The meeting

3rd person POV

Rin was at a shop with his brother Yukio and he was to wait out side wail he grabbed a few supplies. Brianna was walking by when she saw Rin 'is that Yukio's brother' she thought and when she saw me walk towards a gate she remembered that that gate had a demon seal on it 'shot is he trying to get caught' she thought as she followed him she was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a black sports bra. She heard screaming and walk threw the gate to see what he did but by the time she got there everything was resolved.

Brianna's pov

'What just happened' I thought as I was trying to figure it out Yukio appears and looks at his brother I sigh I know I wasn't going to figure anything out I'm not that Smart. Yukio looks at me and smiled lightly "Hey Brianna when did you get here?" He asked "Just now I heard the scream and wanted to see what happened." I said I was kinda happy to see Yukio because I haven't seen him for like a year now. Rin looks at us Confused. 'Right I know who he is but he doesn't know me' that's when Yukio Realized that Rin didn't know me "Right Rin You two haven't met before this is Brianna she is an old friend of mine she is..." I elbowed him in the stomach and whispered to him " no one is supposed to know about know what." I then turn to Rin "it's nice to meet you Rin."  I said then I decided to turn and walk away. Yukio thought I was mad at him but in all honesty I was just really uncomfortable around Rin I mean how can I not be uncomfortable around the guy who i am destined to eventually kill.  I went to campus when the i heard headmaster "Y/n i need to talk to you." he said i turn around to look at him "what's up?" I asked " well you know how your dorm is just you and your sister Lizzy?" he asked "yes?" i said with a questioning look "Well we have another student with "special" abilities so he and his brother will be living in that dorm as well. "he said 'don't tell me..' "they aren't by any chance Rin and Yukio?" I asked him he nods smiles and leaves with put another word. this makes me cringe not just the fact that they're the spawn of the devil. I have to share a dorm with boys, this is going to be interesting.

Lizzy's POV 

I'm in my room in the dorms waiting for my sister to get home. She was later then usual. I heard the door of the dorms open and close so I leave my room to greet my sister only to find a couple of guys there. They look like twins what is going on 
