits.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" he whispers, "what did you get?"

"16%, you?"

"a 16- I, I mean I got a 98.6% but that doesn't matter, I definitely can come over today to help you if you still-"

I interrupted him as I realized what he was getting at, "Yeah, I can still really use your help, it'd be great to actually understand some things for once, I owe you big time!"

"Oh, you don't owe me anything! I volunteered so I don't expect anything from you except for better grades! But of course, If I'm not able to teach you the way you need then that also isn't your fault, and it might take time to find out the best way for you to retain information!"

"You're already planning my downfall, damn, Midoriya, I didn't take you as that kind of person-"

"No no, I wasn't-"

"Relax, I'm just messing with you, I do really appreciate your help in any way."

"Of course, I wouldn't be much of a good friend if I didn't help my friends when I can."

"You are a really good friend, and I'm positive I'm not the only one who thinks so. Anyway, when do you wanna come over, any time is good for me."

"Maybe around 4:30? I wanna settle down and rest a bit after class."

"Yeah, sound good, see you then," we finish our conversation right as we're told that class is over, and we can head back to our dorms for the weekend.

It's now 4:15 and Mido should be here soon, I won't lie, I am very nervous. I don't really know why though. It's just a small study session with the person I have a massive crush on but it's not like it's a date.

Fuck. What if he realizes how dumb I actually am and hates me? No, no, he's not like that, that's actually one of the reasons I like him. But still-

My self-deprecation comes to a halt as I hear three knocks on my door and a small, "Hey, It's Midoriya."


I quickly walk over to the door and open it, stepping aside, "come in, I have all my books and notes in order of what I struggle most with. I figured it'd be easier to just sit on the floor, if that's ok."

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine! and how organized of you!"

"Thanks, I try," I joke, making him let out an adorable giggle. He's so cute, I don't know how I'll make it through this session without dying or professing my love for him in the worst way possible.

We sat down on the pillows I laid out and got started.

At first, we were sitting across from each other but at some point Mido had scooted over so that he was right next to me because, "it'll be easier to point things out to you if it's not upside down."

Obviously, I didn't mind at all, especially when we were so close that our thighs were touching.

After about an hour and a half I started to not give a single shit about what the fuck he was trying to teach me.

I worked up the courage and slowly slid my hand across his thigh, just to see how he would react, of course.

I see him freeze for a few seconds before going back to explaining, stuttering a few times.

I started to gently caress his inner thigh, mostly to do something with my hands, his reactions were just a bonus. After a while I feel his shorts shift a bit.

I look over to him as his face goes beet red. He quickly moves away from me, using his pillow to cover his lap.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No, no it's fine, um I-" he couldn't finish his sentence and went silent, looking down.

After a few minutes he spoke again, "I should go-"

"Or-" I interrupted.


"You could stay, and I could help you with the problem I created-"

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"I know, I....want to, like, I really want to!"

"Um...ok, yeah, um-" he paused, "I don't know what to do though-"

"That's fine! I can do everything, I am perfectly ok with that, as long as you are, of course?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok with it, I just might be a bit awkward, I've never done anything like that."

I give him a small smile, whatever we do, I'll be his first. That thought gives me immense joy.

"I've done some things but not much, so I also might be a bit awkward, but I don't mind if it's with you."

"Ok," he whispers and gives me a smile.

I slowly led him to my bed, laying him down.

"Do you wanna take off your pants or do you want me to?"

"I-I can bu-but um, could we make our way um, there, slower, like, could we kiss first? If-if you don't want to that's fine too- I know that might be seen as a bit more "intimate" so if you don't want to-"

"No, no, we can, I'm more than ok with that, I just want you to be comfortable, and-" I stop myself before I admit something that I don't know if I should yet.

"And?" He pushes.

I might as well, I guess. "I... um...uh- like you, like, I really like you. Of course, if you don't feel that way, we can let this not mean anything, I just thought you should know that I don't care how intimate this could get, I'll take anything you'll give me, honestly. Saying that out loud made me realize how cringy that is but it's the truth."

My eyes widen as I notice a few tears falling down his red cheeks. "Wait, I didn't mean to make you cry-" I rush to wipe his tears with my thumbs as I start to hold his face.

"No...no I'm just emotional because I didn't think anyone could like someone like me, especially you. I've liked you for so long and I never thought someone as cool as you could ever like me back."

I smile softly at him and bring him in for a slow kiss. I try to put all of my feelings for him into this small but passionate kiss. I need him to realize how precious he is and how much I like him.

We start to get the hang of it, and he realizes what to do, or at least that's what it feels like. We start to go a bit faster; the kiss starts heating up, working us both up more.

I begin to lead my lips down from his mouth towards his neck, looking up to let him know to take off his shirt now. He does and lets me continue my kisses down his chest, slightly sucking on his skin, making him let out small moans.

"Are you ready to take off your pants?" My question made him blush and look away.

He nods, "Yeah, but can you take off your clothes too?"

"Of course!" I start to take off my shirt and sweatpants and he takes off his shorts, leaving me in my boxers and him completely bare.

"No underwear?" I tease him, making him cover his face, his legs curling into himself.

"All of my boxers would stick out from underneath these shorts and they'd be uncomfortable, shut up!" I laugh and take his hands away from his face, pecking his lips once before looking at him.

"Be quiet, can we continue, please?"

"Whatever you say, Sunshine." He rolls his eyes, clearly rejecting the nickname.

I smirk at him and go back to kissing his chest, moving down to his v-line till I finally reach what I could tell he was waiting for.

I start by licking his tip slowly, moving down his shaft before going back up. His small moans encourage me.

I take his entire length down my throat, obviously surprising him, going off of the suddenly loud gasp and moan, which causes him to quickly cover his mouth.

I suck him slowly, working him up, making him eager for more. Which, I could tell was working when I heard a small, "S-Sero~"


"M-more, please~" he whines a bit.

"More? More what?"

"Do not teacher me!"

"I-I'm not! I just don't know what you want from me!"

He laughs but continues, "I want um your um..." he pauses and lowers his voice, "fingers...If you're ok with that!"

"You want me to finger you?" I smirk.

He cringes, "It's gross when you say it like that but y-yeah."

"I can definitely do that, have you ever done it yourself? Cause if not it'll hurt."

He blushes, giving away his answer immediately, "Uh, yeah, I have." His answer made me work harder than before, the images of him doing that will definitely be put into good use later....

"Ok," I smirk at him, "here, suck on my fingers to get them wet and slobbery, I usually would have lube, but I ran out a few days ago so-"

"It's ok, I don't mind, I've never used lube anyways cause I'm always too embarrassed," he said before he gave a nervous laugh.

I put three of my fingers on his bottom lip, letting him suck on them when he's ready. He takes them into his mouth almost immediately, lapping on them and covering them in his saliva.

By the end of it there is spit and drool running down my fingers and I am thoroughly excited from his performance.

He lays back down and spreads his legs a bit more, letting me know he's ready.

I lower my hand down to his entrance and slowly put two fingers in, assuming that since he's done this to himself before that he could handle two already.

His moans that came out right after I did so tell me my assumption was correct.

I move myself so that I am leaning on top of him. I'm holding myself up by my left forearm and left leg, leaning on my side so that I'm comfortably able to continue my hand's movement.

Once in that position I lean down to start kissing Midoriya again, which he eagerly returns.

I groan as I feel his hand wrap itself around my dick. He began to spread my precum with his hand, slicking my member up, making it easier for him to stroke.

I add another finger into his hole, causing him to moan into my mouth.

I started to speed up my fingers, curling them to hit just the right spots. He also starts to speed up his hand to match my rhythm, getting me closer to orgasm.

"S-Sero~ cl-close, faster please~"

"Yeah, me too."

We both went faster, knowing that we were just on the edge.

We hit our climaxes at the same time, I quickly grab the back of his head to muffle our finishing moans into each other's mouths.

I look down to notice that his cum was covering his stomach and that my cum was all over his hand, a little of it getting on my stomach as well.

I get the sudden urge to taste his cum, so I go down to lick it up from where it was on his stomach.

"Ew, you did not have to do that, we could've just gone to your bathroom, or used a tissue-"

"We could have but I wanted to taste you, and it wasn't "ew" so-"

"Whatever, wanna lick up the cum in my hand?"

"Fuck no, I do not want my own cum in my mouth, just go wash your hands."

He rolls his eyes and gets up to go to the bathroom. As he's in there I get my clothes back on, after I get a tissue and wipe the cum off my stomach.

I also gather up his clothes and hand them to him as he walks out.

"Thanks," he smiles at me.

"No problem."

We kind of just stare at each other for a while before I decide to ask him the question I've been dying to ask.

"Hey, um, would you, I don't know, wanna maybe, be my boyfriend? Obviously, you can say no, I don't wanna pressure you or anything-" I'm cut off by him laughing.

"Of course, I'll be your boyfriend!"


"Duh, I assumed we would date after that anyways-"

"Oh, ok, great!"

"Well, it's really late, I should probably head back to my dorm now, but uh, I had fun. I'll help you study more as well."

"Yeah, I look forward to that."

He heads towards the door, opening it.

I quickly turn him around and grab his face, giving him a quick kiss, "goodnight, Mido."

"Night," and he left, closing the door behind him.

God, Kirishima is gonna be so proud, in the most annoying way possible.
