Left Eye, Right Eye and a Train Ride !




She had left for a short time to get some candy. Thankfully their was a candy store in the school. She had bought half of the stores candy for a cheap price. 'Do you need any help miss ?' the man asked. The candy bags were taller than her. 'No, I'm fine,' she said as she carried her bags like they were only a pound.

After storing her candy she skipped to the room were the three were. When she got back, Rene was missing some clothes and trying to put out some flames. The two were talking about taking Rin on a mission.

True Cross Campus Town

Northern True Cross District  5

Low Income Housing Area

Wow, I had no idea Memphisto-ya had a town in his school, Rene thought. It was hot, a little to much for her preference but it did not bother her much as it did the humans. Sucking on her lollipop she stopped when she heard of the Left Eye of the Impure King was stolen.

Hmm, that guys eye got stolen. Can't be good, she thought. Sucking on her candy she listened to the worried middle aged man. That kid must be pretty dumb, she thought as she heard of the wandering kid who was used as a shield and came into contact with the miasma.

As the mother came up worried Rin said the usual of his idiot thoughts about the kid will be fine. Sighing she flicked him which sent him a few feet away. She had been holding back. Yukio however gave her the facts bluntly. Unaffected she stated her mind,'Your kid was warned and did not listen.'

Following the Rin and the exorcist in hazard suits, it would not bother her the miasma. Rin was fine as well Yukio had noticed them, sucking on her candy she skipped ahead. When the masked person was in sight she saw the boy. His upper body was covered in the face bubbles. Jumping up she sat on a building as the masked person was shot at.

Turns out the eye was fake. A decoy, smart move, she thought. The middle aged man attacked Yukio, she saw signs that he had become a demon. Ears, check, horns, check, tail, check.

Rin grabbed the kid and ran. He ended up using his flames but stopped when the kid cried out. The boils began to multiply. 'Rin, if you could, you could just burn the boils,' she thought out loud. Yukio came and started to put needles on them, he started to tremble.

Irritated she grabbed the needles and placed them on the boils but Yukio stabbed his arm with one of them and finnished what he left off. As the mom took her kid Memphisto-ya appeared.

In one hand a icy snack. 'Excellent work~' Unaffected she brought out her own frozen treat and took a bite. 'My,my we soundly lost. apparently this incident was merely a plot to distract us~'

'The genuine 'Left Eye' has been stolen~'

As Memphisto bit into his frozen treat he spoke of the 'Right Eye'  and how they were experiencing trouble. The demon grinned as he ate his candy. Grinning herself she bite into her candy as Rin yelled he was going surpass his brother. Memphisto-ya, you really have some interesting brothers~, she thought.

Memphisto got the other exwires to go on the expedition.

Sitting in a nearby tree she could hear Rin training. Flipping her book about Kyoto, she was researching about it since they would be going their soon. Shura was informing Rin that they would be going. Kuro too, since she heard him saying that he was going.

In the morning, she had packed some of her things. In common clothes now she saw that Shura did look like she was going to puke. Memphisto-ya or pink poka dots had forced her to come. Flipping through her book she ignored the exorcist in the cart and followed Rin. 'I'll admit, this will not be boring,' she remarked as she still looked at her travel book.

As Rin looked at his book she noticed Shiemi looking at Rin. She cut her hair, Rene thought as she looked eye to eye at the girl and glared. Ami was sitting on her lap sleeping. As Rin noticed her and greeted she looked at the halfling. 'Don't pay attention to the human Rin,' Not bothered at looking at her as she made her remark she leaned back and continued her reading.

As the three boys talked amoungst themselves like Rin was not even their she was sick of it. Getting up she turned around and looked at the three. Wings out, she hissed like a cat. 'Shut up! I can't stand you ungrateful humans! he is half human. Why do I even bother ? you humans stereotype and do not bother to understand what you don't know !'

Huffing she glared at the frightened three and folded her wing and sat back.

Izumo appeared to feel the same as her self and sat with them. 'Good morning Izumo,' she greeted naturally. Rin however was surprised.

Ignoring the talk of the Impure King Rene continued to read. Rin and Izumo conversed about why she was not afraid of him. 'Its true Rin, their are those who are descended from demons, to some they are not seen as demons,' Rene informed as she finished her book and began to fish for a new one.

As Izumo spoke how she hated cowards. 'Who say things 'Like I'll defeat Satan' or that we're 'friends' when all they know is to run away at the most critical of times... After sprouting some pretty words!'

Suguru/Bon got up and yelled. Looking at the girl now she said,'Izumo, you have my respect and you are very wise.'

Shura had woken up and tried to give out the the same punishment. 'No way,' Rene muttered as she jumped from her seat and got away from punishment. To much work for the human woman who wanted to sleep. When she left Rene appeared, Ami was ridding on her shoulder.

Ignoring on of the low level demon that was crushing Shiemi Rene continued to read. 'Hey, why don't you help ?' Suguru asked angrily. 'I don't help ungratefull humans, ask Rin. He's willing to help after all its been him that has been saving you all.'

Rin went to help pick up the demon but could not so he used his flames to burn it at high heat. 'Nice job Rin~' she remarked as she sucked on her candy. The blue flames did not harm the humans but Suguru over reacted and Rin in his surprise through the demon to a seat. Izumo called her demons and used a sacred wine to put the flames out.

As Suguru went on about the Blue Night she yelled,'Girls, Girls you are all pretty, don't go blaming your troubles on a innocent being.' Looking straight into the humans eyes she continued. 'Truethfully Satan was trying to find a body he could use to save his sons, they were not even born yet but both the twins and their mother were to be burnt at the stake. So shut up.'

Huffing she grabbed Rin and put him in his seat and sat down. Reading her own manga she let loose a intense angry feel so they all could know how pissed she was.

Once off the train they went on the bus. Petting Ami she sipped her ice tea.

When they reached their destination 'Bon' was greeted warmly.
