
                       -time skip-

(Sals POV)
"ugh!" I look at the tv that's now says game over "hahaha dude you suck" I give larry a death glare "chill bro I'm just playing" I see larry put down the controller "you hungry sal cause my mom gave me some money to buy pizza" I nod my head

       (30 minutes passed)

I hear a knock on the door "that must be the pizza" without any thinking I ran to the door, the delivery guy looks at me with a tired expression " thats gonna be 15 bucks" I finally realize that larry had the money "hold on I'm gonna got get the money" I close the door and ran into Larry's room before I could say anything.

(Larry's POV)

I'm going to cu-
Sal- I

I see the shorter boy grabs the money off the bean bag and walk out
