Episode one:: " On the Dot"

    Everything was quiet other than the birds singing just outside the hot classroom, the stupid chairmen didn't want to put in air conditioner's for the class. It didn't bother me much since I had missions in hotter places. But it didn't mean that I liked washing my uniform every time it was dirty. Everyone was slient, waiting for our target.

My blue eyes wondered around as I kept my head bowed, they were readying themselves as was me, I wasn't aiming with a gun, no. I was aiming with a throwing knife that I craved out with the killing alien knife. I wasn't going to be as fast like the gun's or their bullets but if I were to aim right, i would most likely hit one tentacle or better yet his head.

Keep breathing, in and out. Just don't hit Nagisa. 

Even if the knifes or bullets were non-leathel for us humans, I didn't want to accidently throw the knife and it would bounce off Nagisa's head. He would hate me for sure, and probably stop being my friend. I liked being his friend. " Alright...ready!" With that, everyone had their guns pointed and ready towards the large yellow alien. I didn't stand up but then the shooting began as the teacher began roll call. It was loud with the firing so it was hard to hear at all.

He went down the names, every student responding to his call as I finally stood up as the gun's finally stopped, I threw the sharpen anti-alien knife at his yellow body as he called my name.

" Kurushimi?" The alien asked just as he caught the knife that was aimed at his head, barely touching his face by an inch, one more second to digging into his face. " My, this throw was a lot faster than the others today, try again next time." The teacher grins making me huff.

" Maybe if you stop catching it, I can finally kill you." I responded making him chuckle loudly just as he announced it was time for an lesson in English. Everyone groans as they did what he said, after putting their weapons today. My knife was handed back to me and I grumbled.

That was me, Mirai Kurushimi. Third-year, seventeen years old, and very good at knife combat while everything else could use work. Just gun's honestly but I could use some more work with fighting, but otherwise, perfect. I open my book and gazed Boredly ahead at the yellow octopus that was our sensei, he hasn't gave himself a name yet so Octopus-sensei was something we called him. He probably didn't mind.

" Isogai! which tentacle out of these four is the odd man out?" He asked as Isogai hesitated a bit before answering. " The blue one?"

" That's correct!" His face flashes a red color with a circle on it meaning correct. I ignored him as he began to explained everything about the whole blue tentacle. Something about noun's and whatever. He stared ahead blankly before staring at the blue haired male who seemed to be in deep thought too, Nagisa Shiota.

We've been friends since first year when we were both in D-Class, him and karma had the balls to befriend me. And I grew over time to care for them back, Nagisa more than Karma. People like Nagisa made me feel happy, he wasn't so bubbly and happy like Kayano or Nakamura and wasn't a brute or asshole like Karma and Terasaka. He was just him, so obvious and cute.

" Nakamura! What did I say about discharging you're weapon during a lecture! I certainly said not too!" The teacher scolded and my eyes widen seeing we were now in mathematics'. I daydreamed too long, again.

" I know.." Her voice dejected making me snickered and she shot a weak glare at me. " Back row, young lady! And think about what've you done." He scolded her as the blonde sighs before leaving to the back. Her attack wasn't calculated in time especially if he's teaching, and faced us. He would catch it the second it was five inches around him and he's more focused on the class when teaching.

'She was a newbie and probably doesn't think before she acts, she would have been killed on sight..' I thought as she passed me, I lean on my hand lazily as I stared at the bored while trying to understand this stupid subject, I may have purposely failed to end up in E-Class but math was really the only subject I had the real trouble with. I tried to jolt down the notes but the stupid octopus hurried and erased it before I could get them all down. ' I hate school.'

The bell rings and the teacher walked to the window and slides it open. " Lunch time ~ Excuse me while ill hop over to china for a quick little bite. You all have my cell-number, any killers that feel especially trigger happy today are welcome to hit me up." He leaves sending some gust of air at us and I grunted.

" Nagisa." I lean over and poked his shoulder a few times and his body turns towards me with a raised eyebrow. " Can I borrow some of your notes we did in math class? I fell behind on some of them." I asked, I could just do the notes for lunch.

" Sure, you've been daydreaming a lot this week. have you been feeling alright?" I blinked as I was asked that, was I okay? I barely sleep sometimes and even get too paranoid to even think of sleep. So no, I wasn't okay. " Mirai?" I shake my head a bit as I looked into Nagisa's concerned light blue pools. It reminded me of clean water on a hot summer day.

" I'm peachy, it's just this lesson is really boring." I said as Nagisa sighs and hands me the notes for the session. " Thank you." Nagisa nods before Turing back to his desk as I jolted the notes down, I listened to everyone's complaints of finally getting their grades up only now that it was the end of the world. They complained that it didn't matter now, that college was never an option for us, or well them. I had money, ton's of it. They never respected school anymore, they were doing this for the money, all of it. Not because they want to save humanity, they wanted to be rich. I was rich and had nothing else to do but kill time, literally kill.

I kept moving my hand to write the notes down quickly so I could eat for the last few minutes of class, and chat with Nagisa for a while. But I didn't notice him even leave the room.

3 Person||

" So, we know the octopus's face chances color depending what mood he's in. Have you've been keeping tract like I asked? Give me the speck's." Terasaka inquired as him and his friends kept their eyes on the blue haired boy. Weeks ago, he asked the blue-haired male to keep track on every action or changes amount their teacher for any weak spots and changes. It was strike time.

Nagisa nods as eyes wonder to the small notepad. " Right, for starters, green stripes means that he feels cocky, so that's something. When given a wrong answer he's face turns dark purple and when answered correctly it goes bright red. What's interested enough, after lunch without fail -" He is interrupted before he could finish his findings rudely.

" Blah, Blah. Whatever!" Terasaka scoffed before walking closer to Nagisa with a smug smile. " we got more than enough, when he's Guard is down, that's when we will make our move." He said as he held an anti-alien knife. " Or at least, you do." The plan simple, had a toy garnade with many anti-pelts stuffed into it with gun powered and a willing sacrificed. Willing sacrificed would walk to the teacher and boom, three people will be getting the billion dollars.

Nagisa freeze a bit before answering in a soft voice, " Yeah, about that....I.." he couldn't say Anything else as Terasaka
Leans into his face with a threating tone, "Don't start! We've been over this, while you're Guard-dog isn't around, worried about You're transcript?! Wake up dude, we're in three-E! Nobody expects us to be nothing but thugs and murders anyway!"

" You know what the E stands for, right? End of the line."

" Do you think they shuttle us up this mountain for the view? Sorry to burst you're bubble, but society don't want us." Terasaka pulled Nagisa closer to prove his point further. " Come on man, a lot of cash is instake here! One way ticket outta of the booties! No guts, no glory. Let this be You're moment to shine!" He said as he pulled out the toy holding it up for all to see. This would be their chance out. " Man up, make a name for yourself." He said before dropping it in Nagisa hand before walking away with his friends.

" Best of luck!"

Nagisa stared at the toy as mixed feelings stired up inside him for once. They were bouncing off the walls in him, hesitant and fear mostly corded through him Boldly. He didn't want to do this but parts of Terasaka's speech was right. This was a dead end for them, nobody wanted him. Well, Mirai did. And that the other thing, mirai would make an attempt on Terasaka's life without a care in the world. He was greatful for that, he would probably went insane if he faced the world without him. His mothers exceptions, The worlds exceptions,society's expectation. Everyone had something against him, even karma for a time but Mirai stayed. And he knew this little stunt he would pull would make mirai angered beyond belief.

Nagisa blinks back to reality when the teacher landed and wind blew up into his face and he looked at him, feeling shock that the teacher now had a missile in his grasp. " H-Hi sir, what's...what's with the missile?" Nagisa questioned as it was answered back happily.

" Just some souvenir from a strike force that tried to bring me down over the Sea of Japan."

" It must be lonely to spend You're time in the crosshairs..." Nagisa commented.

" Quite the opposite, actually. Reminds me,  on how amazing I am."  With that final comment, something clicks in Nagisa mind. Right in this mind of their teacher, he feels quite confident and cocky. This would be the most perfect and accurate time to strike him.

" Inside for fifth period please!" The teacher said walking beside him as Nagisa follows after but heavy-minded and heavy hearted. His gaze lowered.

Sure. He is a lot of things that are amazing, his confident, capable enough to make people stand up take notice even if they are trying to kill him. He reminds me so much of Mirai if he were to put effort in more than studying or cooking fantastic dishes. Their both over flowing with confidence, brains and in some way wishful on different terms. Their both things that I am not.. everything I will never be.. no matter how hard I try.. or how many chances I am given.. I will always be me... but now I see, that I can do this... I have an advantage now.. that's invisible to them.. especially to the teacher... and everyone else too...

Timeskip to sixth period

" Oki-doki! You're assignment this afternoon is to compose a short poem, the final line should read, " Was tentacles all along." The teacher explains as the students complained but Mirai whom stared at the teacher with the usual resting-bitch face but sighs.

" Excuse me sir? But really?" A female student questioned but the teacher was firm on the assignment.

" Yes really." He stated firmly. " you will be graded on creativity, grammar, and over all beauty on expression. Here an example."

" not the storms harden snow, the flowers moving on but sprouting there instead was tentacles all along."

" Yeah and that made perfect sense." Isogai said sarcastically.

" I couldn't have agreed more.." Mirai huffed as he looked at his notebook, he was thinking on how to add that stupid sentence into work but he looked at Nagisa figure in a worried sense. He just felt, blank. He didn't even say hi to him after lunch, he didn't know where he went but that made his mood feel down, he was sure of it,

" After completing you're poem, you may go home." With that, some complained but Mirai began writing but sighs erasing, and rewriting but it was heavily uncreative. He seemed to go at it and glanced up when Nagisa gotten up, but something seemed off, Mirai stared at his form as he took each step, he felt off....like something bad was about to happened. Every hair stood up and every step he took made Mirai's heart sped up slightly. It was a feeling of dread. I glanced at the teacher and noticed his face was flushed pink. Perhaps, Nagisa was going to assassinate him.

"Everyday after lunch, he gets sleepy. I can tell that he checks out when he's face turns pink. Kayano's question threw him off and seems distracted. All signs pointed to be the right moment. But the second I took my step, I could tell Mirai felt something off, I feel his darken gaze on my back. Like he was trying to analyze me..." Nagisa thought as he contained to walk forwards. " high school junkies manage to slip through the cracks ... it's what we do.. parents and teachers always try to apply ourselves... Apply ourselves ..

Nagisa was close enough and he jolted the knife forwards but it was caught easily by the teacher who had a napkin while holding the blade. He was close but too slow. 

" What did I say about thinking outside the box?" The teacher began to chide but it was stopped as Nagisa goes forwards to hug him, something kinda inappropriate until some students notice something slip out of nagisa's vest making some gasp but another's eyes widen.

It was a grenade, real or fake.

 Once activated, millions of pellets went flying around the room. Students screamed in horror and covered themselves in hopes of not getting any lodged into themselves. Grey smoke covered the room so they wouldn't know if their blue-haired classmate survived or not.

" YEAH!!"

" we did it!"

" Yeah, we're going to be rich!"

Terasaka and his two other friends cheered as they walked to the front joyfully as other worried for their friend that probably died in the explosion. Once up there, classmates began scolding and hurling hurtful words at the duo who made nagisa their sacrifice. 

" Never saw it coming huh? a suicide bomber?" Terasaka asked at the left over teacher from the bombing. 

" Terasaka!" Kayano began but Mirai finished it, the dark haired student strided forwards pulling up Terasaka's button shirt, it being heavily clenched in Mirari's hands. " Hey, let off man! Nagisa wanted this!" Terasaka yelps as he barely touched the floor now with his feet. 

" You're lying, you manipulated him!" Mirai snapped as the two others cowered a bit. Mirai was a monster on his own. "You piece of scum, how could you treat another human so poorly!" Mirai hissed out, as the ringleader gulps loudly. 
" I should kill you! Because of you, Nagisa is gone!"

" On the concretely, Nagisa is perfectly fine." Everyone looked up to hear their teachers voice, and gasped as the teacher was not his cheerful yellow self. But very dark, something you would see under the bed or in horror movies. In this shock, Mirai let the bully go and looked at him with widen eyes. " On the floor there is my husk, I shed it every month and I used it to protect your classmate." 

   Mirai glanced to the floor and see Nagisa's still body, safe and sound. Going on his knees, Mirai goes opening the see through husk as Nagisa finally gets up from his shock. Wordlessly, Mirai hugs him, his arms around him and held tightly. His chin on his shoulder and hugged him, Nagisa didn't stop him either.

" i'm going out on a limb here, and assume you didn't see this coming. Terasaka, Yoshida, Muramutsu.." He hissed every name as his face began to get angry and harsher. " This was you're doing? Wasn't it?!"

The trio try to blame it on the victim but the teacher was out and back within seconds and Mirai let his friend go as the teacher came back with nameplates on the houses. He's was in them like the rest but he knew no one was home so this was a dry threat to him, but he also had Nagisa's and knew his mother was the one waiting for her son at home. He stared at them as the words were still leaving his lips.

" So here's the deal, the agreement I had with you're government forbids me from harming you but there's nothing stopping me from harming you're family. If you ever pull another irresponsible stunt like that, ever again....I'll decently harm someone else."

" Friend's, family, everyone else in the world if I feel like it.."  At this point of the speech, or threat, Mirai had Nagisa behind him but knew he wouldn't be strong to even protect him. He was an assassin, but this guy was in some other level.

" Ye-eah, so what! Who cares about the moon, we have rights! We were only protecting ourselves!" Terasaka said bravely as the intense atmosphere gone with it's intent to kill. It was back to the same old happy yellow face.

" Of course! I know that, I'm not calling you irresponsible for trying to kill me." The teacher said as his face glow red. " No, No, No. In fact, Nagisa here, gets full points for technique. He's composure was simply outstanding, however, none of you cared that he was or could have been injured! Not at all!" Teacher corrected while petting Nagisa's head as a reward.

" Even for nagisa, it seems." He started off, " Students with that attitude, aren't fit to assassinate me or anyone! You must think you are worthy to do it, in yourselves, in eachother. All of you are the more of the some of your parts!"

Mirai stared at him and looked away but thought over it, he never worked with a team. A team, he worked as a lone wolf at the agency... But this work...and his words...they were strong.. as together to beat this monster teacher but as a single group, we are weakened and taken out easily. He should probably Collab with other students but on the other hand, he seems better by himself with nagisa's notes. Speaking of..

" You're an idiot." He snapped at Nagisa looking over at the bluenette with narrow eyes that flowed with hurt, worry, relief and among all else anger. " You're such a fucking idiot, it hurts." He snapped as he stood up and grasped his things and speed towards the door and was stopped by the teachers voice.

" Mirai, where do you think you're going without giving me your a-" He stops as the notebook was thrown at him and the teacher chirps. " Goodbye!"

classmates watched him leave and some flinched when the door slammed shut. 

"I knew he would react to this..badly.."   Nagisa mentally sighs as he plops into his seat with a heavy heart.
