
June 23rd of 2016

Getting blackmailed was not fun. Yusuke sighed as he sat in homeroom texting the Phantoms. He was slightly mad that they didn't listen to him when he said to approach with caution, and now they could possibly get arrested if things went wrong. He glanced at the rain that poured outside, making a finger-frame at it. As he describes it, water is a way of life, the cycle stays the same and no matter what happens, it is always water. But for aesthetic purposes, he would describe it as tiny diamonds that fall from the heavenly sky.

For the whole day, his head was clouded with moodiness, his teachers did ask him what was wrong but he shook it off as he would say: "seems my mood dampens as the sight of rain pours through." Some teachers blinked at him with confusion and some laughed it off. He walked down the corridors with a blank face, only for it to brighten again when he saw Hanae, standing at the other end and admiring the school's garden from her position.

She noticed him coming and turned around, smiling and waving at him. Yusuke responded with a wave and walked closer. 

"The rain is getting worse isn't it? I had plans to go out to Kichijoji again...oh right! Where are you planning to live now? I don't know if there are any dorms available in Kosei High...I do have a vacant spot I guess but it might be a bit awkward." she said, putting her thumb under and other fingers on top of her chin, thinking of a solution.

"Is it awkward for me to be in the same room as you? I used to live with many other students in the shack. If you find it awkward I could put a curtain between our beds-"

"Sorry Yusuke, I don't think that's very comfortable for me...how about you ask first? I don't mind if you stayed a bit, but don't peek at me okay?"

"Of course Hanae."

The two made their way to the dormitory administrator and asked him about the arrangements. Turns out a student living in the dorm would leave the school soon, so Yusuke had to wait 2 weeks until he got a room. However the administrator looked at Yusuke funny when he said he would live with Hanae for awhile, in which she flinched and gently hit him on his shoulder. It took awhile for the administrator to slowly nod his head, but he gave a massive warning to Yusuke in case he did anything weird to Hanae, which wasn't anything special considering he was quite eccentric.

"July 7th...that's not too bad, but you better not try anything funny on me okay?"

"What is this funny thing you speak of?"

"....never mind, just don't tell my brother."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Kosei's dorms were quite decent, though the room was kind of small, the private washroom makes up for it, including a small food storage area. Hanae had to glance around to see if anyone was in the corridors before telling Yusuke to quickly enter her room. 

Yusuke trudged his luggage into her room, to be greeted with a faint tangerine fragrance. The curtains were earl grey coloured and there were two beds with blankets folded neatly on them. There was a wooden work table, but Hanae had decorated it with a fancy desk mirror, a CD player and a marble lamp. The wardrobe was a horizontal one, so on top Hanae placed a pin-board with polaroids and reminders, and next to it her medals and trophies.

"It's not much but, I hope it'll be better than the shack."

"It is...let's not dwell on that anymore then, I look forward to sharing this space with you."

"Um yes, make yourself at home then-"

Hanae laid on her stomach on her bed, which was the one next to the window, and played video-games on her phone as Yusuke unpacked. While she played, in the corner of her eye she saw massive objects coming out of his luggage. Turning to face him, she saw at least 3 canvases, lots of paint buckets, a box of paintbrushes and colour pencils, and then a box of clothes. Blinking worriedly, she placed her phone away and helped him out.

"How do you have so much stuff-"

"As an art student, this is merely nothing."


After a hour, the two plopped on their own beds and sighed with relief.

"Do you want to eat out?" Hanae asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Sure." Yusuke replied, staring at the ceiling.

"How about pasta?"

"Lead the way then, Hanae."
